Who /comfy/ here?

Who /comfy/ here?

Fuck off

Fuck off

Install gentoo

LOL mad af loonix goys

windows 7 here.
never been comfier

>tfw MBP
>tfw Sup Forums pass
>tfw comfy

How well does hackintosh work? I have GTX760 and some haswell shit. I'd like to replace my windows partition and use hackintosh for normie shit.

Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?

>that font rendering
linuxfags btfo

Is 2012 MacBook usable?

Just upgraded from that its still pretty great if you've updated the ram to 8 or 16 and replaced the hard drive with a SSD. Just don't think the new APFS is supported on them just yet on High Sierra. But, it'll get it in a few updated once HS is out.


Is there any reason why a sane person would have the dock NOT on the default position?

Unless you have the dock set to auto hide, you get more screen real estate when you keep it on the left side of the screen.

It's 16:10 screen so it would be smarter to have dock left or right

>all these shill threads up constantly
pajeets need to get paid somehow I guess

very comfy (。>﹏

I wish it showed my real CPU speed, but oh well.

This OS actually made me transfer my windows partition to a backup disk instead of the other way around.

PS feel free to steal the serlal that shit was generated in Clover kek

Do the fonts look okay on non-Retina(tm) display? I remember connecting a rMBP to an external screen and everything looked like shit.

I'm poor and I can't afford it. Now fuck off.

Very comfy. Still have Linux and Windows on VMs for bullshitting around

My 1440p did that. Had to download a ruby script to force RGB mode on it and it works fine

Yeah they look fine, especially on my GPU's native res. I set a custom resolution on a smaller monitor because I was tired of windows constantly overlapping each other. Custom res of 2560x1440 looks good but my GPU was never supposed to run this resolution anyway, 1920x1080 looks better than windows in terms of readability though imo

Is the imac with student discount and free beats a good deal?

just finished installing my hackintosh to try it out - seems alright so far.

me again, can any of you guys recommend some software I should check out to improve my experience?

pic related, 1920x1080

compared to 1440p

honestly just can't go back to the old shit. If anyone knows how to fix that without changing the res i'd love to know.

homebrew for terminal
any programs you have on windows
w/e other small programs you want. I have eqmac2 installed for a system wide equilizer instead of limited in itunes

Anyone tried hackintosh on a W530?

I'm comfy with my 4k Lenovo Yoga 910

I used to ignore this but Alfred honestly is a really good app. Once used to it, file management is so much better.

Flux bc gotta get that sleep

Little Snitch so you can see network traffic (new version has an awesome interface too, pic related)

BetterSnapTool so windows behave like in Aero, drag to the side of the screen to resize, drag to the top to maximize, etc.

That's all I use besides my resolution switcher.

thanks lads

If it has nvidia optimus or switchable graphics, it won't work at all unless you use the onboard CPU for acceleration in which case it'll be shit

check out this bad boy. Still runs like on the first day, but the battery is slowly dying.

raise you

macOS really is comfy as fuck.

never used macOS here. It seems mostly comfy due to its cosmetics... or is there some stuff under the hood that makes it comfy. I have to admit the unix terminal is pretty op.

What do you think about late 2016 vs. 2017?

Would be more comfy if the display port of this shitty nvidia t420 works in this nice OS

My Mac Pro is starting to show some age but honestly it's a great machine and I love it.


Literally every front-end developer