Mom found the stage 3 tarball

>mom found the stage 3 tarball

>mom found the backdoor

>step dad's son found the repost

>programmer lead renamed my variables to pascal case

>mom flushed the std::cin

He's doing you a favor

>Dad enables the -Wpedantic flag

>mummy found the poop loop

I found your Mom's backdoor last night.

>mom smashed your stack and slid a nop ramp into her payload that popped a reverse shell onto her botnet C&C server

>grandma sues due to a GNU license violation

>mom replaced all pepes with kermits

>you replaced my sides with keks

>little sister creates a pull request on my private repo with a Code of Conduct

>little bro injects his sql into my webapp

>brother injected his payload

>baby brother installed Gentoo

through the backdoor?

>dad found the programming socks

>mom updated the Terminals PS1 to PS4


>user replaces memes with comedy

>her mom is still alive
lmao pleb
