>Kim Kardashian is among the most popular people in all of social media, with 55 million Twitter followers, nearly 18 million more than President Trump. “Let’s imagine that one day she says, ‘My supporters — do this,’” Peskov said. “This will be a signal that will be accepted by millions and millions of people. And she’s got no intelligence, no interior ministry, no defense ministry, no K.G.B.” This, he said, was the new reality: the global proliferation of the kinds of reach and influence that were once reserved for the great powers and, more recently, great media conglomerates. “The new reality creates a perfect opportunity for mass disturbances,” he said, “or for initiating mass support or mass protests.”
Suddenly, censorship makes a lot more sense
Other urls found in this thread:
Or you could have people judge ideas for themselves, keep the market of ideas free and open, and not treat people as cattle and everyone who matters will act accordingly.
>Or you could have people judge ideas for themselves
Kek! Good one, user
>judge ideas for themselves
lmao, "people" are dumb when in large groups. how don't you know this by now?
People are actually cattle
George Bush doesn't care about black people
what does this even mean? no body should be allowed to be popular?
The first few paragraphs of the article detail a literal Russian-propagated hoax that sparked protests in a German town. The movement actually GREW after the hoaxer admitted to making the whole thing up, because RT (and its associated online shillbots) went full conspiratard and feels > reals.
It means Russia and China are justified in shutting down foreign websites. They know the danger of foreign propaganda and information warfare because they themselves as masters of it.
He knews the marxist tricks, people think he is crazy or something, if just people knew what is happening now with social media
This exactly
>he thinks censorship is the solution to this problem
What if the governments start doing the same?
>no body should be allowed to be popular?
Why would you let the enemy use the same weapons on you that you use on them and especially after you've seen what they can achieve?
>What if
>implying they're not already doing it
>implying "people"are even human
I wanted to expand on that, but my tinfoil hat needs refinement first
look at the fucking niggers spamming Sup Forums. we're living in nigger disneyland.
We dont know its you, NSA
*tips fedora*
White Goyim are Cattle.
10000 White goyim lives are worth less than a Single Jewish Life.
Source: Talmud.
tip it all day you clueless puppet fuck.
Pick das fürers with greater care. Kardashian and Snooki followers are impotent anyway.
Sage for the least Sup Forums thread all day.
Censorship never makes sense. The fact that you're advocating for censorship because some celebrity is more popular than the most unpopular president of all time is borderline retarded.
It boggles the mind how someone managed to get to the level of sycophanty you're at.
This has fuckall to do with the board's subject.
And they need to be looked after, because the cattle take care of the shephard as much as the shephard takes care of them.
Modern day elites don't realize nor recognize this and are destroying all vestiges of their own power and influence by tightening their grips on their own populations while simultaneously weakening those populations.
I'd like to argue against you, but at the same time I have to admit that you are right. Just look at pic related. I found this picture on Instagram, where almost everyone responded "the couples" (because only "single" people die). Meanwhile, the only thing i could think of was "Bane, because he crashed the plane with no survivors", i didn't even realize there was a trick, because Sup Forums has conditioned me to think of Bane every time i hear something about plane crashes.
Now if Sup Forums told me to murder someone, i wouldn't do it.
If Sup Forums told me to watch CP or commit some other crime, i wouldn't do it.
If Sup Forums told me - through forced memes - to watch a certain movie, yes i will probably do it.
I know I'm right. I live in a pig pen and these useless fuckers only eat and shit. I don't know where real life is happening, but it's not here.
>Or you could have people judge ideas for themselves
Hello interdimensional traveler tell me more about your people and customs
>Most unpopular president
I think you should go back go reddit and possibly do some research into the past 44 presidents ratings.
tbqh if the Sup Forums hivemind told me to do something there's a decent chance I'd do it
Most people are incredibly fucking stupid, accept it
Install gentoo.
It's almost like Yuri Bezmenov was always right.
install linux
install linux
im pretty it's already too late to stop this.
Hurricane Harvey has made this 100% clear to me.
literally every facebook post with "how to help" had 100s of comments saying how horrible The Red Cross is and you shouldn't donate to them.
post after post after post of people saying how The Red Cross is corrupt.
zero posts about where you should give your money to...just posts about not supporting The Red Cross
i didn't even see one single post defending The Red Cross.
