So is Windows Phone officially dead or what?

So is Windows Phone officially dead or what?

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It's dead. Steam didn't build a mobile authenticator for it... go figure

Looks like to be, I was looking at Windows Mobile the other day to move away from Android but it's really lacking in the app store and Microsoft is giving hints that it will shutter the entire mobile division.

It's a shame, my brother had a Lumia and it seemed bretty good, was hoping to try one out but it looks dead. Will probably just keep my Galaxy S6 for a little while longer, neither the new iPhone nor Galaxy S8 seems so exciting that I just have to upgrade yet.

Since W10 Mobile is dead, what's the point of UWP apps?

it's coming back babe

My Lumia 920 is still comfy af

Shame, they had the best designs

>UWP apps

To make applications less portable and cause headaches for end users.

It was officially dead at windows mobile 6.x it just that no one told Microsoft. Spending 5 minutes with that abomination made me not want to touch any Windows handheld ever again.

Maybe if Balmer wasn't sitting on mountains of money watching his company slowly decline things would have been different... probably not.

Take a look at the V30 brother.

>t. happy V20 user

UWP is a godsend what are you talking about

Pretty much. Dipped below 1% market share earlier this year.

Had a Nokia 1520 for a while. Honestly, the OS is fine and has some cool ideas. The massive app-gap sent me back to iPhone (Now Samsung because of iBrow X).

Yeah. Windows Phone 8.1 was the greatest phone platform ever to exist, but 10 sucked, and Microsoft gave up. Even I gave up this year, and I was the only person I knew who still used the platform.

Android is garbage though, I hate it.

>It was officially dead at windows mobile 6.x it just that no one told Microsoft. Spending 5 minutes with that abomination made me not want to touch any Windows handheld ever again.

Windows Mobile was an unbelievable piece of shit. It was a flag waving in the wind that Ballmer was completely asleep while the mobile computing revolution raged around him.

By the time they got their act together with Windows phone, they were years behind and at that point, the dust had settled into iOS and Android.

they're shit man
>shit performance
>shit UI
>everything else is shit
using a smartphone-tier app on anything other than a smartphone makes zero sense unless it's for testing purposes

Microsoft needs to
- allow Android apps in the Windows store, basically turn it into an android emulator
- ensure full sync and compatibility with windows store and windows phone, basically sync the phone content with the windows store.

Easier said then done, but i think I read somewhere a while ago that Android on windows phone was discussed.

I also wonder why google hasn't done this yet with Chrome OS or Chrome Browser.

What to do when my Lumia dies on me? There is no replacement?

Microsoft needs to accept that Windows Phone is not Android. WP was great because it basically did nothing but was great for managing contacts for calling, texting, and emailing, and WP8 had better swipe text than Android (which MS broke in WP10).

All I want is a pleasant, easy-to-use feature phone on steroids, and Windows Phone used to be perfect for just that.

You can't out-Android Android, just like you can't out-Chrome Chrome (looking at you Firefox)

>- allow Android apps in the Windows store, basically turn it into an android emulator

At this point, that would probably be the only way for them to claw their way back into the fight.

Do what you said above
Drop Windows Phone brand (it's so tainted at this point)
Build a nice premium phone with the aesthetics of Surface Book
Surface Phone
Tight integration with PCs running Windows.
Make Skype as good as iMessage.
With Nadella turning things around for the good, it might be possible.

Cry a lot, maybe order another one an Amazon.

>shit performance
they perform better than 'regular' programs and use less resources
>shit UI
entirely up to devs
>everything else is shit
Oh so you have zero idea what you're talking about but still rant. Got it.

>any other platform pops up
lmao PWAs are on their way though

>Windows Mobile was an unbelievable piece of shit. It was a flag waving in the wind that Ballmer was completely asleep while the mobile computing revolution raged around him.

Microsoft was way-ahead of the curve with their Windows Phone, but they somehow fell asleep at the wrong time with the iPhone and Android revolution.

Get some sleep, pajeet.

Poodella really hates anything that isn't cloud related so he killed it.

They actually did.

Intel is threatening to sue Microsoft. There was a project by another company that was almost sued by Intel for doing the exact same thing.
>tfw no future where phones replace computers

They will, but they're going to lose effectively everything if they do.
Like really, spending all this time and money fighting AMD in EU, and now trying to tackle Microsoft and QC (and in turn the likes of Asus, HP, and Lenovo who are investing money producing the hardware to go alongside)? Good fucking luck trying to spin that in any way other than absolutely harmful to tech.

Part of me wants so desperately to see it though. Intel is a company that shouldn't exist anymore, at least not without fundamental leadership changes.

