Can Google go bankrupt?

Can Google go bankrupt?

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Only with our savior Adnauseam amirite boys xDDD


my nigga

Not in your lifetime


One wonders how long before all retailers - most of whom are notoriously strapped for revenues and profits courtesy of Amazon - and other "power users" of online advertising, do a similar back of the envelope analysis, and find that they, like RH, are getting a bang for only 2% of their buck? What will happen to online ad spending then? And what will happen to the online ad giants, if the vast majority of ad spending that justified their hundreds of bilions in market cap is exposed as "bloat"? As Friedman politely, yet sarcastically put it, "Googles market cap might go down"...

who is the beta on the right?

>tfw read C󠁔U󠁔C󠁔K󠁔E󠁔D 319 OF THE 343 ADS COLLECTED

>tfw Google gained your trust overtime as you were learning to use the internet and saw for yourself how their products and services were faster and more user-friendly than others
>tfw that trust turned into brand loyalty for a while until you started to see the shift of focus
>tfw you watched google focus on pleasing advertisers and adding gimmicks to their products instead of innovating
>tfw you will cheer their fall
Google forced their competitors to work harder to pull people in and now the alternatives are better than Google.

No. They government would bail them out because they need them to spy on people.

If all people on Earth collectively started using uBlock.

No. Alphabet receives government funding from your tax dollars, like how football games and hollywood movies do. Google will go bankrupt when America goes bankrupt. Not a moment sooner, maybe a decade later at most. Because the EU cannot last eight years without American support, and by then google will be obsolete and the governments of the world will have a hot new botnet search engine/social media meme for everyone to buy into.
Also dumb meme loving fucks that fell for the adnaus psyop will keep google running for much longer than it otherwise would.

What alternatives to be exact? Bing?


Install Adnauseam.

If the Skynet that Google is secretly working on with their quantum computers spreads and fucks every single google server up.

I've been using DuckDuckGo and there haven't been any problems for me, everything that I used Google for DuckDuckGo provides plus a bit of customizability and the promise of privacy.

Read the sticky, idiot. Also startpage is way better than duckduckjew.


>adnaus psyop
how stupid are you