Nobody should be more popular than the people in charge
what i found scary and awesome all at the same time was Apple standing up the US government when it came to the San Bernardino terrorist attack.
Apple could've easily unlocked the phone. (it wasn't impossible to do...or even hard but they didn't want to do it)
they said no.
FBI backed down.
Well the FBI can't force Apple to break their own encryption. That being said, they should have just disabled the autowipe feature and let the FBI bruteforce it.
the government can do a lot of things in the name of security.
plus it wasn't breaking encryption.
it was removing encryption altogether.
they wanted a modified apple IOS without encryption enabled.
>That being said, they should have just disabled the autowipe feature and let the FBI bruteforce it.
That would be tantamount to breaking encryption. Lots of security-conscious people use 4 digit PINs solely because the device is guaranteed to self-erase after finite attempts. If we didn't have this guarantee, everyone would be forced to use 46-character alphanumeric passwords on their phones, which is obviously impractical.
Right and they were in the right for refusing to backdoor that. The only reason why the FBI couldn't just bruteforce it (it's a 4 digit passcode; that takes no time to crack) was because the phone is set to nuke itself if you fail the passcode too much in too short of a time.
Just for that one device user. The feds had the right to look into since it is part of a criminal investigation.
Censorship is never okay
Right and they were in the right for refusing to backdoor that.
morally. sure.
who knows.
The government cites as precedent United States v. New York Telephone Co., where the Supreme Court ruled in 1977 that the All Writs Act gave courts the power to demand reasonable technical assistance from the phone company in accessing phone calling records.
>reasonable technical assistance
like installing an update that disables an option (like encryption)
FBI didn't back down at all lmao did you keep up with the news after Apple stopped pushing it into the spotlight?
FBI withdrawal of request[edit]
On March 21, the government requested and was granted a delay, saying a third party had demonstrated a possible way to unlock the iPhone in question and the FBI needed more time to determine if it will work.[49][50][51] On March 28, the FBI said it had unlocked the iPhone with the third party's help, and an anonymous official said that the hack's applications were limited; the Department of Justice withdrew the case.[52][53] The lawyer for the FBI has stated that they are using the extracted information to further investigate the case
The keyword is reasonable. It's not reasonable to require a backdoor on every person's device for a specific investigation.
They got a third party to do it.
>Apple said Friday that it won't go to court to demand the US Federal Bureau of Investigation to inform the gadget maker how the feds broke into the phone of Syed Farook
Goddamn, there's a huge vulnerability and Apple won't patch it. Fuuuuuuuck
>The keyword is reasonable. It's not reasonable to require a backdoor on every person's device for a specific investigation.
>It's not reasonable to require a backdoor on every person's device
that wasn't what they wanted.
they wanted to update a single phone with a modified IOS.
there was already procedures between Apple and law enforcement.
>they wanted to update a single phone with a modified IOS
Right and they would have lost that court case if it ever went that far. I know the US government does plenty of shady shit that's unconstitutional, but that's way too far across the line.
He's 100% but it's considering how shit every single government is whenever people do what X Eceleb says or what the president says it's irrelevant.
>"just this once, user. Just the tip, I promise!"
If your phone is evidence for an investigation, it should be unlocked.
How did you not think any of the numerous offensive responses to this, such as "the niggers, because niggers ain't people"?
highly doubt it.
it's almost no different than the government demanding access to your bank account.
they can do it with or without your permission.
your bank account is no different than your phone.
just like they can access your home with a warrant.
it doesn't really matter if you oppose it.
they legally can do it.
>implying i like how easily the Government can unlock or bypass security mechanisms.
>literally supporting refugee terrorists
excuse me user?
What's the point of security if it can just be broken on a whim?
get better security.
which is what Apple is fucking lightyears ahead of android.
after the FBI vs Apple thing, Apple did make steps in making it harder for even Apple to bypass security.
You're not understanding my argument. A 4 digit pin is not secure at all. If you're dumb enough to put compromising information on that, you deserve it.
>Apple did make steps in making it harder for even Apple to bypass security.
now i gotta go do some googling.
i do remember reading about it after the whole debacle.
Yet they can't be assed to find out how the FBI got into the phone.
