Mfw using comfy windows

mfw using comfy windows.

>no xorg configs
>no kernel configs
>no dependencies
>no GRUB

just a comfy film/music/gaming/Sup Forums machine

Other urls found in this thread:

>no grub
this is not a good thing

>no freedom
>no safety
>no privacy

>no freedom
Freedom to do what, exactly?
>no safety
From? Viruses?
>no privacy
Your isp knows what you browse

Time to bite

>no xorg configs
>no kernel configs
These are fire and forget, either way enjoy regedit
>no dependencies
botNET Framework is one, for everthing else enjoy having 30 copies of exactly the same dll
>no GRUB
I don't even use GRUB myself, based EFISTUB

You're not even trying.

>Freedom to do what, exactly?
freedom to operate with your system that comes from freedom to know what your system does thanks to open source

>Your isp knows what you browse
ssl + vpn and it only sees encrypted gibberish. are you from 2008?

>ssl + vpn
>double encryption
You know they cancel out, right?

Oh shut up..

>plug in mouse
>linux: works immediately
>apple: works immediately
>windows: "please, wait, installing drivers..."
>(30 seconds later): "you can now use your mouse!"

>shutdown linux: 12 seconds
>shutdown apple: 10 seconds
>shutdown windows: "please wait, installing update 1 / 12"

>linux command line: powerfull, simple, works for decades
>apple command line: powerfull, simple, works for decades
>windows command line: "HURR, LOOK AT MUH POWERSHELL..."

>install new software on linux: open "software center", one click
>install new software on apple: open "AppStore", one click
>install new software on windows: download .exe-installer, click it, confirm, confirm again, select directory, confirm again..

Yeah, not so comfy..

Perfect slave

You forgot
>install new software on windows: download .exe-installer, click it, confirm, confirm again, select directory, confirm again.. get malware because you accidentally downloaded the “sponsored” version

That comparison of installation methods is total bull.

All three of those operating systems have both decentralised and centralised software distribution.

>boot up windows to use software that doesn't work in linux
>wifi keeps disconnecting
>middle click doesn't work, settings are grayed out
>10 is even less visually consistent than linux
>probably taking a screenshot to send to Microsoft right now

I need to find a better way to play eroge

>thanks to open source



>freedom to operate with your system that comes from freedom to know what your system does thanks to open source
You fucking retard, are you telling me you audited 20 million fucking lines of Linux kernel code and then another 80 million of your userspace? Open-source only really means something when you want to
>add a feature yourself instead of depending on vendor
>fix a little bug because vendor is lazy
>have a protection against vendor-locking
>learn by looking how other people do shit
>use something for your own project
Make no mistake, I love open-source, but security and "safety" are not the reasons to love it, unless you are a giant corporation that's able to consume any significant project.

ive never had to config xorg even once on arch

I'd love to hear about the "centralised software distribution" of windows..

why the fuck would you pepefy this

why do I get the feeling that people are going to censor this as much as possible just like systemd

keep shilling proprietary faggot

actually my game is open sores (bsd2)

The joke's on you, I'm running Windows 7.

you clearly can't read. i said about freedom, not safety nor security.

same here OP, also browsing with chrome logged into my google account, so comfy

mfw using comfy macos

>all of the above
>virus free
>better privacy than windows

feels good


Like it or not, the windows store act exactly like the mac app store.
>find app
>click install

>using a distro that requires you to use xorg configuration
what fucking year is it


Fuck linux. Android is the only decent linux distribution. Has apps. Unlike any version of desktop linux

Sorry dude, but I really wanted to have a "comfy" windows 10 based browsing/gaming/programming machine. But the sheer fact, that my windows starts an instance of IE in the background, opens tons of ads and uses 5GB of RAM, is not comfy at all.

>5GB of RAM
in what universe?

I think that's called downloading malware on top of malware and doing it for fun, because few people are that fucking dumb

>t. Pajeet

>centralised software distribution
Even addons for edge requires an outlook account. Fuck this shit! Even w7 home basic is more user friendly than any versions of the botnet 10.

Use a w7 vm famalam

On a linux based system this kind of shit doesn't even happen in the first place

>using windows store

>>>the windows store act exactly

tfw using GNU/Linux in 2017

>no xorg configs
>no kernel configs
>no dependencies
>no GRUB

no dependency management*

>shutdown linux: 12 seconds
more like 4

Nice one, my dude.

