Pretty much the entire united states and some of canada and UK got fucked over by equifax.
Yet, you're all still afraid of Windows because "m-muh privacy" when all PC users use it.
Afraid of chrome because m-muh botnet.
You're all literally man children.

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you feel better about yourself now, you sperg?

Do you think we arent goddamned pissed about equifax too? This is the exact reason to avoid the botnet if anything. Equifax is just one aspect.

How do you know you weren't affected?



You're trying to make an argument, but it doesn't make sense.

>pretty much the entire united states
wtf? i didn't get affected lol.


They need to be gassed or publicly hanged. 30 years for Equifax management.


holy mother fuck

feels good to be a swedish citizen desu

>feels good to be a swedish citizen
Lmao sure

Are you implying Equifax in Sweden doesn't have shitty security too?

>Could be hit by a falling tree.
>Why even wear a seatbelt.
>Life is uncertain.
>Stop caring about anything.

>You cant be scared for cyber security of your country when you are in real life danger everyday.

I don't worry about what I can't control. That's a waste of time. What I CAN do is react to what happens, and help minimize the damage. Just because someone was stupid, and my SSN might be out in the wind, doesn't mean that I have to literally spread my asscheeks and let everybody know everything about me.

As a side note, I have reacted to the Equifax leak by monitoring my credit, and have an Initial Fraud Alert that I will be renewing every 90 days (yes, there is a timer to remind me).

>life danger everyday
Are you talking about america?

Windows is brainlet tier, and if you use Chrome, you deserve what will happen to you in the near future.

Last I checked America wasn't the rape capital of the West.

I talk about sweden.

Equifax leaks is a non-issue outside Burgerland because other countries aren't retarded enough to design a financial system where your entire life can be cloned only from a social security number, name and address.

This is how far your knowledge gets you if you get your info from Sup Forums, you just sound retarded outside of that board.

Yeah, it wouldn't matter if any European institutions leaked a shit ton of personal information, it's a non-issue.

Try again, dumbass.

>Last year, the Gatestone Institute named Sweden the “rape capital of the west”, based on data collected in 2010, which put it only behind Lesotho in southern Africa in terms of occurrence of rape.

>According to the Institute, the fact that “in 1975 the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the former homogenous Sweden into a multicultural county” was of relevance when discussing why the number of rapes had increased.

>It said: “Over the past 10 to 15 years, immigrants have mainly come [into Sweden] from Muslim countries such as Iraq, Syria and Somalia. Might this influx explain Sweden’s rape explosion?

>“It is difficult to give a precise answer, because Swedish law forbids registration based on people’s ancestry or religion.

>“One possible explanation is that, on average, people from the Middle East have a vastly different view of women and sex than Scandinavians have.

>“And despite the attempts by the Swedish establishment to convince that everyone setting foot on Swedish soil becomes exactly like those who have lived here for dozens of generations, facts point in an altogether different direction.”

hahahahaha le cuck
le you got cucked by windows haha xd cuck cuck cuck this thread is really related to technology cuck

Not OP, but you seem really triggered by that word

It would be on the news because of the embarrassment, stocks plummeting etc but it wouldn't make anyone vulnerable to fraud. The idea that you can take loans and file tax returns in other peoples' name with so little information in the US is a sign that something is very flawed with the way personal finances are handled over there.
btw im not bashing the us, i think you have the best guns and freedom laws but seriously, fix that system of yours that make it so easy to commit fraud and ruin someone's life.

You also forgot to mention that sweden and denmark are feminist friendly countries. Women report rape if you look at them wrong.

>only behind Lesotho in southern Africa
If this doesn't raise any suspicions then you should seriously consider checking yourself for downs

You're right. I should just take your word on it. So how many rapes actually happen in Sweden?

>You also forgot to mention that sweden and denmark are feminist friendly countries. Women report rape if you look at them wrong.
Like this isn't the case in the US.

Inb4 none.

I know that isn't the case.

Rapes have increased but saying that there is more rape in Sweden than some African country is ridiculous. In Africa, even if woman wanted to report an actual rape a lot of time there is no one to report to.

maybe a silver lining is that they will move away form using SS number as identifier

I'm more willing to believe the statistics of the country's rape and other crime exponentially increasing along with its migrant population. Especially when the same 'surprising' phenomenon can be observed in Germany and other European nations with influx of third worlders. Not to mention plenty of anecdotal evidence from my female colleagues.

Much, much more convincing than a sheltered swede who obfuscates reality with Sup Forums memes about women reporting 'rape if you look at them'.

Good thing I never actually claimed that the number of rapes equaled African rapes. Doesn't mean that Sweden isn't the rape capital of the West.

What's that?

>intro to chem
>basic calculus
>game of thrones
Sup kiddo. Better study for that exam coming up instead of coming to Sup Forums!

Game of thrones is 18+ only.

Sure, and watching porn is too.

It's illegal to watch porn if you're under 18 or 21 in some cases.

>"look at me getting fucked in the ass. why dont you get fucked in the ass too? m-muh heterosexualitys. You are all literally just man children if you cant take a dragon dildo up the butt"

God this board is full of retards. And no shit Africa's got more, that's why we shouldn't turn the West into it too. Ffs.

Burgers deserve it

in the last 15 years the laws which define rape have changed as well. say what you will but in sweeden you rape someone when you have consensual sex and didnt use a condom and the person decides afterwards that she wants to sue you.

Just like in the US.

>living in united states of freedom
>no healthcare
>government watches you shit
>denies war crimes
>torture in guantanamo
>doxes its citizens
wew lad

As long as you start off healthy and don't smoke, you can get health insurance dirt cheap here.

so if the screenshot you have is your pc, then you're using Chromium?

holy fuck this is cheap

>Sweden data leak 'a disaster', says PM
Yeah feels good

Plus and Complete plans comes with dental, vision, and prescriptions included in the costs (except the first annual membership fee is 10 dollars more - a one-time 10 dollar fee).

That's just the tip of the iceberg of cheap shit you can find in the US.

Literally cheaper than my employer provided plan.

So a standard plan would be 157$ a month? What's the proportion of taxes deducted from your salary? 20%? Because in my country healthcare is free but taxes are much higher than yours I think

Not everybody lives in your cuck countries

I pay 10€ for 50gigs 4G ans
d unlimited call time and sms in france. I don't even pay for internet subcriptipn for my PC I just use my cell data and can't even use my entire 50gigs by using it 24/7

That's a logical fallacy, you can be concerned about more than one thing at ince
