I'll just leave this here

I'll just leave this here.

> tfw to poor too afford SMS for my iPhone

amerifats still use SMS instead of Whatsapp?

>Buy $50 cracked and used up iPhone 5c
>Whores think I'm rich because I'm not a green bubble

Is there a way to filter posts by image in 4chanX or similar userscripts?

I will leave this here, too.



>thinking psychology is more than marketing for pill factories

maybe if you're 15. literally any poorfag over 18 can walk into a best buy and finance an iPhone

Oh, and I have also noticed that similar posts have gone way up since iNotch X has been released. Compensating for something, iFriends?

It may not be a disorder, but it sure as hell is a bad personality trait.

Good. Now go hang yourself, pedo.

>all these poorfags ITT


>autists quoting social sciences
lol okay

calm down José

>scientific data doesn't matter because somebody I don't like told me about it
what did the poorfag nigger mean by this

>my superior phone also works as a repellent for shallow thots
Sounds like a win-win to me.

Americans are really fragmented when it comes to instant messengers, everyone has SMS though.

rajeesh i'm pretty sure you still have work to do at some sweatshop

that's not what i said, but i guess it kind of is quintessentially the sort of misreading i would expect of an autist.

Holy crap, I totally forgot about that. Thanks, user.


>t-that wasn't what I said!!
it actually was

anime website

>I have preconceived ideas that cannot be changed by facts
>Anyone who presents facts that are contrary to my opinion is an autist