>are you telling me you audited 20 million fucking lines of Linux kernel code and then another 80 million of your userspace?
no but other, more clever people are and they say it's ok

o heck guis them clevor peepull sayed it aight

ok desu

Compare this to the codebase of NT which is full of legacy code that can't even provide perfect compatibility, just make the thing unmaintainable.

post setup/desktop OP


wrong of so many levels

>Install windows
Everything basic works, just install 3rd party stuff that you want.
>Install Linux(much more difficult)
>Wifi doesn't work
Dropped immediately

I never had those issues on Linux. Everything just works.

feels good having the freedom to use any operating system I want, not being restricted to only Windows by a sub-100 IQ and not being restricted to only Linux by either autistic paranoia or an actual need to hide criminal activity from the NSA.

what's wrong? the taskbar isn't fixed btw

"Comfy" is for kids, for weaklings.
This board puts too much emphasis on this

>he doesn't use choco

>be me
>Install windows
>Glowing african-american intellegence agent teleports behind me
>Knocks me out with massive proprietary BBC
>pass out

>wake up the next day
>microchip in my arm
>radio collar
>loose dripping rectum

>no freedom
I can play games. I'm free.
>no safety
Firewalls, malwarebytes, a privacy respecting vpn. What more do I need?
>no privacy
has privacy settings... maybe it does actually!

this guy

This universe. check my uptime.

>>Install windows
>Everything basic works, just install 3rd party stuff that you want.
Last time I installed Windows, it didn't have Ethernet drivers.

>>Install Linux(much more difficult)
Literally click next, next, input user/password, next, next, restart and you have a fully-functioning desktop OS


What distro? Every time I attempt to update fglrx or use newly released AMD gpu, it shits the bed and gives me all of those issues.

This. ZorinOS is great!

>comfy windows

what are you doing using windows xp OP?

lets get real for a moment. You install windows 10 in about 45 minutes and for most linuxes its about the same but remember. Biggest base linuxes are about 1 gigabytes or 2 while windows 10 can be more than 5 gigabytes of data. And what happens when you open them. On the linux there are about 2 functional buttons, 3 are nonfunctional and in those two buttons there are some pictures to play with. Maybe slide down or up. On windows though, you feel like a god. Its professional its fast, its all functional. You have a godlike user interface. The thing that the linux does not have. You have those two buttons in the linux, but you still search google for codes to write in terminal. Linux is free because its not worth a penny. Nobody would sell a paper without taking the money. Just not sure why people still buy android while windows phone does 10 times more. Trust me. When you work with windows you know some genius ground breaker dedicated himself to give you an operational os

>god like user interface

>no freedom
I feel pretty free when there are plenty of options of software to choose from to accomplish my tasks. Open-source is a meme.
>no safety
I'm sorry, what? Again, I feel pretty safe.
>no privacy
As a normally functioning member of society I already use numerous social platforms where privacy is basically non existent. The government already knows everything they need to know about us and I doubt that using Windows makes the situation worse than it already is.
I came to the conclusion that the only people who autistically care about these 3 points (especially when Windows OS is involved) you're making are social outcasts who basically have no jobs and/or close relationships with other people so they make a big deal out of "freedom and privacy" to give some meaning to their pathetic lives. But how can your life be free and private when you have no life?

>You install windows 10 in about 45 minutes and for most linuxes its about the same
Bullshit. I installed my Linux distro on SSD in 5 minutes.

I remember this shitpost

Dear privacy and safety fags:

"Microsoft uses the data we collect to operate our business and provide you the products we offer, which includes using data to improve our products and personalize your experiences."

This is the reason Windows 10 is so advanced is because it is the result of actually knowing and understanding what the users want. A comfy system with minimal tinkering and technical understanding of the system being used.

People who claim this is a privacy issue seem to be negligent to the fact that you can opt out in just a few clicks. "And because Windows is personal to you, we give you choices about the personal data we collect and how we use it."

There is no data sent out automatically which contains sensitive information. "Files that aren’t likely to contain user data are sent automatically."

To further confirm that Microsoft is not interested in your porn tastes and loli addiction lets check if Microsoft's Windows 10 allows us to connect a VPN using built in services Oh wow, interesting... "Whether it's for work or personal use, you can connect to a VPN (virtual private network) on your Windows 10 PC. A VPN connection can help provide a more secure connection to your company's network and the Internet (for example, if you’re working from a coffee shop or similar public place)."

So in conclusion, it appears to be that the privacy and safety concern argument is nothing but a superiority based argument that is meant to belittle users of a system that is truly more comfy to the average user who isn't really interested in wasting hours on end tinkering their systems.


Serious question. Can linux into eyefinity for gaming? It was a mess when i checked 3 years ago.

meant to reply to you with

I don't know the answer to your question, but some cursory Googling suggests the answer is no.
However, I WILL blame you, the user:
>not leveraging multiple monitors to multitask
>instead filling them all with Far Cry 4 for muh immersion

I do that too, I just haven't had a workflow like that in a while. I use to do /3/d animations. I might try using blender to do some sfx later

>You are born homosexual

I stopped reading there.

