Speedtest thread


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The only perk of living in Atlanta

This is actually a really great test for me
Highest download ever but I have gotten exactly 9 Mbps upload before

I live surrounded by jungles. It's enough to download chinese cartoons, browse here and upload shit to github

I would kill to have that internet
I would kill myself if I had that internet

Speed test on my shitty new homes ADSL connection through telstra, $100 AUD per month on mobile phone WiFi 5g at non peak time while pc is torrenting.

This is absurd. How much are you paying?

>living in the 3rd world

i live near forest area aswell, just got fiber internet a few months ago, i can upgrade to 1000 up/down anytime i want but there is no point in doing so

Portugal a shit, wishing I could just move literally anywhere relevant

That's actually very good in Australia. Australia is 3rds world's? Hahahhs
This has to be some kind of a cruel joke

I'm guessing speedtest is shilling my internet service, it's actually shit but the site says it's sponsored by it. My actual ping is pic related

Comcast "xfinity"

decent download 1995 tier upload

where in the states? also in which states is internet speed better? Yuropeen here

Internet is good in big cities in pretty much any staye but nowhere else due to monopolies in certain areas driving competition into the ground

>internet is good in big cities
Stay away from LA pls, its shit here

>wasn't born into wealthy family that disregards me
>living in best part of Manhattan, I would live a life of ease and breeze
Life isn't fair user

I miss Ukraine.

It's not even optic fiber just regular ole' Ethernet cable!Perks of living in Romania!All for 56 RON(14,5$).Unlimited too btw!

Not bad, but not good either.

Shitty att internet basic 3 mbps for 4 people. won't get xfinity 10 mbps for 10 dollars less

life is suffering

Life is fucking suffering but I can't complain, I pay $4/month for this connection. Enough to download animu and read mango, plus shit from exhentai.

that is internet

where do you live for that good of a deal?

>all these faggots complaining about how their internet is bad when it is magnitudes better than what I have

Unless your bandwidth is somewhere close to this
Then you have no room to complain
I would kill to have what most of you seem to.


Fuck off.

Somehow, my ISP managed to install fiber in my shithole town, but at least it werkz fine. Previously I had a 20/1 plan for 20€ per month


Feels good man.

I had 768kbps DSL until a few months ago


free (live in school owned apartments). This is the wifi speed; can't be bothered to get on my desktop

I hope that isnt landline


I hope THAT isn't landline

Rural DSL. It's due to the distance from the exchange. An upgrade to FTTP is allegedly coming at some point in the future; I'll believe that when I see it.

Venezuela. Tested in University of Tampa. Not bad at all for the shithole this place is.

At least I can pirate freely.

>osaka japan
>10kbps down, 1kbps up, cant even upload screenshot of speed test
>cellular kikes throttling my internet and making fake allegations that I went over my limit when I've been tracking all the data I use

Pretty fucking happy with this speed.

NZD$79/mo, unlimited, piracy OK

Have the same at home too, but with a shittier provider, this is at my flat

Might be better off going 3g/4g if your speed is that bad. My brother has a setup 80 a month for unlimited 10/1 connection gets it 24/7 with no issues so far been using it for 8 months now. He's with vivid wireless and as long as you're in an area with decent cell reception it's great.

>piracy OK
Is it like companies don't bother because it's such a waste or do you guys literally not give a shit no matter what

Generally, people just don't give a fuck. The telcos give suggestions to use BitTorrent in offpeak hours, but that is only a suggestion by them.

They are more likely to hunt after people streaming live PPV events.

Can't complain having seen the connections some of you folks have to deal with. Just waiting for nbn to get its shit together before transferring over from old hfc for the higher upload.

Somewhere in the middle of Argentina, it's a really good service for being a local ISP, no data cap, and they offer better speeds than my current one too

Living in Statesboro.

That D/U ratio is pretty terrible
Download is great

i pay like 60 bucks for this. wish i had better speeds like most of you itt

Yep old hfc, speed choices were 30/1 50/1.5 or 100/2.5 (get 115 down though so which is nice to get extra 2MB/s down). They just don't offer the upload so that's why waiting on nbn (100/40 is its equivalent speed though it's literally limited at best to 100mbps no faster so will be losing a bit of speed.


Seriously, ISPs have been manipulating results on that site. Use fast.com for you actual speeds.

I'm in Hawaii, Spectrum (prev Time Warner Cable) has been manipulating their speeds. Thankfully and unlike most places in the US in they have a competitor. IF YOU EVER MOVE TO HAWAII DONT SUBSCRIBE TO SPECTRUM. Go to Hawaiian Telcom instead.

i literally get the same thing as speed test tho

Fast.com only gives you speeds to netflix servers.

On Fast.com I struggle to break 600-700mbps.

But with steam downloads I can hit 850mbps+

behold the power of the american isp

pic related


Eh, pretty shitty results.


I'm on Rural DSL too. About upgrades, you can check the FCC map to see if someone accepted expansion funding in your area. If they did, then they are required to provide at least 10Mbit/1Mbit with sub100ms ping. And chances are that you will have higher than 10Mbit access once the infrastructure is in place.


Just destroy my entire fucking life SENPAI

small dick squad where you at

On NBN fttn. 50/20 plan, get around 37 Mbps down & 12 Mbps upload when no one else is playing video games or watching Netflix. Previously to July 2017 I was getting 6 mbps download & 0.87 upload.

I see OP is subscribed to AT&T's highest internet speed tier package...

tfw NZ internet

It's barely adequate.

Those are dialup speeds, what is going on with you two.

I had/have the exact same story. south melbourne.

Same speed on Fast (dot) com


>faster than light ping

Just got this installed a few days ago...

What speeds do you pay for?

300 download and 150 upload for 8 USD.

Weird arbitrary speed, but good price.

This is what 50 billion dollars gets me (was getting 50/20, cunts at nbn says there is nothing wrong :^)

>faster than 73% of AU

what the fuck......

I'm pretty sure speedtest is heavily biased towards upload speed 115/2.5 (Telstra HFC) is probably considered 'slower' than my connection too

I'd kill to get that upload speed

Broken campus WiFi. Really makes you think.

maybe it's not actually broken and they're limiting normie client devices to shit download speeds so you faggots don't hog the bandwidth for memes and youtube videos.

Admins and teachers have the same speeds

because anyone who'd actually need bandwidth would be on the LAN.

100/100 isn't too bad, until I remember how much school costs

>implying the desktops aren’t on the LAN

...If the desktop is getting the same speeds then it 100% isn't broken wifi now is it you dumbass

Vodafone NL 4G

It's acceptable.

What part of Atlanta? There are plenty of perks of living out in Lawrenceville.

user, surely you know that WiFi is the internet

Oh no...it's retarded

You can only believe that if you've never lived anywhere better.

Getting 200/20 soon.

It's acceptable.

In my class of 40 year olds I am 100% correct senpai!

>class of 40 year olds

No wonder the "wifi" is shit. You go to community college.

I've lived in Anaheim, Dallas, and Charlotte. Atlanta is by far my favorite.

Lol, out of those 3 i'd agree too.

North east US is where it's at. The original colonies have the richest history and the largest population density. Amazing restaurants, super fast internet, pretty much any amenity you might need is within 30 minutes of your house and you can get to 90% of the places you need to go with public transit.

No bully I’m poor


The speeds in the IT dept at a school board I work at.

Daily data dump thread? No, thank you.

I would never cuck my bf desu

>my bf

faggots go home


copper is so shit I had to get 4G