W10Mobile is a really good OS, but the hardware just sucks whether it's a flagship model or not. I tried my best to be a winphone shill for a few years, but I eventually gave up and went to iPhone.


I'm not very hopeful about Surface Phone either. Not even a rumor about its development at all.

>but the hardware just sucks whether it's a flagship model or not
The Lumia 950 and 950 XL are perfect as far as hardware goes, what are you talking about

for years bro


They had some of the best specs. Hardware was not even close to the issue.

It was marketing and public sway.

Its as dead as the hope for competition on the GPU market. Go and buy an Android phone.

Windows phone is dead unpopular and dead at this point. MS are expected to resurect it at some point as a line of "Surface Phone"

It's dead to everyone but Microsoft is never going to pull the plug on it. It's quite sad

>Windows phone is dead unpopular and dead at this point.

>Intel is threatening to sue Microsoft.
Right now it's just vague patent lawsuit threats. Other companies like Transmeta and MCST (see the Elbrus running Doom 3) have done x86 compatibility in hardware before. Now it's Microsoft itself threatening to bake x86 transcoding in the OS itself. That would be the end of WinTel and the end of an era.

>UWP apps
It's supposed to bridge the gap between desktop, mobile, and tablet development. If your software isn't being developed by shitbird consultants or programming interns, this is somewhat superfluous.

The reality is that MS wants a proper successor to Win32 and all of its wrappers. FOTM, they need to commit like they did to Win32. If they shit the bed like they did with early C# GRFX and web APIs, it will just be another blob of code that will be marked deprecated after three or so years.

>So is Windows Phone officially dead or what?
It is official in all but name. Microsoft kept breaking compatibility with updates and shafting early adopters. People wouldn't even look at the phones anymore for fear of getting EoL'd after a year. Apple and Google get away with it since they own the market; you can't do that when you're effectively a nobody.

What if instead of focusing on windows phone, Microsoft had joined up with Google/Android to develop an implementation of Android that used the CLR (or mono) instead of Java Virtual Machine at it's core. This making it where C# and other .net languages (including managed C++) were the core languages of android development instead of Java and effectively giving early Android a speed boost since the jvm was/is so fucking slow.

Also if that happened Java would be dead outside of India.

>2017 and the skype meme is still alive

Windows Phone could have been good if they integrated with PCs better. I have no clue why they are so against remote desktop as a consumer product. Being able to access my desktop files remotely would be great.

>That would be the end of WinTel and the end of an era.

Isn't google already moving generally towards Dart?

Microsoft is trying to side band itself into mobile with .NET Core. They are still massively shitting all over their C++ and other non-blessed languages though.

>Java would be dead
Java isn't going anywhere with the amount of legacy code and businesses married to it. Oracle may have shit the bed, but suits aren't just going to up and redevelop entire codebases until they absolutely must.

What, no. I was using the authenticator last week ago on 8.1

Yes, they killed 8.1, I loved both of my Lumias, I was one of those sick fucks that liked WP. Oh, the first Lumia got killed because of shitty Windows 10 Beta.

Facebook killed their apps for WP 8.1 this year.

And MS announched end of support, also this year, and most importantly:

WhatsApp is going to stop working on Windows Phone, December 31 2017.

So if you're a normal person, the phone is going to be useless Jan 1 2018.
I just bought a Nokia 6 this week, goodbye WP, I'm still learning Android.

Now, Microsoft killed WP with Nokia, but is still trying to make WP a thing, rebooting it, creating the Surface Phone, but they have lost all of my trust.

I just don't understand why Windows 10 Mobile sucked so much. What were they thinking?

Seems like it, weird that most phones still cost a lot. Last year the 640 was on sale for $20 at Target, now they don't have any MS phones. I regret it, but didn't want to give Target my money.

i still use it and it still works just fine if you don't care about """apps"""

they kicked him out

Hector Elizondo?

I thought the UI was quite good on WP

Windows mobile has had windows 6.x code in it for a very long time. Don't let the new interface phase you, it was a front end GUI and HAL translating for windows 6.x into the CShell. Everything was/is "emulated" in a sense in W10M which is why they gave up bothering to try to optimize performance or bring new updates to phones. It's not that the code base couldn't support it, it's that the support method was inherently flawed. They recognized the userbase is dead anyways, so they bought all in on the new UWP technology and just aren't going to bring it (CShell, Powershell, and the new .NET/C# frameworks) to phones until the feel like it.

Google is moving towards dart but developers aren't and wont for a while. Dart is outright schizophrenic right now, you'd see python2/3 wars daily with dart if people used it in the numbers that dart is used

that python is used**

Pretty sure Windows Phone is dead at this point.

Uh, no.

It was always DoA.

>gets more regular updates than any android
Nope, it's still going strong.