>Microsoft is not interested in your porn tastes and loli addiction
it's a common misconception that companies only bother with "interesting" people, for some definition of interesting. This isn't the case at all, they'll collect whatever they can on anybody.

Also note how when Microsoft talks about your privacy, they implicitly mean "your privacy from people other than Microsoft". If Microsoft truly wasn't "interested" in me and cared about my privacy, there'd be one switch in the control panel saying "report nothing at all to MS". They don't deign to giver consumers the option to turn off telemetry, only enterprises (who may be subject to laws regulating what can and can't go to third parties). Why? If Microsoft respects my privacy, they should just shrug their shoulders and say "okay" if I want to tell them nothing, whatever my reasoning for that may be.

>"Why, yes, I do hinder my computing experience by exclusively using FOSS garbage and CuckCuckGo under the false pretence that not only do I matter, but I matter so much that the machine built for convenience should be as inconvenient as possible to protect muh privatez, thanks for asking"

GNU/Linux users everyone

Why would they hard code telemetry address? They knew someone would use hosts to block. They wanted to squeeze juice even from those minorty

This argument can even be extended for VR. Imagine putting on a VR headset in a future where it isn't a gimmick.
>Suddenly inside of a huge, black room
>Your monitors in front of you, each towering 50' tall
>Can be resized at a whim
>Windows can snap off of them and float anywhere in free space around you
>Game can surround you 200° or so, but you can still look around at other shit in your peripheral or behind or under or above you
>Not locked into stupid game with having to do the VR equivalent of alt-tab

>only enterprises

Are you implying you can disable it 100% on the Enterprise edition? Because it is a fact that you can't.

Arch Linux.

Never had any problems. I don't use an external GPU though.

If one makes the presumption that the modern IT is all about the internet, then you have to ask yourself
'Does Linux even have a choice in this matter ?'

A modern computing system is not one that is run from the command line - it is a system that is tied in with the internet Cloud. Just have a look at Windows 10 with Cortana and OneDrive for an example of this done right.

You need the outlook to connect in with the mass of email flowing around us every day. And then there is document collaboration - the sharing of Wordfiles and Excels between users across state boundries ! Voice over IP, cloud enabled 'Surface' computing, and voice command interfaces - all tied together with .NET and the OneDrive.

The driving force behind this internet is the Microsoft Sharepoint Server - a central peice of systems software which connects all these end points together, in a synergistic kaleidoscope that achieves both balance and symmetry.

The smart Vendors know that in order to get ahead in the future IT, that means integrating with the Cloud.

Linux has nothing on the Cloud.

>how can your life be free and private when you have no life?

Sup Forums btfo

Windows truly is comfy af


Isn't Ubuntu Cloud a big thing?

>and no Linux support
Windows AND Linux is the way to go. Right tool for the right job. Linux for werk, Windows for play.

Why can I not post in the Linux thread?
It says IP is out of range.

Nice try normie, why the fuck are you even on this board?

Sure, if you are retarded enough to use social media, then using Windows is the least of your problems, you seem to have the average mind set of the modern citizen that thinks life doesn't exist without being 'connected'.

People had a life before social media existed, so you can still perfectly have one without it, it doesn't matter if you use Windows or Linux, or don't even have a goddamn computer.

Sorry you are either to brainwashed or underage to see this.

Now go back to facebook or whatever is popular now and never come back.

>no grub
sucks to be you pal
>no kernel configs
enjoy being pwned
>no xorg configs
i'll give you that my nig but we can all (((wait))) for wayland's age
>no dependencies
spat out my drink on this one mate

>comfy film/music/gaming/Sup Forums machine

As you are one, can you tell us why windows users are full cucks and 100% homo?


Don't use fglrx. If you need to play vidya, do dualboot or kvm or some shit. no one in their right mind would juse linux, with an amd card especially, for gaems. nvidia is even fucking worse, yes, games work very well with the nvidia driver, but everything else goes to shit, especially kms. use windows for gaems and linsux for everything else. With wayland, most, if not all of the annoying issues of X11 are history. If you need MS office, install windows 7 in virtualbox.

This is the best bait I have ever, ever, ever seen on Sup Forums.

I'm actually impressed, fantastic job. I've been made happier by this post.

Sent from Internet Explorer 11

This, my nigga!

Alright, I have a key for W10 education version.

Does it differ that much from Pro? Because I'm stuck with it and I can't really order a Pro key. I have all these legit keys for different versions of Windows but I can't activate Pro with em anyways.

I mean, could you activate Windows 10 Pro with a 7 Pro key? Cause I can order one of those for free.

>no keeping configurations between updates/formats
>not knowing shit about your os
>not being able to close your computer at will

Windows 7 Best Windows

Nevermind, that Imagine thing is nice enough that I can both order an Education and a Pro key. I have like 5 fucking different legit keys now.