Why are demonizing sexbots already, when they're not even out yet?:
Why are demonizing sexbots already, when they're not even out yet?:
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they hate us
neck yourself
jews need you to keep paying taxes to those roasties.
jews need those roasties to vote for more immigrants.
jews need you to take in more immigrants to clear out the middle east.
jews need you to clear out the middle east so they can make greater israel.
>you could be killed by your own sexbot!
What better way to go?
How? what the fuck kind of hardware are you putting in it that gives it more strength than what is needed to pull on the dick
>connecting your fleshlight to the internet
Is this a new kind of sex toy with servos? The Japanese one is just rubber.
because as with anything, when men make an invention, it only gets better with time. AI, realistic looking robots, etc, will eventually get to the point that they're indistinguishable from a human.
Then women will have completely lost their power over men in society, i.e. they have a vagina.
Feminists are afraid. Normal functioning women can be enjoyable company and part of a healthy nuclear family, so sexbots can't replace them. Feminists however are universally shrill and unpleasant, their only social utility and leverage is sex. They are completely replaceable and disposable.
tl;dr feminists are having their jobs automated
I mean, if you're desperate enough to use one of those you shouldn't feel bad about dying anyway.
t. dumb roastie
Right? Who would give enough of a shit to kill you?
some guy dying after he downloads an auto-erotic asphyxiation mod is bound to happen and probably ruin it for everyone else anyway
>women are violently screeching in opposition to sex robots
>men are the desperate ones
I could totally see sex bots going awry quickly
>user wants to experiment with anal
>sexbot puts on strapon (or even a real one, thanks aftermarket!)
>"OK let's go slowly...slowly"
>The driver governing the newly loaded program is open source and prone to problems
>Sexbot rams the strapon all the way to the hilt in one thrust
>user dies of anal rupturing
Please delete this baseless accusation. Thank you in advance!
we already have robots that fuck your ass for you and nothing happens.
no one cares
now you've got government agencies globally shutting it down
we AI-sexuals have the same rights of other people, shit i feel discriminated, we have to make our own flag, go to the streets and claim our rights.
I'm talking AI/humanoid robots. Don't ruin my fantasy user. There's a difference between an Arduino powering a fuck machine, and an almost sentient AI.
this, and those fuck machines has not feedback loop.
You think that's "demonizing"? Wait until they make it so you can get them pregnant.
The only reason I'd ever want to live into old age would be so I can see that happen.
>There's a difference between an Arduino powering a fuck machine, and an almost sentient A
Dude, today mostly modern car systems are computer governed and the number of car accidents because of car disfunction are decreasing, AI histerical fags have no fucking idea about how technology works but end acceptint it.
Check the author's twitter feed. Hardly dripping with testosterone...
There's dumber reasons to want to live long. I need to live well into my 110s so I can play 2112 at top volume over my HoloSpeakers™ in 2112 and wake up all the Google Neighbors™
What are: Asmov lockouts?
You really think that we will live in an age of robotics that first won't be hardwired to obey the 3 laws of robotics?
Feminists are fucking stupid.
They will suck you down to the other side
To the shadows blue and red, shadows blue and red
Your alarm bells, your alarm bells
Shadows blue and red, shadows blue and red
Your alarm bells, your alarm
They should be ringing, they should be ringing
This is the gloaming
>tfw, your waifubot9000 malfunctions and rides you for 10 hours straight until the battery runs out
his entire fucking premise, what literally every fucking book is about, is failures and limitations within the 3 laws
They are not demonizing anything retard, it is just a shitty bait title riding on the bandwagon of all "hacking" news going on the mainstream right
You're either a retard or you're promoting your shitting website or getting paid to promote shitty website.
>3 laws
dude do you know that artificial intelligence systems has also a learning curve?, but this discussion is fucking pointless since the fucking doll gonna have the same level of computer security as an smart phone, yes a fucking smart phone with vagina.
my point isn't the AI. It's the bullshit and home brewed sub-routines that I'd be worried about. You know how some anons like to Linux Distro hop, or install random APK's on their rooted Android device? Not imagine that with a sexbot.
stfu dude, cant you see the femizanis trying to prevent us to build a better version of their?
>hur duur they cant get pregnat
As I said, a much better version of them
lol, thats normies problems, also there is an issue with that title "sexbots", their purpose is to fuck, not to drive, cook or whatever else shit.
