Does cpu running at 100 when everything seems fine mean the CPU is bad?

Does cpu running at 100 when everything seems fine mean the CPU is bad?
I've done a clean install of windows 10, cleaned the sink, fan, reapplied thermal paste, reseated the ram, reseated the gpu, turned the CPU fan up, increased draw, reset bios,, updated bios, updated drivers, disabled superfetch. CPU still hits 100, disk is hitting 100 too if I'm trying to play a game.

Cheap build, I might just replace it all when I get some money.
A6 5400k
8gb of ram
Rx 460
500w evga psu

have you reset the bios?

Yeah, I reset it first, then updated, then reset again. No good.
It happened all of a sudden too, one day it worked and the next it started fucking up.

Have you disabled superfetch, then re-enabled it?

100 degrees or 100 percent load

100% load, task manager, idle it's at like 70 and cpu and disk randomly spike

Yeah, did that with the windows search windows support told me to try too.

>CPU still hits 100, disk is hitting 100
You are doing something retarded or misreading something. Hard drive will never hit 100 under any circumstances.

Legit hits 100 when cpu does it, what retarded thing could I be doing?

Looking at load instead of temp?

Mine mechanical disk hits 100% usage when I'm installing things to it all the time what are you talking about?

If he is referring to the manager it would be usage not temp

I was talking about load, not temp. Temp is fine, around 40°c

I did several clean installs btw, two with boot from the pc settings, one from the windows tool on the PC, and then the last one I made on my laptop that has no issues to be sure it's not just my computer being retarded.

install gentoo

Did you check to see what process was using the CPU and hdd because the windows defender randomly kicks on and also downloading updates can do the same

Yeah, everything seems normal, if that were the problem would stop windows defender or the related process?
No updates though, I install all updates or make sure none are before I check.

become a grown up man and stop playing video games. throw your faggot gaming machine out of the window and buy a quiet ultrabook. get a job too.

But then I can't be a normie and play OW with my dumbass qt3.14 gf
If I do a new build i will install Gentoo tho and fuck around till it dies.

Yes sir :'(

listen now punk, this might be the most valuable lesson you get during your pathetic lifetime. stop playing and fucking watching others playing video games. it's degenerate and eat your mental health and capacity despite gaymers showing a retarded social science graduate study that gamers brain is 0.1% faster.

I've already ordered a tie off Amazon sir :'(

Recent install? It's usual for it to tax both the cpu and hdd when it's still indexing shit. Also check what process is eating resources, not the first time I've seen something like an antivirus do it.

>CPU can hit 100%
>despite that most people have their CPU on less than 40% because its the optimum


What's considered eating up? Mostly 0mbps for disk and 0 to 0.1 for cpu stuff

from what ive seen 100% disk usage just means that its spinning the shit out of your disk, doesn't necessarily mean that its using all possible io speed

That makes sense, the cpu is still a problem though right?

100 what? °F? %? MHz? Niggawats?
Posting like this, you'll get 3 completely different answers for 3 completely different guesses.

not sure, try booting into a linux live image and see if its still an issue

That's normal then, who gives a fuck, it's some wangblows background shit, probably indexing

100% usage is normal for a potato. 100°c is er disable indexing on os drive and disable page file or move it to another drive to reduce i/o load on hdd. OC the dick off that old garbage to try and reduce cpu load.

Definitely niggawatts, I ask my gf to pass me the duckdo and she says niggawatt
But she's black so yah, makes sense she doesn't know

Refer to Give it a couple days, it should stabilize. For instance, at my workplace our workstations start checking and rebuilding their backups anytime an unexpected shutdown happens. That taxes the cpu and hdd heavily, and yet the data flow is almost null at most times.

Oh, i did that to my duron, it was my first solo build so i guess i fucked up the thermal paste.

I do distinctly remember having bubbles on the plastic that must have formed from the heat.

I'll definitely give it a few days before I do anything else to it, thanks for the advice.

This is my first solo build too, that's why I went cheap.

Eth mining virus and burst hard drive mining virus obviously

>disable indexing and superfetch, it'll fix your temps
Am I being trolled or is it just nowadays' Sup Forums?

If it was eth mining the temps would be allot higher than 40 c

>sjw posters still here
fuck off back to

Disk hitting 100% load is common with disks that have legitimate problems, op should try a different disk