What would Steve Jobs think of this?
What would Steve Jobs think of this?
It's big. And it's black. So I guess he'd like it.
he'd have made them redesign the entire damn thing until the cameras, speakers and whatever else at the top is completely integrated into the display or into the bezel around the side.
He would have made the black bar bigger just for fun and then tell people they need to buy it, which they then would. People thought that guy was a golden god no matter how shitty the products were.
lisa sure got told
It's like a phone with a unibrow
Or just remove it and sell dongle with camera or speakers.
wew lad you've sure convinced me, 10 pictures out of how many millions of laptops they've sold?
I didn’t knew MacBooks charged over USB type A. Magsafe seemed like a better decision.
I phone six has a Hitler hairdo.
I meant X but I got a hangover.
The cable is equally flimsy and designed to break in both cases.
I’ve had my magsafe cable for over 5 years now, there’s only a small gap of plastic that’s torn off, had it fixed with a heatshrinking tube.
The reason why Apple cables deteriorate so quickly because Greenpeace forced them to stop using PVC in their cables and products. The materials they use now cause their cables to break sooner and cause more e-waste than would they have sticked with PVC based cables. There’s now even PVC decomposing bacteria, so it’s entirely to keep Greenpeace happy, even though it’s worse now for both the environment as the consumer.
I don't like Steve Jobs, but he definitely would have avoided the dongle hell we see today. He would just force the designers to work until there was no bezel.
Hate Jobs, but this is definitely true.
I had a Macbook too. The cable scorched itself and the battery started bloating. That's one out of one, pretty bad track record for Apple in my books. I've had laptops from five brands and Apple was the only one ever doing that. It's not like that would have been its only fault either, it was full of them.
>he definitely would have avoided the dongle hell
He is the one who removed the floppy drive from pc and cd drive and ethernet from macbook air