Hi, this is the new iPhone X

Hi, this is the new iPhone X.

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China BTFO's Apple yet again.


>boring design
>fingerprint reader on the back
>camera down
>looks like cheap plastic
>can't even get colours right
Not the least interested in camerabulge phone X but this shit looks disgusting.

Boring is subjective. I don't want a gaymur rgb led phone
Are there any non huge phones today?
Yes there is a fingerprint reader on the back.
There is also a camera on the bottom.
Wrong, aluminum frame with ceramic backplate

I was actually thinking of buying the Essential Phone

is there such thing as a smartphone without a front facing camera

Probably only very few, kids love their video chats and selfies.

No, people are too conceited for that to ever go away.

>looks like plastic

it's actually fucking ceramic


>Essential Phone
I am intrigued.

you should, it is a good phone

But does It just werks?

The reviews all blast its camera because people who review phones are retarded millenial hipsters whose only concern is how good their mason jar of kombucha, handmade by mexican "dreamers" and enjoyed in pitch blackness at 3AM, will look on instagram.

The rest of the phone is good (except no headphone jack, that's legitimately stupid). Good screen, good speaker, nice build quality, not spying on you for the chink government (only for google's own botnet), and the closest to stock android I've ever seen a non-google OEM ship.

>Boring is subjective.
To a point sure but if you've seen 100 phones in a short period of time, would this one really stick in your memory? Guess forgettable describes it a bit more precisely.

>Are there any non huge phones today?
Well, the one OP compared it with for example.

>Yes there is a fingerprint reader on the back.
>There is also a camera on the bottom.
Which is pretty unpractical.

>Wrong, aluminum frame with ceramic backplate
My bad then. Though the render doesn't help seeing it for sure.



but that's not a bezel

>frontcam in the bottom


nice hairline

Didn't they though literally fucked up their security and all the credit cards and emails people used to preorder the phone on their website got leaked? If you pick this up, definitely don't use their website.

>Apple claims their new phone has no bezels
>actually has a few millimeters of bezel and then an entire 180 degree curved edge instead of dropping 90 degrees

>chinks can't get it right
>Apple can't get it right
>Samsung can't get it right
Is there a hope for a truly bezelless phone left?

It's something even worse than bezel.


Fucking kek.

Chinese banter is beyond me

that's an iPhone X you stupid retard

Probably Sharp, as always. It's the kind of brand that always do what they consider right, no matter what others do.

Same mistake as mi mix.

is this real?

top kek

>drop phone
>smashes instantly, ceramic is super brittle

Oh, boy...

at 51:59

Stop being such a fucking fanboy, it literally has the same flaws as mi mix. The fact that they fucked up earlier than xiaomi doesn't make it less of a fuck up.

I never owned a Sharp. The weirdest phone I used was a Mitsubishi.

You don't have to own something to be a fanboy.

I'll even illustrate.


>fingerprint reader on the back
absolutely nothing wrong with this