Why do video game consoles even exist at this point? Seriously. What advantages can you get at all over a PC?

Why do video game consoles even exist at this point? Seriously. What advantages can you get at all over a PC?


pc fags eternally jelly

Ez plug and play. At least the games I play.

Go back Sup Forumsermin

too fucking dulll to make their own its literally simplicity at this point

They're for retarded people to easily use a closed in garden PC.

If anything they are PCs now. All 3 of my consoles hard lock themselves pretty much every time I use them.

My xbox 360 freezes navigating the menus, my brand new fully updated PS4 freezes browsing game trailers, and my Nintendo switch freezes when playing Mario kart too long.

It's hilarious that my fucking PC is the only stable gaming device I have.

Well supported and all the games work without setting anything up. Also you can't build a PC at the same price to outperform it

Also you can play console games offline while good luck playing denuvo DRM trash on PC offline.

Consistency for users , nobody has an advantage in hardware . If you mass produce hardware that's all the same it's cheaper to sell. You only have to program for one set of known hardware .

They are retard proof, and pushed by the industry.

If you want to play game X on a console, you just get a console, game x, plug that shit in and play. (and get ripped off for online fees and the likes, maybe slightly annoyed by updates)

If you want to play game X on a PC, you have to...

>make sure to buy a good enough PC, which already needs a lot knowhow even if you just pick expensive pre build ones
>make sure to buy the right equipment and connect it all (something as simple as a gamepad isn't exactly plug and play unless you buy the right one)
>make sure to have the right software installed (netframework for example)
>make sure to update the shit
>get game
>pray that nothing goes wrong during the installation
>pray that nothing goes wrong during activation to some botnet
>pray that Windows doesn't shit itself at any point as it usually does
>pray that Windows doesn't start and update while you want to play
>pray that there won't be some issues with OS or software or the game itself that makes it unplayable on your system because the devs cheaped out
Just from the top of my head. People don't realize how much extra work there is on PC and how shitty Microsoft makes it to do basic tasks.

Until PCs can do UHD Blu-Ray playback without going through enough DRM bullshit and more hardware can actually do said playback (there's only one UHD Blu-Ray drive for PC in the market and 7th Gen Intel Core series GPU support it) people will continue to buy the XBox One

Bought a PS4 slim for this one game.
Consoles just werk, are cheaper, smaller and easier to use than a PC.

it's a masterpiece

why would I want my gaming botnet and my freeware on the same machine?

Because japs won't release their games for pc.


Lol no you fucking can't.

My gf bought plants vs zombies 2 for ps4. We couldn't even fucking play the game with the brand new disc in the drive until it downloaded a fucking 17gb update.

Literally could not play the game with what was on the disc. After it detected the update it determined it was mandatory and refused to play without 4 hours of downloading.

Fuck you.

> Using Blu Ray

Unless you're a collector, just get your movies digitally, 4K is still not worth it yet.

>It's hilarious that my fucking PC is the only stable gaming device I have.
It's not terribly hilarious if you consider these run the world's economy too, apart from long being used as gaming devices.

The machines we have today - from smartphones to x86_64 machines are all ultimately gaming+commerce designs.

Only game I have for my shitty PS4 right now. Might get the other old $20 exclusives but I rarely game.

>easy to use
>guaranteed to work

Yeah but Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 is a top tier game user so you can't be too mad

Video game systems are a logical design. You want a convenient way to play video games, how about a machine that

>uses a standard set hardware
>is easy to configure
>is inexpensive
>doesn't require mouse/keyboard for usage

you end up with a console.

I am mad because a 17gb update for a piece of shit shovelware game was required at all. Consoles are super gay.

>shit shovelware game
You take that back right now

Not only for retarded people. Consoles generally have better performance in their late lifespan than PCs made for the same money in the same year as their release.

For example there were Xbox 360 versions of games like Tomb Raider 2013. Try running that game on a $299 PC from 2005.

>17GB update
Holy what. Wasn't the entire first game like 2GB?

But basically all of these have stopped being true, and the previous sets of advantages to consoles are all gone too.

>install PC game
>watch opening
>paying more attention to how it runs
>get into game
>first thing configure graphics
>restart game and watch opening again
>still not good
>fuck around with graphics some more
>think you have it how you like it
>nope lol it's stuttering now
>fuck around some more
>finally get it good
>sort of bored now and want to do something else

>get new console game
>insert, download updates, play
>if you see a little stutter or drop in frame rate there's nothing you can do about it so you just shrug and go on enjoying the game

While there are hardware revisions in consoles the differences are vastly less than between different people's PCs.

Everything else is still true. Sure, you can build a PC that is easy to configure, inexpensive, and doesn't require mouse+keyboard and sell it, but when you do that you're basically creating a console.

