Yes, 20 years ago
Do us a favor and shove that grenade up your ass and pull the pin.
Worst of all worlds.
stop wanking to techmoan, cassette were never really good unless you fuck around with it for 15 hours.
there's nothing redeeming to them in 2017. they're an artefact of cheap consumerism
yes, my copy of art of war looks nowhere as nice
CrO2 sounds amazing. As good as CD and they don't scratch. Plus, I don't want Google spying on me every time I want to listen to a fucking song.
"I don't want Google spying on me every time I want to listen to a fucking song."
are you implying getting music on youtube.
Apple, Google App Store, and YouTube.
its your fucking fault if you cant get digital music without sucking some corporate dicks
pull the pin please
t. never listened to any non-garbage recording on non-garbage equipment
Are you implying that they are better than CDs in any way?
>Dipshits are still trying to pretend cassettes don't sound like hot garbage
The only non shit item is the megaphone
i think i have that same exact panasonic lying around somewhere in storage
is it actually worth something or am i being memed
Jesus Christ you're like a walking meme. Cassettes are only for meme music like vaporwave, stop watching Techmoan.
It's junk
Not at all.
If I pull that grenade's pin off, will it explode?
it would be extremely painful
Oh look, there's all the old shit I threw away for better things.
what is the disappearing spoon book about?