The phone being wiped if the pin gets entered wrong too many times is though. I see nothing wrong with that
>The phone being wiped if the pin gets entered wrong too many times is though.
Right and that's such a flimsy "security" mechanism that some random third party people broke it. I'm not advocating mandatory backdoors or anything, but the police have the right to try and break into any device if it is possible. If you want actual security, use robust, tried-and-true encryption methods.
>it's just getting started, goys!
Right, that makes more sense and that's something I can agree with. Cheers user, thanks for the clarification
they have a right to try and get a warrant, yeah.
Sure is, that Russian investigation is looking pretty fucking good right about now.
Sorry, I was referring to devices they had a warrant to.
>people actually are dumb enough to believe media-invented Russian conspiracy theories
>everyone calling everyone else dumb
>those other people calling everyone else dumb
>they think a gathering on Sup Forums isn't a kind of 'people' group
If you tip any harder you'll alter the axis of Earth.
Pay attention to the investigation bub, it's another Enron ass whopping on a larger scale.
Shit's cash.
Sad the "m e m e b o y s" won't get to enjoy it because they're cheering for some puppet as president.
I am now investigating you for extreme faggotry. Surrender a dump of your phone's permanent storage to me or face the consequences.
This is the world you want to live in, you retarded americlap.
>what is due process
>what is a warrant
Come on now
what if they had evidence that i killed my wife?
will they search my home even if i refuse them entry and lock all the doors????
what happened to the constitution?
what happened to the 4th amendment!
He even said that they still need to get warrants, user.
>I am now investigating you for extreme faggotry.
user says looking in the mirror. "Now put your hands up where I can see them", he continues dropping the towel before giggling to himself like a deranged autist.
mr reiser what are you doing here?
>what is a warrant
Yes, user. We already discussed that. I thanked him for clearing it up in this post:
It was at that point I inferred he would also support the investigating agency needing warrants, which he affirmed in:
not sure if they ever really did anything about their security mechanisms but at least they said they would.
Apple investigating ways to improve security without learning how the FBI cracked the current existing ones sounds so strange. Entire thing is so absolutely odd.
That sounds a lot like Communism boy.
WE DON'T DO THAT COMMIE SHIT IN AMERICA. Don't make me come over the internet to whatever third world shithole you come from and slap the freedom into you.
This post is a joke, to all of you who are going to take it seriously
Apple said Friday that it won't go to court to demand the US Federal Bureau of Investigation to inform the gadget maker how the feds broke into the phone
what was the point?
it's not like you can legally get them to hand over information on how they hacked something.
if you created an app.
i payed for the app.
and then i modified it.
you couldn't sue me to force me to hand over information on how i did it. (you could but it would be thrown out or you would lose)
if you created an.
i illegally obtained it.
then maybe you could sue me.
and then force me show the court exactly how you did it.
They could still FOIA at it. It's still completely illegal anyway.
JEW YORK TIMES needs to vilify the successful competitor. New flash Clinton brigade: Russia is no longer the USSR. Pack of niggers needs to be culled.
come on guys, this stuff just happened.
not even a whole year ago.
>JEW YORK TIMES needs to vilify the successful competitor.
>JEW YORK TIMES needs to vilify
wait are you seriously making excuses as to why apple should completely let this vulnerability slip?
LOL so much for security
Yeah, thats just intro level FOIA stuff though. There's whole realms of bullshit you have to go through to get any useful FOIA response.
That's the most stupid argument against freedom of expression I've heard.
Kardashian doesn't have any meaningful power, nobody would take it to the streets because she said so. At best, she might influence a few milions to buy a certain fashion accessory, but that's all.
Typical Russian paranoia, gotta be prepared at all time, every person that is not part of the Russian state and can influence a big number of people must be stopped.
Jeez, no wonder they are so fucking backwards.
He's from Sup Forums, not Sup Forums, that's how.
i.e. he's not retarded.
they could've gone to court
spent millions of dollars on a useless fight.
then lose.
for no fucking reason.
pick your battles.
a trillion dollar company could just go on the darkweb and buy all 0-day hacks.
and since there are very very few 0-day hacks for the IOS, it would only cost a few million dollars.
the one hack that the FBI obtained reportedly cost just under a million dollars.
>who is nancy peloski for 300
It's only bad when we do it eh mister goldenstein