He doesn't use the browser optimized for his processor

>he doesn't use the browser optimized for his processor

A botnet optimized for the processor is a worse botnet.

Your processor is already botnet but I otherwise agree

Tugabrowser sucks
Brave is the real Android browser

How? How is it botnet?

sounds like a nigger named it

we Sup Forums only use what white people made browsers

>someone actually made a browser with Portuguese slang as the title

All Chromium fork are botnet, all of them

Some of the covert Google dial-back are covert and cannot be removed, all of them

Please avoid all chrom* browsers and their forks and everything else that uses blink


If a 1% performance increase means that much to you, why not go full gentooman and compile the CodeAurora Chromium fork yourself?

"tuga" means "sadness" in Croatian

>not using Sup Forumsentoo

We are you quoting?

lmao interesting fact slavE bro

>on your phone
Good luck.

sad! the browser

>not using custom open source hardware single-board-based platform with Sup Forumsentoo

I actually do compile Firefox for Android with flags optimizing for my phone's hardware :^)

Came here to post this.

># portmaster -d www/firefox

Someone challenged the dev of this shit to show his source code ie the modifications he's and he refused

Came to post this
But in Serbian

>Not using mozzarella firefox

>not using Indian Browser

>you are made of cells
>you ARE the botnet

see there are so few differences between you guys why not just get along.

Gets better score than chrome stable on browsermark. Looks like I found my new browser

Long live SERBIA~

Please, go away
Thank you