YAGRT Yet Another Gmail Replacement Thread

I was going to go with Protonmail, but seeing as it's a cucked SJW memepot I'm still looking. The best option seems to be Kolab Now — open source, secure, offers a full import service, etc.
It's not dirt cheap but I think you get what you pay for.

Just to be sure, I checked their Twitter feed and found zero mentions of Trump or any politics, which is excellent. They seem to be focused exclusively on open source and security, which is what I want of people I pay to host my email service.

Can anyone give me a good reason not to go with Kolab Now?

Other urls found in this thread:



Thanks for the tip. What makes it stand out for you?

I know we'll make our own solution right guys?

I'll make the logo.

Who cares.

Cheap. Works with Exchange Server so setup on clients are a breeze and I can auto sync contacts, to do list, etc. Hosted in Germany. Can enable encryption on everything if you want and you keep the key.

I'll start hosting on my raspberry pi zero

Tried cock.li, so far so good except I can't see my mails now

you're the equivalent of your average twitter triggered user, trying to save the world from the evils of protonmail, because of some false information you want to believe

this place is truly a shithole

have you tried just not being a hateful piece of shit?



wrong direction

why doesn't anyone ever talk about openmailbox?

We already have one: cock.li

lemme guess, is down the road not across the street :^)

based protonmail

>Cock.li is owned and operated by Vincent Canfield . Anyone else claiming to be staff is lying and if you believe them you deserve anything that happens to you. I can be reached via E-mail or by phone at +-. This phone number reaches my cell phone and will wake me up, so please only call after 12AM UTC if the server is down.

I kekked, is this tru
edit: FUCK this stupid spam message

Is there any email provider that has this simple ToS?

1. You can use our email service for any purpose except for the following:
- Child Porn (anime loli is 1000% okay. We love kawaii animu lolis)
- Internet Marketing/Spamming (Listen, your products/services are shit and nobody will buy/use them. If you're planning to use our email service for spamming/internet marketing, please kill yourself. Nobody loves you, not even your own mother)

cock.li seriously

Why the fuck would they choose that name tho

It's mail with cocks you fucking faggot.

I wanna start a service like cock.li, but with a different name.

I was thinking of fucking.sx or masturbation.co.ck as the name.

they have alternative domains for the whole family

But if you ever want to access the site in public you'll still have to go to cock.li right?


The webmail login is nondescript. That said, I just use Thunderbird, since I have a few email accounts.

Zoho.eu with your own domain (can do it for free, except domain cost, and they give you up to 25 mailboxes for free).

looks good

there is also gandi.net which has free mailbox with a domain


RIP nigge.rs webpage.

what about lavabit now it's back up and running

>But if I was placed in the same position that my neutrality is analagous with support, I'm not sure what decision I would make.

>Use company's services
>Company doesn't like something about the way you're (potentially) using their services
>Decide to not let you use their services anymore

So, lemme get this straight. It's fine to allow private companies and individuals to control the means of their own production of wealth and income...unless it upsets you? You sound like a fucking SJW to me, faggot. Try being more moderate and -literally not giving a fuck-

>its another thread where Sup Forums complains that no one likes them
Glad that protonmail banned you. Hatespeech is not covered by free speech.

>A-and then
>A-a-and they said they didn't like me
>Why don't they like me, ma?
Fucking Sup Forums babies are officially worse than blue-haired lesbian feminists

Thanks for the bump ;)

>Hatespeech is not covered by free speech.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo

Protonmail banned a retard who posted about selling drugs on Reddit. The contents of your inbox are encrypted; even Protonmail's staff cannot read them. That was them covering their asses legally. Stop being autistic.

>hosted in Germany
Risky, don't you remember what they did to cock.li ? Their police raided and took all his hardware and their service was down. When it comes to internet freedoms Germany should be at the very bottom of your list. Romania is one of the best at the moment.

>Just to be sure, I checked their Twitter feed and found zero mentions of Trump or any politics, which is excellent.
No, it should be expected. SJWs are such fucking cry babies they can't keep their whining and moaning away from their main sources of income. It'll be their downfall, and I can't wait to see these SJW companies drowning in their own piss and shit while screaming "MUH PATRIARCHY"

Supreme court answers directly to trump who answers directly to Putin. Doesn't surprise me that they make a decision which undermines our free and open democracy.

>muh hate speech
Lel, protonmail shills defending fail sjw service that focuses more on thought policing of their paying customers, than actual emails. And does it via "private" twitter justice.

>use centralized private service
>get mad when they ban you for doing something stupid

what did u expect

Because he's right you nigger. If it's true that TDS claimed Cloudflare endorsed them I'd have done exactly what their CEO did, because they have no excuse to dirty you with their political shit.

They did, it was Sup Forumsapproved until the guy running it sold it off and the new management locked all external access (IMAP, SMTP...) for non paying users basically overnight and with no warning

>how dare you not use my service when I lie about my own principles and my support for you bad goy?

Host your own. ANYTHING else is botnet.

So I can post other peoples emails and make a thread making it seem like im a Nazi - drugdealer to get them banned?

>arresting people for saying offensive stuff isn't anti freedom
how, what next think offensive thoughts and get sent to prison

I don't use ProtonMail for being a Nazi so I don't care. Fuck Nazis and thank you protonmail for being mature enough to not give them a platform for open discussion.

There needs to be better tools for automating email self-hosting. It seems so simple, but there are all these "check that you do this", etc. Like, I just want to view some messages, why is there no 3 liner solution in bash or something.

jesus, wtf is wrong with this people, first no imap service and then they delete accounts just because someone posts an image... this company must be run by completely idiots