It's time

It's time for you to stop using Windows.

It's time for you to stop defending Microsofts evil, surveillence, tyranny and abuse.

It's time for you to stop to identify yourself as Windows user and defending Microsofts evil like you would defend yourself.

It's time for you to stop thinking of Windows as the Normal OS for Normal People. A normal OS shouldn't abuse the uers. A normal OS shouldn't spy on the users. Users of a normal OS shouldn't fear more abuse and more surveillence when upgrading their OS to a newer version. A normal OS shouldn't inject spyware within security updates. Users of a normal OS shouldn't fear updates at all.

It's time for you to feel secure when using your computer.

It's time for you to feel good when using your computer.

It's time for you to switch to GNU/Linux.

I like muh games

Microsoft CTR shills incoming 3...2...1...

Use a virtual machine!

It's time for you to stop telling other people what to do


No, I left Linux because of all the fiddling. I'm not fiddling with GPU passthrough

hahahah no.

We need more threads like this.
>all these daily "why arent you using the superior os (win 10)" threads.

>about to cross the street
>"user! Watch out, a car is coming!"

Why not dualboot?
1 OS as gaymen console
1 OS for everything else
- no fiddeling
- bes of both worlds

I did for a few months and even with an SSD, it gets old

lmao nerd Idon't care

>I'm too reatarded to dualboot.

I actually booted up linux for the first time last night

I'm experimenting with xubuntu and linux mint. I think i like mint more so far. I'm completely handicapped without a gui so it'll be awhile, if ever, that I try a different distro.

So far its been pretty interesting. I'm having a hard time getting at shared folders and assorted other hiccoughs though.

Highly recommend doing this to anyone who hasn't before - the experience was worth it even if I dont do much further with it. When I go back to school in a year I'll definitely be putting Linux on whatever shit laptop i get.

Implying that its equivalent

Linux is just the kernel (you may run it already if you use Android).

>all the fiddling
>implying w10 isn't full of gimmicks and fuckups
Of course if you fucked yourself with nvidia card, then enjoy your prison.

Excuses are like assholes. Everyone has one.

>I'm not fiddling
Instead you spend all your time with reading on registry keys only to find out that the next update resets them, installing some random "windows de-botnet tool" which actually installs even more botnet and pretend that Windows just works when it restarts while youre gaming or do important work.

And it's time for your worthless system to get proper developer support

They are in.

We have a whole world of developers keeping an eye on the code, how many does nonfree software have?

>about to cross the street
>"Why are you telling me to cross-dress? That's not at all what I want to do."


mingw-w64: full support for (almost?) every version of NT (with minor patches).
pretty good combo.
also, bsd >> linux

omg just where to begin...
I was using Ubuntu for 2 years and in the mean time I installed it on my gf's comp and my sister's comp and on my gf's comp it was fine for a couple of months then suddenly wifi stopped working for no reason. I was trying to configure it, then reinstall it then i even hired some indian guy to fix it for me and he said that without format he don't know what else to do. On my sister's comp there was problem with her laptop display all the fucking time, it just keeps blinking now or then. My Ubuntu was working fine for 2 years until it just starts to lag and then crashed for no good reason even when i had 8gb of ram and using firefox as default browser.and don't even get me started on things like editing pictures(i'm looking at you gimp) and more


Why would I switch to something objectively inferior for literally everything I do?

>pure, absolute, unadulterated evil
this isn't 1998

All distros pretty much are going to come with a gui installer and a desktop environment.
Xubuntu is a good choice for an older laptop.
For folder sharing try to find an ubuntu samba guide. Samba is what most people use for simple, windows-style sharing. If you don't have many files, obviously dropbox or google drive might be better options.

Good luck user. Linux isn't perfect for every use, but revitalizing an old machine is usually something linux can handle really well

>implying it's not 100 billion times worse today

lets get real for a moment. You install windows 10 in about 45 minutes and for most linuxes its about the same but remember. Biggest base linuxes are about 1 gigabytes or 2 while windows 10 can be more than 5 gigabytes of data. And what happens when you open them. On the linux there are about 2 functional buttons, 3 are nonfunctional and in those two buttons there are some pictures to play with. Maybe slide down or up. On windows though, you feel like a god. Its professional its fast, its all functional. You have a godlike user interface. The thing that the linux does not have. You have those two buttons in the linux, but you still search google for codes to write in terminal. Linux is free because its not worth a penny. Nobody would sell a paper without taking the money. Just not sure why people still buy android while windows phone does 10 times more. Trust me. When you work with windows you know some genius ground breaker dedicated himself to give you an operational os

>virtual machine
How exactly does a virtual machine make Windows respect your freedom?

Just finish the shitgames that binds you to winshit and start playing dota and other shit

t. person who never ran Linux and just copied the standard winshill copypasta

>You have a godlike user interface.
Yeah it even installs shitware for you without your permission and lets you know about products you need to buy, right in the start menu! Haven't had a White Castle micro-burger in a while? Windows will detect this and help you out by showing you ads for them.

And if that's not cool enough, it has two completely separate control panels, neither of which does everything the other one does.

Windows is for clueless boomers and faggots.

you're a fucking loser or you're making shit up just to shill for windows.

I'm using Windows 7, is pretty comfy but believe me i would be the very first person to switch to Linux if it was remotely usable for desktop, even without taking that into account it has terrible software support unless you're happy using terrible subpar alternatives that are only available for half the things you need

Instead of addressing proper issues most of the cancerous Linux community they're engaged in useless turf wars about made up problems evangelizing their own distro, to the point Linus moved on and left behind the idiological faggots that make a living out of it (Like Stallman) and then there is fuckers like Gentoodude that realize Linux for desktop is so fucking bad he rather use anything else

Hi Pajeet. Everything you just wrote is a demonstrable lie.

I used linux for 5 years and I realized I was limiting my software and game choices for no good reason. Having to compromise if you don't really have to is stupid.

its time for you to stop telling me what to do lol




Excellent argument, glad you proved all my points wrong

You sure got me, tumblr image poster


games and IE being the best web browser keep me sticking around.