Friendly reminder that piracy is theft
Friendly reminder that piracy is theft
Other urls found in this thread:
Friendly reminder that I don't give a single fuck.
>stealing is wrong
>threatening rape is fine
>It's not ok to joke about rape
>...unless it's prison rape
This guy literally wants to get ass raped.
>You wouldn't download a car
Yes I would
"Intellectual" property is not a real property.
>piracy is theft
Last time I pirated something, the owner still had his copy.
>implying I dont want to be fucked in the ass
>implying I give two shits about some corporation's income
[spoiler]thats my fetish[/spoiler]
piracy is also free advertising.
You know how many games come out on steam per day and how many of them go unoticed?
People dont even bother to pirate them.
You need to play to god that someone will notice your game pirate it and tell someone else about it.
Alias|Wavefront just like in the good old days.
it's legal in my country
>Friendly reminder that privacy is theft
Will Sup Forums be the next Sup Forums?
Why don't they just call it "theft" then?
Who's the first guy from the left with the eye thing? /lit/?
Sup Forums
It's not and I also just found out I want to buy the new metroid after playing the pirated version for a bit.
Piracy is not theft because no private property was stolen
The bright side is that it's just OP posting this and the rest of the thread is telling OP to fuck off. On Sup Forums, there is a heated debate about piracy with anti-piracy being the majority opinion
piracy is not theft enough for my tastes.
that's why I'm going to start violating copyrights and trademarks.
well, we surf the web, we have deep web and surface (web)
Anti-piracy laws are racist. Ethnic minorities depend on piracy to make a living and to be able to afford what white westerners can enjoy.
>This isn't sarcasm, this is guaranteed to work as it is technically accurate
Friendly reminder third party ads are the interwebs #1 malware attack vector.
Edgy little nigger
Blenderfags getting really desperate
software is not an object, so it is not scarce, "piracy" in this case is just sharing not theft
cool story bro
friendly reminder that abandon ware exists
friendly reminder that buying a used copy of a game that is not sold anymore on ebay or wherever will not make the developer see a single penny
pirating indie games really is kinda a dick move though
Most indie games are mediocre 16 bit wannabes that can't even do right how a 16 or 8 bit game was, all they do is just the aesthetics while lacking in the challenge they had
Indie developer here, I just want people to enjoy my game.
i get murdered IRL and no security at all but at least i can pirate in peace