/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Plankton Edition.


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Why do I always have hundreds of timeout errors?

>cabal trackers constantly have outages
>Apollo has constant outages


How do i get mam to work? I download .torrent on local ip and start leeching it over vpn and it never connects.

shitty third world amerifat internet with 10mbit uploads

>enable 2factor on hdb and later ahd
>lose the phone with authenticator app on it
>get new phone, obviously out of sync
I have access to my email and original IP i signed up for them on, am i fucked or can i go on irc? I dont wanna lose ahd or hdb.

It's been over a month or 2 too.

pls tell me my moving didnt fuck me out of years of autism

>my moving didnt fuck me out of years of autism
It didn't. Your posting here first instead of IRC did.

Why? I was getting a quick answer before resorting to irc.

>not making backups

user, you had just one, just fucking one, job

Doesn't neither of those sites give you backup codes in the case you lose access to your device? Or didn't you just save them?
Well you are definitely fucked. Try IRC, but honestly if they let you in it defeats the whole purpose of having 2fa.

At least on OT two users lost their access because no 2fa or recovery method
>The reason to refuse someone access to an account is that the owner of the account explicitly confirmed to us that they only want their account to be accessible by someone capable of passing the security requirements that they themselves activated with a degree of recovery of their own choosing. If a user says "do not let anyone into my account unless they can prove that they are me by using my 2FA key, or failing that, my PGP key" and then someone comes along later claiming to be them and says "sorry, I lost both my 2FA key and my PGP key, but I need you to let me into that account anyway", we are not going to do it. What would be the point of even having these features if we let anyone bypass them by just claiming to have lost their keys?

Personally I wouldn't use cloud backups like authy does. Dunno if freeotp or any other authenticator let's you make offline backups.
Though you obviously should save the qr or recovery keys.

>for torrent sites
Literally why? Just turn up your password strength and stop being autistic.

about the only decent thing tortellini has ever done

what if i want to link my real life identity to my private tracker account though?

Use your real full name as your account name, put a link to your Facebook profile on your account page, and use a picture of yourself as your avatar.

Just use your name and SSN as login.

Good idea, Sumo Chipmunk-kun

The circlejerk of life.

I doubt other trackers are as anal about security as OT. They'll probably disable 2FA on any account if you ask them to on irc

You have a point, but its case by case basis.

They will ask few unique questions which you need to answer to unlock the account. If not, say goodbye to your account.

how big your cock is, how old when you first grew pubes, how many times uncle jimmy touched you in the bad place?

you gotta give them your VPN ip because you are a hacker and can only leech from one IP and you must tell them which IP you use

Yeah, probably. Especially if you have still the same ip and emails.

Report back, I really want to know if they are going to unlock your account. Or let's say report back if they didn't if you believe /marked/ memes.

What backup codes? I just did it for the 1 bp/hr bonus

>less than 1gb upload required for pu

you can backup the the string the qr code links to or just the qr

fill those requests user!

pretty much all requests I see on red are some 90mb fuck you tier requests but once japanpost ships my weebshit cds I can get some upload off autosnatchers

you can get that in 10mins, just grab the next four or five 2017 flacs uploaded. even on a home connection you should get about 200mb upload on each.

what sort of weebshit we talking about? I'll probably snatch it, if it's to my tastes.

see soundave.net/

lets just say that I bought 2 albums released by that label

>all requests I see on red are some 90mb fuck you tier
There are 5-10 multi-GB requests on every page.

damn I thought you were talking touhou shit.

Not him, but if you want touhou shit, you can go be the first to download Starless Trilogy - Day of the Dead. I uploaded it 4 months ago and no one snatched it.


There is stuff I want on RED but if I download it I won't get buffer.

They never learn.

the only reason to have buffer is so you can download what you want

You're all gay no offense


>using fag as a slur
um... bigot much?

Where can I find english dubs of dragon ball super? I can get AB but I'd rather not.

just learn japanese and watch it raw

remember kids, don't use "faggot" and "gay", keep using "pajeet", "curry" and "nigger". Because fuck brownies.

>watching that moneygrubbing garbage


>he doesn't have one 3 copies of QR code printed (one easily accessible, one in a fire proof safe and one in a different location)
>he doesn't have the auth app installed on at least 3 different devices (one easily accessible, one in a fire proof safe [while charging this secondary device you put your original one temporarily in its place] and one in a different location)
you deserve this

>he has unironical autism

This is why I don't use 2FA. I rotate passwords every month with a password manager. I choose ever-so-slightly laxer security over possibly losing access to my accounts because I lose my device.

