Is Mate the best DE?
Is Mate the best DE?
Fuck I didn't notice the last thread
I guess we just have the same ideas
Of course it is. It emulates one of the comfiest DE ever(GNOME 2) and still keeps it lightweight. The three tiered menu makes it a lot easier to navigate to the places you want. It's just overall one of the best and any faggot who disagrees will have their mother die tonight if they don't reply to this post. Not only that but the MATE Tweak tool is GOAT.
Why am I seeing Deko everywhere today
No. Fluxbox -full stop-
you spelled Xfce wrong.
This is not how you write gnome 3
Its heckin fab for most
>that one nu-male who insists on pronouncing it "MAHT-EH"
Why would you ever use a distribution as a development environment, thats what ides are for dumbass
stock dwm
I'm enjoying Ubuntu Matté, I don't mind if you have different tastes.
Fuck KDE and anyone who likes it though.
Until Xfce 4.14, yeah prolly.
Dekomori suki des
yeah it's more fun pronouncing it mate, innit mate
fuck you nigger if you post that smug loli face once agan I'm gonna backtrace you and rape your mom
Nope, Budgie for now until Xfce 4.14 comes along.
The developer pronounces it MAHT-EH.
mate is light enough, i want lxqt to stabilize though.