Never but lg

t. V10 user gone through 2 bootlooping phones

UWP is comfy, it scrolls and feels nice

Yeah, Windows Phone is officially dead. Windows 10 Mobile on the other hand is still getting system updates more frequently than any Android device.

This is wrong. They scrapped all the WM6.x code when they released WP8 and started using the NT kernel instead.

yes, too bad, i miss my 930

There's none. We just need MS to realize that.

shame, best OS by far, needed just few more apps for normies

lumia 920 served me well

You can use email authenticator on any phone that can access emails

>the only proper alternative to Android and iOS
>nobody uses it
Really grinds my gears. The Apple/Google duopoly is by the people's choice.



>no future where phones replace computers

>Hector Elizondo
Jeff Bezos

Comfy UI. Shit everything else. Im glad it's dead

I literally got rid of my windows 8 phone because the steam app was not on it. I loved everything else on it.

I used it and loved it. After my 920 bricked I wanted to stick with it, but by then WP10 had become a shitshow and app developers were dropping it.
I didn't leave Windows Phone, Windows Phone left me. It was a good ride. Hated that it had to end. 8.1 was the best phone interface ever made.

is there a good launcher that mimics win phone 8.1/10 tile look? i really dig the look

It's dead. I unironically loved windows phone as well. i had;
>HTC 8x
>HTC8s (crap, made my users have them to punish them)
>Lumia 730 - my favorite, fucking dropped it. Would take another 730 with an 8.1 "downgrade"
>Lumia 840
>Lumia 840XL

WP10 killed it. Should have seen it coming when the insider preview nuked my 840 first time round.

>*735, not 730

this desu,
nokia still based.

>richard stallman
>using a closed source mobile OS

It was dead on arrival

stallman uses a macbook with macos and runs a windows phone he fully understands that you need to distribute your data while still using the botnet to remain non-suspicious

This. Currently using Lumia 950 and still received updates and its a same build like desktop OS

>stallman uses a macbook
>I use a Thinkpad X60 computer, in which the FSF installed a free initialization program (libreboot) and a free operating system (Trisquel GNU/Linux.)

What the fuck are you on about?

You should actually meet him instead of relying on his CIA disorienting blogposts you stupid nigger.

it could be if it also compiled for android/ios

>intel sues M$
>windows becomes optimized for AMD CPUs
>azure only buying EPYCs
>all the surface shit becomes full AMD
>intel still loses the lawsuit
I see nothing wrong with this

shit cpu and battery life

Cut your shit.

>suing a company 10 times your size
this will surely end well

1520 is still comfy

I still use my 640. No normie apps, but at least I can browse the internet and call my mom.

Nice I still have the 640 too. I got it for $25 in mint condition from a seller on Mercari.

>still received updates and its a same build like desktop OS
Not exactly. The CU on W10M lacked a ton of features present in the desktop version (night light is a good example)
It was a really minor update objectively speaking.
Don't delude yourselves.

I am waiting till next year, if their is a way to install W10M to devices like SS A7(8) or S7(8) then I will sail with it for 2 more years.

Live title is king.
Fuck your dead title, where can i glance my message and calender?
Oh and that apple clock icon is biggest joke ever.

Seems so, which is a shame because some phone made now or in the future with w10 sounds pretty cool.

The lack of apps killed it, even if you aren't a hard user you will get frustrated by not being able of doing the most basic things, also Microsoft give more attention for their apps on Android/iOS than their own OS. The system itself is super smooth and comfy even on low end phones.

>Brought a cheap WP as a backup phone
>"WP is so good it runs great even on low end devices"
>mfw it's a laggy PoS with no apps and shit notification system, shit multitasking, shit integration between apps etc
The camera app on Lumias was GOAT tho, imho it was the only good thing about WP

Microsoft is just waiting on how to copy the the Apple iPhone 8/X.

Wait until next year. They will then flood your tV with commercial after commercial of hip young SJW creative types doing amazing millennial things with this new phone.

Bland Corporate IT professionals will be for their departments to order them by the palette, touting muh enterprise grade botnet.

You'll be stuck with another smartphone that talks to your Xbox and has Cortana listening to you masturbate.

Personally I would just go with the iPhone 8.

They did allow Android on it for a while, Astoria was real.
Winmo is dead though. move on.

Unlikely, corporate already love iPhone.
There would have to be a hell of a reason to move away from that ecosystem, especially since the executive types love them too.

Android is a non-starter for the corporate world since it misses integration with Exchange, but iPhone is fully integrated already.

The tile home screen is great though.

no it's not. mobile UI is why MS will always fail. they are shit tier and buy superior companies who do it better than go with their shit tier way anyways.