You told me Chrome is botnet Sup Forums. Why you lied to me?

You told me Chrome is botnet Sup Forums. Why you lied to me?

Other urls found in this thread:

Darin seems like a trustworthy fella, installing Chrome as we speak and signing in.

They're an ad company. Spying on you and lying to you is literally what they do.

>we don't track you goy trust us





To be fair, the google security team is pretty damn amazing. I'd trust them much more than some inbred russians who release a "Debotneted" version of anything.

having transparency on how your data is used is not saying they are not spying you

Privacy from parties that don't pay for your info. Data is regularly sent to Google. On searches, update checks etc

He's right, though. Google doesn't spy on its users, they collect data from people who voluntarily contribute it by using their products and services.

Notice how he never says that you can disable tracking or data collection. Only that you can 'control it'

Chrome is less of a botnet than Windows 10

trust us goy, we wouldn't lie to you



>do you /SECRETLY/ spy on us?

The answer is no. Google is very upfront about it.

I went to school with mustafa lmao

Thread theme

Because they can and idiots like you will believe them.
Be sure to add "big hairy balls" to your shopping list.


Anyway... the important take away from the Chrome team's Reddit AMA is that Chrome for Android is never, ever going to get extensions.