It's still called the 3 laws because it was named before he introduced the 0th.
yeah its definitely an organized assault on masculinity and not a bullshit way to get clicks on their dying websites
Wanting to impregnate my teenage anime waifu is not a good enough reason to live long? Where do you think you are?
>I need to live well into my 110s so I can play 2112 at top volume over my HoloSpeakers™ in 2112 and wake up all the Google Neighbors™
You won't be able to do that because your holospeakers will automatically limit the volume once it detects through your social networking account that your neighbours complained about the noise. And the volume limit will be permanent, and will include all of your speakers linked to that same account. And we haven't even gotten to the twitter outcry yet; you'll be labelled as a volume Nazi and by tomorrow morning you'll be out of your job because the company you work for does not associate itself with Nazis.
let's be honest. If your bot COULD cook, clean, drive, AND fuck, would that make it anymore than a sexbot?
Shit I'd just buy my sexbot of choice, and pay the extra $5k for the "maid" sub-routine. They'd probably have fucking smartphone apps to change settings on the fly when away from home.
No, you're being paranoid and seriously over estimating the mental capacity of women.
The furthest thing they're planning forward to is what they'll cook for dinner.
Also it is not a man vs woman game, they don't care, most of women alive today will be dead or sexually useless by the time sex robots go mainstream.
Women are becoming obsolete
you could just hire me for free 2bh
>a fucking smart phone with vagina
This and a dog are the two things a man needs in his life.
Exactly why the user wants a robot
>send your fuckbot do the groceries
>SHE come back with her pussy and ass full of cum
shit taste m8
but he has to pay for the robot i come free
>Not paying for the extra Moi Tai, Wing Tsun, or Judo sub-routines specifically to take down robbers when the bot is out and about
>Not getting the DNA authentication addon that immediately clamps down hard on any penis that's not yours, that it almost severs it.
>computer governed car systems
>he didn't hack his car to remove the governor and squeeze the extra horsepower or gas mileage out of the engine
you have to Sup Forumso/ back
>>Not getting the DNA authentication addon that immediately clamps down hard on any penis that's not yours, that it almost severs it.
Excuse me? Why is your robot assaulting refugees fucking scum.
yea but if I "hire" you for free, are your holes capable of being fucked, hard, mercilessly, 4-8 times a day?
>tfw some neckbeard walk around with a harem of kung-fu sexbot that breaks chads legs if they laugh at him
yeah, with the most realistic gag simulations available
>implying I wouldn't own 25+ sexbots at a time to prowl the streets, lure rapfugees and Jamals into sex, then snip their cock off, thus purifying the gene pool and society as a whole slowly but surely
May not be able to tell my robot whores to kill due to the 3 laws, but I can have them protect themselves (thus protecting MY property) to cause bodily harm
Women, even in robot form, can't be your property you sexist pig.
>Why are demonizing sexbots already, when they're not even out yet?
Once sexbots are convincing replicas of humans and not glib fascimiles, women will lose the power they hold over beta men.
They are terrified of this. Their vagina and access to it is the only tool at their disposal. Why would some guy who works 10 hours a day put with a nagging wife when he can has a domestic robot that satisfies his every desire?
Hmm. Tempting. You'd have to get used to a mostly liquid diet so that your ass is clean-ish 95% of the time. You'd also have to be down for rope bondage, fisting, and wearing a buttplug until I get home from work.
Everyone, neckbeards and all, would all be so much more laid back from getting laid all the time. Society overall would move forward because men stopped playing the "do anything and everything to get pussy" game.
Says you. I will get the most realistic waifu-bot possible, dress her up in slutty clothes, and walk her around on a leash.
Meanwhile we already had proof of concept attacks on cars(and that can cause MUCH more damage) and nobody bats an eye.
even worse is that the white hats who were working on hacking cars like Jeep Cherokee and various Chryslers were ostracized and it is now illegal to "hack" into cars. Those same guys also managed to remotely break into a Tractor-trailer just by following behind the truck. They were able to mess with the air brakes, change speed, etc.
IRL carmageddon when.
As long as the diet is provided and you have a set uniform for me, absolutely.
I'd rather die fucking a sexbot than through the hands of some filthy nigger
>Meanwhile we already had proof of concept attacks on cars(and that can cause MUCH more damage) and nobody bats an eye.
Cars don't make feminists obsolete.
>terrified over losing power over beta men
>he thinks women are afraid of losing power over neckbeard 4chin posters
damn user you're dirty. I like that. If I had the setup to let someone else in, I would. However not an option right now. I'll think of you in a year user.