I got a PS4 to play with a friend. Here's what I've observed: PC gamers are weebs while console gamers are literally human trash. PC gamers give you secondhand embarrassment when they quote memes and such, but console gamers are caricatures out of Jerry Springer and fill you with cynicism about white trailer trash niggers and spics. Turn on console voice chat and there's a good chance you'll hear disgusting offspring screeching in the background, or the wetback fetus itself is playing the game.

I regret playing on console but my friend doesn't have a PC.

Nintendo is the best. They don't let faggots speak.

You're mostly right but at least console gamers tend to be underage, so that kind of behaviour is easier to stomach, at least mentally. I have no idea how people can survive voice chat for longer than 30 minutes.

The way you describe PC gaming is like one of those infomercials where they switch to black and white when the house wife struggles to use the inferior product.

>console gamers tend to be underage
They're not "underage". The whole world doesn't follow Sup Forums's rules. Maybe you should get out of your basement sometime.

>console runs at 30 fps
>sometimes dips lower

it's not like you can see over 24fps anyway

>All consoles are just budget black box PCs without anything worthwhile!!!
*Nintendo Switch comes our*
>What the fuck where's my budget black box PC? I don't want anything more worthwhile, get your shit together Nintendo

Also if you feel like self harming (console wars threads)

I got one cause my friends to poor to get pc.

so I got one just to play some games with him, I don't even mind that aiming on console is ass, I just like having fun playing games with a good friend.


>Consoles just werk, are cheaper, smaller and easier to use than a PC.
What are you, 85 years old?

>having a piece of shit PC
Your fault.

>Nintendo Switch comes our*
A literal smartphone with analog sticks.

Go to sleep you have school tomorrow.

If even that.

>support a walled garden ecosystem
>have to play your game in a walled garden ecosystem
If not for you you'd play it in 4k on a pc

>Consoles generally have better performance in their late lifespan than PCs made for the same money in the same year as their release.
If by performance you mean 720p sub 20 fps then PC have low settings too.

If you get games legally, games are cheaper on consoles if you buy physical and you can always resell them.
Also it's easy to use

Their prices aren't inflated by crypto miners or cell phones right now.

I find it funny a board that always pushes dedicated devices to hate consoles which are dedicated game devices with the addition of exclusivity.
Good emulators aside if course.

I just wanted to say that whenever something comes out that isn't a black box with an AMD APU in it, it's automatically gimmicky

Not just Nintendo also things like Nvidia's consoloes or any new handheld in general

A camera is a dedicated device that takes photos orders of magnitude greater quality than a smartphone or webcam while allowing you fuckloads of freedom with different lenses, tripods, exposure settings and raw footage.

A console is a dedicated device that is greatly inferior to a general purpose PC and allows you no freedom.

I would support consoles if their dedicated design was allowing better experience tgan a PC does. But now they are literally inferior cut down locked PCs when you already have a PC.

Games are optimized to run on console hardware whereas with PCs developers often won't bother trying to conserve memory or make it not run like shit on anything but the most top of the line hardware. Thus you will often end up having a better overall experience with console games than on PCs even if you have a fairly good computer.

He's right tho. I'm on the pc side but you have to accept that consoles are just cheaper and easier to use, just turn on and play.

I dont have to use botnet 10

If they made a dedicated device that is actually superior to its general purpise counterpart it would be great.
But they dont do them anymore, it has been decades since PCs became better than consoles at everything so consoles dont need to exist, tgey parasitise on market making everything worse for eveyone, tgey need to go.

As for Nintendo they could release a fucking joystick attachement for your chinkphobe just as well. Tegra is a fucking smartpgone APU.

4k hdr support.
pcfags btfo.
enjoy your 600nits "hdr"

>install PC game
>launch game
>open settings
>preset: max/very high/ultra
>start game
>130 FPS, never dips below 80
Must suck to be poorer than somebody on food stamps.

That's the thing though. You can "turn on and play" with a PC. Boot up, load Steam, pick your game, done.

>console = silky smooth sub 30fps sub 1080p low settings upscaled experience GREAT TIMES

PC and Console fags have vastly different standards.
That which you consider great experience is cobsidered unplayable on PC.

Exclusive games with superior graphics

It lets me spend 80 bucks on a laptop and run linux.

>What advantages can you get at all over a PC?
Until G-Sync came along, every PC game was plagued by judder and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it (Windows syncs on audio and not video).

Console games on the other hand mostly looked (and still do) "smooth" even at 30fps because they are/were properly synced to the display's refresh rate.

Sony rely heavily on Playstation. Same for Nintendo to sells their 1st party games.

Microsoft on the other hand, already begun to turn its xbox on a windows 10 PC which is the right thing to do for them since they have they have also the PC to push with Windows 10 and their Surface brand so relying only on their xbox would have been silly.

Also, it makes """"""PC beggars master race"""" angry too, that's why it needs to exist.

>just insert disc/download game and play
>no maintenence needed
>comfy couch playing
>supported for years with no upgrades needed

>Why do video game consoles even exist at this point?
Because people buy them? Are you retarded?

Why does Sup Forums exisit? because retards like you visit it?