what are some companies that will be totally irrelevant in 10 years?
What are some companies that will be totally irrelevant in 10 years?
Facebook, Microsoft and Yahoo
We can only hope
This hopefully
Are you kidding? 5 of those are the top 5 manufacturers and researchers in green energy like solar panels, wind farms and so on. Do you think that people will stop using electricity?
facebook has already proven what their true color is. i.e. a propaganda/psyops tool used by the rich to coerce the minds of the poor and feeble masses. just look at how strong an influence they had over american election, and how they continue to brainwash the dumb populace of the Philippines into believing their murdering, secret drug lord, dictator of a president is a saint who could do no wrong (despite openly bragging about raping women and murdering/framing political opponents)
>just look at how strong an influence they had over american election
to be fair that was before they uncovered hundreds of thousands being funneled into facebook profiles and ads from a russian agency 2bh
They'll be irrelevant in less than X years, mark my words.
I don't see how will Facebook become irrelevant in 10 years.
damage already done. and you can count on it happening again when it suits the rich.
>Windows becoming irrelevant
>Office becoming irrelevant
>Ignoring the prominence of Azure
>Ignoring Xbox
>Ignoring Surface
Microsoft is a billion dollar company with a billion stack of cash. They could make literally no money starting now and still survive for the next 10 years.
I though you were serious until that one.
Windows is on path of irrelevance
Xbox is already dead
Surface is a meme that doesn't sell
the "we're a good cloud and office company" is a good mark of irrelevance given the past stature of Microsoft
>prominence of azure
>ignoring surface
>ignore xbox
you mean the shit platform everyone is abandoning because of how cancer MS has become?
you mean failed console that place last in console war?
you mean failed tablet line no one gives a shit about (i.e. fake ipads)
learn to shit in a fucking toilet pajeet
I love how mad poorfags get at the fact Microsoft will be around for a very long time.
Microsoft is doing on Windows the same mistake IBM did on OS/2. If you can perfectly run Linux programs on Windows, why even develop for Windows?
Your post doesn't make any sense, it's the poorfags who depend on Microsoft the most, it's the de facto indian tech company now.
Yahoo is already irrelevant
It's still profitable. One thing they teach you in business school is to never let go of a product or service once it's reached 30% market-share and that's exactly where Xbox One is at.
Ramesh, here's a simple fact.
Free is cheaper than $120.
Poorfags love free shit.
Therefore, poorfags are mad Microsoft still exists and are charging $120 for "an OS that should be free".
This is why Android is more popular than Windows now too, because of all the dirt cheap phones you can just load up the nearest Raja-built rom and slap gapps on it. Face it Singhpreet, you're just another worthless poorfag.
Why would poorfags be mad they don't even make anything useful that u can't get for free
Maybe. Not in the next 10 years. Any games in development for any other OS? Or are we just switching to consoles all the sudden?
Xbox is doing fine. Not as well as MS hoped but it makes money and will be around for awhile, at least as a service if not a product
The Surface division made MS over a billion dollars in profit last year. Same with Xbox.
>pays $120 for OS
>license key not valid
Android is trash. So is iOS. HP really fucked up when they squandered the Palm acquisition. That was a good OS.
see this
most social media platforms
MS will still be relevant due to office, outlook exchange, server and gayms
linux will for ever remain on chinkpads that have no hardware or software support and 3rd world phones and shitty cobbled together servers.
Poorfags pirate windows and have done so for 2 decades now. So the OS is in fact, gratis.
could have sworn it was less, they should abandon home consoles now that all of gayming is in decline and just focus on PC gaymen, maybe buy out Valve or do a cross deal. MS was always shit at consumer grade software and harware.
Oh yeah! They will be a support company like the Sun was. Good luck surviving the next financial crisis.
>the Sun
lol but Sun has nowhere near the influence MS has. They have tons of patents as well. MS makes more off of Android than Google does.
I would not be surprised if, in 10 years, office/outlook/exchange/server/games were all spun off into their own companies as ms implodes itself from poos
You can already see the foot shooting happening. The departments of microsoft not being run by H1B's are going to try and break away, since they're actually successful.
>MS makes more off of Android than Google does.
Check your facts idiot. Every penny from adds and from store comes through google.
Huawei is the only company that don't pay any cent for ms ransom and literally untouchable and potentially will be the largest vendor.
This. environmental fags BTFO
It was oil companies who first figured out manmade climate change in the 1970s and already then companies like Shell (the biggest green enery company in the world) planned ahead because they assumed that people might react badly to oil when regular scientists figured this out. It was not as pessimistic as the oil companies assumed, but today they are the largest beneficiaries of "green energy". Buying wind farms and solar panels is just putting money in the pocket of big oil.
As much as everyone hates Microsoft thryre the only ones doing it right. They're not going anywhere. Apple will be half as rich as they are now if they don't turn stuff around.
Yahoo is ded. Facebook sees the writing on the walls and they're going to aquire a lot of companies, unfortunately they're not going anywhere they may not be in their current form but they'll still have much power.
Sony will probably aquire Nintendo. Xbox will be dead.
Something better(worse) will replace it.
Getting pressure from the cloud (AWS, Azure will reduce enterprise IT need for on-prem compute and networking equipment).
Getting pressure from white-boxes and low-priced networking gear such as from Huawei and Dell/EMC.
You start OP
They were irrelevant 10 years ago.
Indians are good programmers they are the best here at my workplace equal to the asians these are far better than those millenials who just did a 3 month bootcamp and call themselves programmers
Microsoft isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. They've successfully transitioned to the cloud and is the only major cloud provider other than AWS. On top of this, many enterprises and businesses depend on Microsoft. Microsoft offers a full range of cloud services ranging from IaaS (Azure), PaaS (.NET), and SaaS (Office 365, Skype). On top of this, Microsoft still has Windows OS tied to OEMs. Only if Microsoft could dominate consumer online (Bing/Outlook.com) and consumer mobile (Windows Phone). Microsoft isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. Google is a meme, advert company and will never break into enterprise because they're literally too autistic, they can't even do cloud correctly even though arguably they have the best cloud infrastructure for years. Unfortunately, the spergs at Google were too autistic to make any business sense of this, which is why Amazon is killing it in the cloud. In the business world, you need business smarts, only Microsoft and Amazon has this.
Which departments are not run by H1B?
government will break it up and it will fail
Everything that isn't Edge and Winblows 10, obviously.
Also think of how many people are dependent on Windows OS, when they took away the Start button in Win8, people were absolutely livid and couldn't live without Windows OS. As much as you may think how "outdated" Windows is, it's not going anywhere, and we're just talking about the consumer market here. People may hate on it, but they keep buying it because we all grew up with Windows, with the Start menu and button. Google's Chrome OS is a complete joke (again, Google is an advert company run by spergs who are too autistic to do anything that is successful business-wise).
Here's my prediction, as Google tries to break away from Android into its new "Fuschia" mobile OS, that is an opening for Microsoft to swoop in and retake the mobile market away from Android.
people forget facebook isnt just facebook the app
they own instagram and some other companies incl. oculus
they can just buy up any more relevant social networks as they come along
implying fuchsia wont run android apps
meant for
>Microsoft gone in 10 years
I remember when you neckbeards were saying the same shit back in 1998. They're diversified as fuck and aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
Literally who? Wasn't this a malware addon that got installed back in XP days?
>Sony will acquire Nintendo
Lel. Never gonna happen.
unironically google. facebook will take over google
Still has yet to make a single penny of profit
They already had to shut down Vine simply because they can't survive on their own