Alphas are slaves the pussy. They take from the herd at their leisure, when it suits the aggression of their loins.
Betas are the only ones providing material wealth for access to vagina.
Alpha aren't* slaves
at the very least thanks for playing along w/ me, may all your wildest dreams come true
>Implying even Chad wouldn't want to always be able to fuck a 10/10, built to his standards, always ready to go, no dates required or bitching all the time compared to a smelly 3dpd
Fuck out of here. Even Chad would see the benefits of using the sexbots. Fuck, technically, with men no longer fighting each other over prime women choices, Chads wouldn't really be a thing anymore.
Who the fuck even wants a sexbot? Just use your damn hands or an onahole
Have you ever had sex user
Nobody ITT has had sex
Okay, I'm a security researcher, I'll bite.
Say we've got arbitrary code execution on a sexbot. How do you program it to kill its owner?
>Jerking off, onaholes, and other methods of masturbation is all we've known for centuries for getting off solo
>Finally, Sexbots with fully functional AI and is able to produce almost a 100% human like sexual experience exists
And you just want to keep fucking your hand. I mean we're on Sup Forums, but that's pathetic.
I guess they could wait for the vagina sensor to detect movement, then close the gate cutting the owner dick.
by hijacking a routine it uses on/for it's owner all the time. Make that routine go too hard. Or for too long. May not kill them, but can cause bodily harm.
In the James Bond "Goldeneye" death-by-sex scene between Xenia and the Admiral... the unrated, unreleased version, seen here on the Tube, watch?v=Ie2mAPjxK-w
Override motor safeties on limbs and
Also a netsec reasercher.
Imagine being able to control a sexbot.
That's a feature, not a bug.
Sexbots look ugly as shit
Well your fucking CNC could be hacked and programmed to chop your fingers or cut your arm off. These non-sensical clickbaits keep spreading lately and I'm sick of it.
The same reason feminists are surpresseing male birth control tests. These things remove power from women.
Inb4 I get scoffed at by people that don't understand the system.
75% of women could fuck some random off Tinder an hour after dumping their partner and they love that power. If sexbots become mainstream the majority of them lose it. It'll be a beautiful thing.
But they won't, because what's mainstream is what women want
>tfw impregnable sexbots will never come in your lifetime
I feel like there should be one of those brain power memes where the genius guy thinks "75% of women could fuck some random off Tinder an hour after dumping their partner and they love that power. If sexbots become mainstream the majority of them lose it. It'll be a beautiful thing" and then the higher level god mind thinks "90% of women care very little about having sex"
yeah and your car could be hacked to explode and kill you, your plane could be hijacked, your phone could be hacked to explode and blow your junk off, and a random psycho could also kidnap you and lock you up in his rape dungeon for 20 years, but amazingly enough (((they))) don't write clickbait to spread FUD about that kind of thing
I was thinking about sexbots last night while beating the meat(among other things), and then remembered that people on Sup Forums are absolutely excited for them. Then I went into deep thought about how they would actually be, and I've come to conclude that they would be useless. Could you imagine fucking a rubber pussy, having to lube it up every few minutes?
Or spreading its ass, and not catching that sweet ass smell you get from a woman?
The only people excited for sex bots, are those that are at the complete bottom of society, who have given up hope of ever getting pussy.
Don't get me wrong, I'd still fuck one, but I'm not excited for them. They're basically pocket pussies that move. Big whoop.
But, if and only if, they're capable of self-lubrication, and fucking them is some-what realistic, then I'm game; it's not going to be the case, though, and we all know it.
sex just isnt exciting unless she can reach down and crush your balls at any time
>I'm talking AI/humanoid robots
>implying AI is going to happen in your lifetime.
>jews need you to keep paying taxes to those roasties.
>jews need those roasties to vote for more immigrants.
>jews need you to take in more immigrants to clear out the middle east.
>jews need you to clear out the middle east so they can make greater israel.
Also Tyrone's freak kids need free $$$ every month so they can continue to carry on, a chi(m)p off the old black
>women will become obsolete in your lifetime
t. cuck
t. deformed NEET virgin
self-lubrication isn't that difficult at all lmao, you're talking about adding a source and then linking them to the holes - you can do this right now with your fleshlight if you wanted to, and then add a mechanism potentially on a timer for example that squeezes the source container
so uh, i guess ask for more complex shit
stop signing your posts guys. fucking eurotrash
Shouldn't you be prepping the bull and bowing to your (((feminist))) overlords?