Terry has been found!


where is he?

absolutely disgusting

living in the mean streets of Las Vegas.

Is nu-Sup Forums really too incompetent to set up an IRC server, or even a fucking IRC channel? Christ.

>not using private browser tab and discord account created with 10 minute mail

i love having everyone be able to see my wan ip address


where can I get a temple os shirt?

>not using a hostmask
You're only proving my point

where da irc channel at tho

shit he looks rough

t. sasl-cloaklet

His parents really need to take him back. He's going to get arrested some day and his van will be impounded. I don't want Terry to become another street schizo.

how does a host mask prevent the IRC operator from seeing your ip address?


>tfw the discord fags got to Terry before the IRC fags
I think we can see the obvious superior platform

There's #templeos over at Rizon, but I don't know if it's official or anything

That's what TOR is for you stupid newfag!

>i love having everyone be able to see my wan ip address
>how does a host mask prevent the IRC operator from seeing your ip address?

Two different things here, and even then the second one can be prevented.


Terry already joined the Discord server a few months ago.

You're just as bad as the Youtubers who are unleashing all the CIA Niggers onto Terry.

the discord is actually really good. it's civil and free of fags

>still using multiplayer notepad in 2017

Just face it. IRC is obsolete.

Of course it's automatic.

Vegas streets are pretty easy, too bad I dont recognize the street I'd see if he's still there.

As imageboards, but who cares.

trump has done this to terry

ITT we write Terry's dad a letter

Dear Mr. Davis,

reddit gold

Please take him back home

you CIA nigger.

Or else I will hit you with a car

can i get a quick rundown on the incident?
he left his home? he leaves in van? he went full hobo?
he disappeared and now he back?

He wrote a fucking compiler.

About two weeks ago Terry got a drumset in the mail from some generous anons. After that, he went silent for a few weeks. A few days ago he posted a video saying he got kicked out after fighting with his dad (probably related to the drums). He bought a van to live in to avoid the elements. Someone on the /tosg/ discord took a trip to Vegas, and decided to see Terry and help him out while there.

Looks like things are speeding up, next it'll be every month.

Where does he bathe? Where does he go to toilet? What does he eat?

And he is a prodigy drummer

Couldn't he easily afford to rent an aparment on his SSI?

Unlike you, Mr Cuck for nigger dick

>tfw newfag
kill me please

>tfw eternal 2010 cancer

We're trending towards an inevitable meme singularity in the near future.

are you implying terry doesn't make rational decisions

Damn it this. I'm not posting unless it's an IRC

>Dem feels you're an original fag and didn't know it.

Tell him to use riot.

Terry mostly eats spaghetti.

dog raping

Terry, stop posting these fucking threads and off yourself already, you waste of genes.

If I was a badass crazy genius, I'd want to Iive in a van too.

It's not Terry who made the thread you asshat.

Yeah, alright, you schizo fucking nutbag. Fucking kill yourself.

You sound like a paranoid Vietnam vet with PTSD shitposting on Sup Forums

I'm sad for Terry.

It just hit me I've been here since 2008.
Holy fuck it's been 9 years.


How did you manage to find Terry and his van, OP?

Not OP found him. OP just stole the image.

In his latest video, Terry was parked in front of the Albertsons that is down the street from his parent's house.

Stole the image from where? It looks recent. He's there in his NEETvan.

templeOS discord

Wow, I'm an oldfag AND probably an original phoneposter. Feels bad on both counts.

And how did it get there? Terry must have uploaded it himself.

He's transforming into a monk


Wow that's really cool!

That's Rampart and Las Vegas Blvd. I'd know that light anywhere.

Oldfag should extend to 2009. If you've been on here 8 years, that's long enough. It was 2008 for me which is really sad now that I think how long I've been on here. Oh well, it's still the best forum around.

t. newfag

Person from the /tosg/ discod are you here? How was your meeting with Terry? Please tell us all about it.

This guys thinks he's so special he should be allowed to judge who gets to live and reproduce.

Sounds pretty arrogant desu senpai.

But uh...
Doesn't Terry think that too?

I feel sad for Terry... as a fellow schizo who has been in a bad state of mind and that "fight or flight" situation quite a few times.. and also sometimes had a rocky relationship with my parents as so many mentally ill people do.. if you don't have your family or some good friends to support you can get yourself in serious trouble when you're seriously mentally ill.. on the streets penniless or worse. I just hope his e-celebrity keeps him from the worst case scenario instead of his """fans""" just laughing and kicking him when he's down like the internet often does, especially Sup Forums...

>his """fans""" just laughing and kicking him when he's down
Terry's got plenty of legit "fans" (for lack of a better term) who actually give a shit about him, not just there for the memes.

A lot of anons have been kind to Terry so far. When we raised money to buy him a drumset, or like right now, that an user is hanging out with him in Vegas.

There are still some assholes out there, nonetheless.

I think Terry will be ok. Someone needs to get him some help or something though. Not sure what that entails, but this van thing isn't going to last very long.

Terry's not going to survive the summer in that van, especially given he's in Las Vegas. He already looks like a hot mess. Thankfully autumn is just beginning but he needs to start planning now.

He'll be fine as long as the Youtubers keep away from him. Saddest one I've seen was a turkroach software dev calling Terry's OS "a piece of shit operating system" and doing the "you totally shouldn't go troll this guy because if I told you to do it I'd get sued, but you should totally go troll this guy" thing.
What a fucking scumbag.

These are birth years right lmao
Joking aside I first visited Sup Forums in 2007
I first posted in 2011 and started hardcore wasting my life on it in the Reddit era. I'm a mobile poster (welcome to the cyberpunk age my friends). I got a few discord accounts and think it's stupid. I don't know how to code but I tried a few times and failed. I like to cross dress and I don't know how to set up Linux (it says it's installed but it didn't show anything but text *shrugs*)

>Saddest one I've seen was a turkroach software dev calling Terry's OS "a piece of shit operating system"
Link the video

what is he realy holding in his hand, is there a original picture ?

That is the original picture user. Someone visited him and have him that card.

>positive things in schizophrenia
who's salty cunt wrote this shit?
they dont know shit

I get really autistic about this topic because I like history and chronicle type stuff. So anyways, in my headcanon "oldfag" is everything up to Chanology in 2008, "newfag" is from then up until before the Occupy Wall Street protests popularized Reddit in September 2011, then the Reddit era from then until September 2014 when those celeb leaks happened, and the Normie era from then forward, because after those leaks Sup Forums's been on the news and attracting normies pretty much constantly.

As for my personal history with the site, I only got my own computer whose internet actually worked right before summer 2011, so I only got to experience the tail end of the newfag era before everything went to complete shit. Before that, I found out about the site in 2008, but until 2011 it was only the occasional lurk maybe once a year.

>t. illiterate

read the disclaimer retard :^)



Is terry operating that thing with mind powers?
Also, is that a Toshiba? Oh dear.

HP scectre, maybe

>He already looks like a hot mess.
Dude, he literally just woke up, give him a break. Terry knows what he's doing.

Point stands, poor guy bought a lemon. Maybe some Sup Forumsentooman ought to meet up with him and tell him how great the X220 is. I don't think he'd go for the T420 given the number's connection to marojoono

*that or a W520. The Quad-core models would be more than powerful enough for Terry's needs.

It was in an episode of pic related. I can't find which one specifically. Maybe somebody here can help.

this guy is going to end up one of those stereotypical crazy street bums isn't he? I wonder how many crazy street bums were actually geniuses that could have achieved great things if the wind was slightly different

those shots look as if some user was probably recording him

maybe a trap-coder

>tfw no late night snuggles with hobo terry