What are some doomsday scenarios of the Equifax hacks? What if the data leak causes an epidemic of identity fraud?

What are some doomsday scenarios of the Equifax hacks? What if the data leak causes an epidemic of identity fraud?

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It will.
You don't get 143 million SSNs and credit histories and just decide not to sell them off.

Would this cause the government to scrap SSN and come up with a new method of identification?

I'm actually kinda hoping it was a state actor.
State actors aren't in it to make money from selling the personal data, so your risk of identity theft is lower.

My thoughts are that this was done by the same group of people that were behind the OPM (Office of Personnel Management) attack (like the Chinese).
They probably want to tie together security clearance information obtained from OPM and tie it that person's credit history.

People with financial trouble are more likely to sell state secrets.

But the a security clearance covers all everything that could possibly be useful in blackmailing, that includes credit history.

This would be the ideal scenario. In all likelihood, not happening. Better freeze your credit.

Right, but during the evaluation for the clearance they mostly only check if you're late on your payments.
If you're barely scraping by, but all of your bills are paid on time, you'll sail right through it.

These are probably the people that adversary states would target. They're vulnerable, but still off-the-radar.

>be you
>info leaked in equifax breach
>mexican mafia acquires list sometime in a year or so through 'muh darkweb'
>sells to mexican illegals
>they get a drivers license from some shitty state like montana who doesn't do proper verification
>they get into a car accident killing a person and flee the scene
>police hunt you down and arrest you

you now have an uphill battle fighting in court to prove that it was not you.

The culprit for the Equifax hack (and who know how many others):


Enter FaceID.

Maybe trump will announce a jubilee year and reset all the debt. Nah, he'd get JFK'd. We're fucked fellow gentiles.


Conservatives would never allow it. Some of them think national ID is the mark of the beast, big government, 1984, etc. Other conservatives don't want to have a free, universal, easy to get form of ID because then blacks and Hispanic citizens could easily vote. Much easier to suppress the vote when all forms of ID are optional or shitty.

Also, to anticipate one common but fallacious counter-argument. No, this does not presuppose minorities are inferior or too unintelligent to get some form of ID. They have a hard time because they are the ones being targeted. It would be possible, through slightly different means, to target white people just as effectively. One obvious example: reduce the number of DMVs in white neighborhoods or shorten their operating hours forcing people to take time off work.


>champions of voter ID laws
>against some new form of identification

Yeah naw. If anything this is just the perfect backdoor for Voter ID laws. Dems will shit a brick but they have a scared and confused populous that will likely get behind it.

>this is the average libcuck
CNN has you running scared kid

And dems would never allow it because it would make it impossible for any non-citizen to vote.
With how much information the US government has on its citizens a national ID would just be making use of what they have. It works in Europe.

So far my steps:

>sign up for equifax protection
>*please come back on the 12th
>on the 12th I signed up
>*please wait for log in info to be emailed
>now the 14th
>went to get my annual credit report
>got one report for Experian with no problems (thank god)
>trying to get other two reports
>*transunion can't provide you a report, being too busy because of the hack

I don't want to freeze my credit, so I'll just monitor for now.

Yeah conservatives want less people to vote. If anything they would embrace all sorts of IDs in order to whittle the voting population down to boomers and other old people.

>Some of them think national ID is the mark of the beast
Well hey, now they can wake up.
They can also wake up to the fact that paper cash is also needed to buy or sell anything, yet it's not screamed about as literally Satan.

>be registered democratic
>able to vote
>worried conservatives will have citizen only voter id
>lose ability to vote
Scared about DACA kid?

Nothing will change. Stolen identities are not in short supply as it is, and buyers are not going to suddenly decide to start buying more fulls now. A small minority will have credit cards taken out in their name maybe? Ultimately it wont affect their credit score or life.

There is no doomsday. Literally the only difference between this leak and normal every day stolen identities for sale is that the victim is average people and not just grandpa giving his info to Pajeet from the IRS calling on a google voice number.


>when conservatives destroy the education system and then call you racist for saying urban youths are uneducated

>when the education system was fine until the government took over in an effort to enact implement some grandiose plan to fix black people when in reality they simply have an average IQ which is one full standard deviation below that of white people

>when urban youths live in majorly democratic areas

>when dumber rural youth of all races live in totally republican areas

>when people are dumb enough to have governments

Imagine believing you're superior to another race but literally not being able to grok sociology 101. Crazy shit famalambam

There is already an epidemic of identity fraud. Thousands of reports are made daily to banks and credit agencies regarding illegitimate purchases and loans made with peoples information.

>not believing statistics

you're gonna be so mad when you find out IQ tests are in step with head calipers

>IQ tests don't matter because my niggers don't score high enough

No. Why should the government care if people get fucked over by the money? They help the money fuck people in most cases.

>phrenology doesn't matter because my niggers have certain bumps in certain areas

epic win

is this bait

>IQ denialist
at least we can all go home early

>18th century "medicine" I learned from my college professor proves niggers aren't subhuman

Blacks are genetically inferior, at least when comparing to Europeans and Asians that is definitely true. Europeans and Asians had to live through several ice ages which allowed only the most intelligent to survive but for Africans intelligence wasnt as necessary because they werent forced to hunt food such as those affected by the ice age. You couldnt become a good hunter with low intelligence. Neanderthal DNA and Denisovan DNA is found in the people of every single ancient civilization known to man but not found in Africans (apart from Northern) which never had any ancient civilizations. I suppose thats merely a coincidence, right?

Meant to say intellectually not genetically. All races evolved to survive best in their own habitat so that isnt true