I uploaded 12GB today on RED


I'm seeding about half of my FLAC music collection (~2500 albums)

I'm seeding about 4000 torrents & usually upload somewhere between 2-10GB a day with Sundays always slow and at the bottom end of that, but in the past 24 hours I've only uploaded about 250mb.
I changed ISP this week so I hope they aren't throttling me.

>Queued Seed

>tfw someone on KG leeched from me today


>using the N-word instead of "N-word"
umm... bigot much?


>too pussy to say nigger on Sup Forums
a new low

You shouldn't objectify women like that. I think we can all agree to having thoughtful discourse without using the P**** word.

>being new

Hey, what the h*ck do you think you're doing using language like that?

>leaving three of the letters visible
What the **** are you doing? You're being very insensitive

Anyone else /comfy/ with IPTorrents? I like this place, I don't torrent often, and they freeleech anything over 8GB, so I always just download full seasons or crazy high def bluray rips. Shits cash

If I was Cabal banned, I would just flee to the lawless city of IPT. It has most of the good encodes.

MAM is filled some "senior" members who are utter cancer.

Some examples:

cipher - Loser who pretends he is technically savvy, despite having the skills of a lowly tech support person. Has hilarious profile text about cryptography, etc, despite being an utter noob.
compmast - Cankerous senior citizen who constantly bitches about how easy the new members have it, and they all better get off his lawn.
gratefuldave - Forum mod with very low intelligence who constantly closes threads despite not fully grasping the thoughtful points the site members are making. He was also ousted by /ptg/ for invite begging a random member, and then panic-banning them when that member posted to another forum that he was invite begging him.

This is just a small sample of some of the offenders. They all have one thing in common: they are on the forums / shoutbox constantly.

Does every tracker have these "groupies" who are constantly on it, and constantly want to impose their will on the rest of the community?

reddunce on pretty much all the trackers he's on

yes, most private trackers have a group of faggots like that. been that way for as long as i can remember

>most private trackers have a group of faggots like that
they're called staff


I've been on private trackers for over a decade so I got into the 'top-tier' trackers when it was a lot easier. If I was just starting out now I'd be pretty content with IPT I guess. You should be levelling up your accounts on the lower cabal and cabal-affiliated trackers like RED, AB, GGn, etc, so that you can eventually get access to more quality trackers, but I definitely wouldn't obsess over it. Basically, yes HDB, BTN, PTP are better than IPT for what they have, but not by enough to be obsessive. Just enjoy your torrenting and think that they might be a nice reward somewhere down the line.

I'm so comfy and zap-happy on IPT that I'm considering a IPT sister site as a backup.


I hadn't seen that you reposted your deleted post.

No shit?

i dont use it anymore but i still have more shit downloaded from ipt than any other tracker im on. it was my go to tv tracker for years

you're no less retarded than the subhumans you're complaining about

LMFAO. Where does /ptg/ find these mongoloids?

I was going to add some more names to the list, but forget it.

you can start by adding your own

lol, ok, mong

> gratefuldave confirmed



>not using this image of a seal kekking

mommy mommy I posted it again!


Tracker groupies make the communities so much worse.

There should be a rule that if you are posting in a tracker forum / sb more than certain threshold, you are flagged as cancer and are muted for 3+ months at a time.

trackers should not have general chat forums. they are always cancer. they should have different types of help forums for different things and that's it


purely torrent related

OT's is ok, only real problem is that it's dead af

You can always just not read them

that's like ignoring cancer though

That's because OT staff is great.

Is it wrong that every time I look at a chipmunk now, I see LB?

>suggesting rule changes
>in the chat forum

>being rude to new members
They can also just not read the chat forum. If they do so anyway and get so offended by the shitposting that they leave the tracker over it, they probably weren't going to be a useful member anyway

i learned my lesson with tracker forums on oink. it was filled with complete fucking faggots and power tripping mods. never participated in a tracker community after.

These people can negatively effect the tracker through relentlessly suggesting rule changes or by being rude to new members, etc.

It is sad, because if you join a community like PTP. It would be nice to have a place to discuss the content you are torrenting like movies. Or books on MAM, etc.

But the places are so filled with cancerous people it takes the fun out of it.

I think this is the only way. Don't participate.

Does anyone have an example of a tracker community not filled with garbage people posting?