How to make Sup Forums less shitty

How to make Sup Forums less shitty

Share your filters anons

All you're doing is letting them multiply because nobody will be there to tell cancer to fuck off and they'll think their shit is acceptable

I don't know but I'm adding *filter* right now to filter out all threads asking for filters because they're too stupid to use their own brain

if noone is there to tell them to fuck off then there is noone to bump their shit

These are mine with "i;boards:g;op:only" to the end of each, these are applied to subject, name, and op text fields.


# Generals

# Retarded / Cumsipper
/(every[- ]?day|daily) carry/
/(gaming|gayming) (desktop|pc|laptop|system|tablet)/
/(just|recently) (bought|ordered|purchased)/
/(kek|tek) syndicate/
/(small|stupid) questions thread/
/battle[- ]?stations?/
/Chink Shit General/
/Daily Programming Thread/
/Desktop (thread|thred|bread)/
/first pc build/
/for gaming/
/hom(e|o) ?scree(n|m)/
/m(ous|ic)es? (thread|bread)/
/Private Tracker General/
/should i (buy|upgrade)/
/smart[ -]?phone (thread|bread)/
/watch (thread|bread)/
/worth (buying|upgrading)/

Currently this causes
>36 hidden threads
Which I will not miss, especially the generals which are literally subreddits.

what's wrong with that? it's literally a containment thread and not a meme general

I just don't care about it, filtering means I don't have to keep scrolling past it.

>spotted the luddite
Pls get a trip so I can blacklist you.

my only filter

>what is sage

sage hasn't worked on Sup Forums for years.

I win, 64 filtered breads


/ever recover/i;boards:g
/find a flaw/i;boards:g
/mean by this/i;boards:g
/temple os/i;boards:g
/linus tech tips/i;boards:g


/why aren't you/i;boards:g
/defend this/i;boards:g
/should I get/i
/cock tribute/i
/cum tribute/i
/don't mind me/i;boards:g
/andy sixx/i
/suicide watch/i;boards:g
/what went wrong/i
/rate me/i
/even compete/i
/prove me wrong/i;boards:g
/should i buy/i;boards:g
/end game/i;boards:g
/is finished/i;boards:g
/what does Sup Forums think/i;boards:g
/pirates with torrents/i;boards:g
/red pill/i;boards:g
/Sup Forums/i
/blocks your path/i;boards:g
/name a better/i;boards:g
/hate thread/i
/this is what peak/i
/Linux is only free if your time is worthless/i;boards:g
/coffee lake/i;boards:g
/Let's hear those startup ideas/i;boards:g
/dust has settled/i;boards:g
/why use linux/i;boards:g

>ITT: Safe Space

I bet you losers use Lincucks.


name one genuinely good thing that has come out of technological "progression"

spotted the linux poorfag

Halo 2.

Don't understand how people tolerate browsing this shitty site without filters

What forums/boards do you guys use to get away from Sup Forumstards that just want to compare epeens and spout memes, and actually discuss the new technology?


I have better filters on my desktop

I don't want to filter and in fact I come here for the autism. it's funny to see the kind of basement religion shit that losers tell themselves and jerk each other off for almost 2 decades. All you need is one excuse and you can spend your entire life repeating it but Sup Forums produces the funniest excuses. Also it's entertaining because your average loser autist that does this had to turn down one of the most lucrative and highest paying careers in the world

>filters anti-trump posts

Hi SeƱor snowflake, how are you?

the only thing left after this is cryptic shitposting and offtopic

>filtering things you don't like
it's almost as if there was a website that was invented to allow people to mass-ignore things that hurt their precious sensibilities. if you figure out what it is, you should go back there

>hasn't filtered femanon
got a thing for trannies eh

>Filtering a dead board

>muh safespace

delid this
Delete this


Gets rid of most of the Sup Forumsedditors.

What's wrong with femanon?

Makes everything so much better.

>Share your filters anons- 31 posts and 5 image replies shown.
Since most of you have already added all the general filters, I'll add some images from mentally ill anons.


Sir, I agree Mr Pajeet.

How do I add these

install gent00

>proving my point

These are Godsend, user. Keep up the good work.

>specifying guh-knowme in all caps then throwing a case-insensitive flag
hello prakesh
>not commenting the hashes so you know what they are

/How to make \/g\/ less shitty Share your filters anons/i;boards:g

The issue I find with filtering (name|trip)fags is that you'll often get a conversation thread where the first post is hidden, and I'll be confused as to why and unhide the post only to find out that the quality of that post, while not amazing, is at least tolerable. And in filtering those people, I've effectively tricked myself into giving them more attention than I wanted to. A better thing to do is to just force "Anonymous" on everyone.

It hasn't? I thought it was simply that Sup Forums doesn't display if someone uses sage, anymore. Not that the purpose of sage was removed. Unless the purpose of sage was to announce that you saged the thread, in which case, yes, I guess sage doesn't work.

this is the only proper way

did this thread just save Sup Forums?

gib script pls

