
Would Sup Forums recommend me to enter the Void?


i dunno anything about that distro

just like, do whatever man


>powerline prompt
Is there anything faggier?

A MacBook..?



Void is for faggots
Arch is for real men

It's a great distro. xbps is one of the best package managers around.

not op, but aren't they somewhat similar?

>I'm poor
we can tell


They are similar in the fact that they are both minimalist systems, using mainly binary package managers.
The biggest difference lies in their init system: Arch uses systemd, while Void uses OpenRC.

>Is there anything faggier?
powerline prompt....

Try it in a vm, don't use it as a daily driver.
Gentoo and Debian is for real men, faggot.

i need to get something that doesn't have systemd. gentoo is more complicated to install, and i'm a noob - so ... i guess void is fine


How stable is Void?

I think it's very stable since it doesn't have systemd.
Installation process is fairly simple (most difficult thing being partitioning and mounting). Setting it up after that is kind of a hassle but not so much.

>while Void uses OpenRC.
Sold,hopping to void.

>not minimal
>being this much of a turboautist

It also has a comfy installer.

Void is basically gentoo for people who don't have time to compile and set it up.

Note that it doesn't mean it's easy - it can be very stable and work very well, but there's so little documentation that if you want to rice or tweak things, you need to know what you're doing.

It actually uses runit, which I love.

My bad, for some reason I confused it with OpenRC. At least it doesn't use systemd.


You have no idea what you're talking about

Someone could make S/PDIF work with a dedicated sound card? I've tried a few times and I only get sound on HDMI.

Absolutely. I run it on all my laptops and have never had a problem other than user error. It lacks systemd, which is great, and .xbps is a great package manager.
Despite it lacking documentation, I used it when I was a noob to linux and really didn't cause me too many problems. The learning curve is fairly fast. Don't expect to do anything complicated with it for the first week or so, but then you probably will have enough of a grasp of it so you can rice 'n shit easily.
I recommend using qutebrowser with void, since it's a simple install and is very lightweight and easy to use once you get a hang of how to navigate in it

Apparently it has better compilation flags or something compared to Gentoo according to one poster here I read once.

Had a great time with it and after a year no major issues, so yeah, try it and see if you like how runit and xbps work.

I heard it separates free from non free software in different repos. Are they as strict as Debian is in this regard?
