/tpg/ Thinkpad General

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If you're looking for purchase advice, READ THE BUYERS GUIDE FIRST. Then post, stating budget and requirements (e.g. size and performance).
>Don't buy anything OTHER THAN P, T, X, and W SERIES if you want the Real Business Experience™

Recommended IBM models:
X60, X61, T60, T61, 860, Transnote, PC110

Recommended old models:
X200, W500

Recommended modern models:
X220 - 12", 768x1366, cheap and light
T420 - normal size, 14", 900x1600
T520 - 15", 1080p, Quadcore-CPUs
W520 - desktop replacement, 15", USB 3.0

Last good models:
X230 - 12", USB 3.0, IPS option avaiable, classic keyboard installable
T440p - 14", last ThinkPad to have replacable CPUs, 1080p IPS displays avaiable
Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap.
>Excellent keyboards - tactile feel and quiet.
>Great durability: chassis uses a magnesium rollcage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels.
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models.
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop.
>Easy to repair, upgrade and maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model. Spare parts are easy and cheap to obtain.
>The best trackpoint (that red thing in the middle of the keyboard). Great for those who type a lot or hate swiping their fingers all over a touchpad.
>Excellent GNU/Linux & *BSD support.
Used ThinkPad Buyers Guide:

New guides by xsauc:

ThinkWiki - Info on ThinkPads and running GNU/Linux on them:

ThinkPad service guides w/ tutorial videos:

ThinkPad wallpaper collection:

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00ARP0RCY/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1505436585&sr=8-4&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=thinkpad t430 charger&dpPl=1&dpID=51G8wGqhg8L&ref=plSrch

Quiet thread, that's for sure.

Anyway, anyone have a T500? I'm thinking about putting windows 7 on it if I did get a thinkpad (discounted windows activation keys for college, seriously $10), but I'm wondering how does the t500 fair?


Second for GOAT ThinkPad T25

My ultraportable 65W ac adapter for my x200 is making a fizzing sound. Search results tell me, this is bad and its gonna die soon.
Can I just use an ordinary 65W ac adapter? Any concerns about buying an offbrand one from the chinks?
The laptop was just 90 $ so I dont really wanna throw 30$ on a lenovo ac adapter.

I saw a used t450 (i5 8gb) for 379€, is it worth the price?

After getting memed by buying a thinkpad I decided to install linux. Am I about to get memed again?


What would be the best business laptop to use if I want to use it docked as a desktop replacement?
I'm gonna be moving around alot for the next 5-6 years and would like to just buy a cheap monitor and ditch it when I leave; taking the laptop and M&K with me, rather than lug around a desktop.
The only requirements are a good cpu, dedicated GPU for emulating and 2007 era games, the ability to have over 3 drives and preferable at least 1 msata/m.slot and linux support.
Is there a thinkpad that fits this for around 500 americlaps? I've been doing some research and it looks like the elitebook 8770w is a pretty good machine, expensive on ebay though.
fedora is great. Don't forget to use rpm fusion for fonts/codecs and copr for shit you would want to find in the AUR.

fuck by over 3 drives I meant at just 3 full size drives and 1 or more msata

Is this t470 worth buying considering the specs?

Or should I go with the X1 here? Or something else entirely?

>Not T70
Underage detected

my new x220 ips display seems to have a subtle reddish tint to it. is this normal?

If you want a brand new laptop and you have the money, go for it.
If you just want a good laptop buy an older one.


it now appears less red. I think my eyes had to get used to it.
Big improvement, totally worth it. some backlight bleed though.

just installed fedora xfce on my x220, did i do good?

'Sup Sup Forums, some normie faggot just pressed really hard on my trackpoint thinking that it would input a click. I stopped them from pressing any harder but now I can't stop thinking that my beloved clit mouse is broken. Just how resilient is the clit mouse from hard presses? I need to kick that fag in the ass.

Be sure that the new one doesn't make a buzzing sound.

no, the only reason to install fedora would be wayland

...can't you just test it and see if it's broken?

>Not T61p

Normie detected.

Where do I buy a new battery for my x220 it doesn't hold a charge anymore

Where do I buy one of those extended batteries that Louis was talking about in this video. youtube.com/watch?v=AFWJP5yCujw&t=658s
(I'm using a t430 BTW)


what do you guise think about buying a x220 from a refurbisher?

90% of x220's are used. No point in finding a brand new one, go ahead.


I'd quite like to upgrade from my x220 to something more beefier. Preferably with the option to use an eGPU (i'd like to do away with a desktop PC eventually).

Which memebook should I upgrade to?

Cheers senpai

I'll take a better pic when I have better lighting, but my W500 is complete!

- Core2 Duo T9600 Processor
- 250GB SSD + 1TB HDD Ultrabay Caddy
- Japanese Keyboard (A new one, too!)
- Librebooted

Honestly I expected to make a bigger list of modifications, but I didn't really need to do a whole lot to this thing to make it comfy. Awesome device, would recommend!

do you actually use the jap keyboard as intended?

I have an IME set up, but nope! :へ)

is it still functional even with tiny spacebar? I wanna convert my x200T to a jap keyboard

Would I need an external flasher to install coreboot on my x220?

You gotta get used to it, but hell yeah it's usable.


Any recommendations? I've heard a raspberry pi works.

>tfw you run your finger around the soft rim trackpoint

Hwhat theme is that??


BBB Rev C is probably the easiest method because it has an on-board power supply. Once you get SPI interfacing set up on it, it's a no-brainer.

It's based on a lot of classic Windows themes, modified myself to actually look more realistic. Chicago95 and Windows Classic are what it's based on. The entire GTK3 theme I have is basically just Chicago95 with some small modifications, though lol.

You don't seem to know what a T70 is. A T61p is as pedestrian as a Macbook in comparison.

T410 owner here. It's falling apart so I'm looking for a new laptop. Considering a T470 but I'm looking for other options. I want something rugged since I have a habit of tossing my laptop around. Any suggestions, or are thinkpads still king?

ThinkPad is a crippled king in a realm full of deaf and blind retards who are also crippled.

I bought a T430 but it has no charger, will this one do the job?
amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00ARP0RCY/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1505436585&sr=8-4&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=thinkpad t430 charger&dpPl=1&dpID=51G8wGqhg8L&ref=plSrch

What resolution is that?

And post the one with the buttplug next time so people pay attention

got a stripped screw in my x220, how do i remove it? was trying to install an msata ssd

go OC X9100 or go home

I bought one of those ebay sets with all three and I was intending to get it for the classic trackpoint but I found I actually really like the soft rim

superglue screwdriver to it, let it dry, then unscrew

The soft rim one is the best anyway, less pressure needed and feels gud

yeah but you can get a genuine one for cheaper


which distro would you guys recommend someone install on a "fully" loaded t60?

I would go for the X1
Much smaller screen bezel (almost XPS tier) and pretty much the same performance and a lot lighter

can someone identify this thinkpad?





Wallpaper dump?

they look so happy, I wanna kill meeself

they were a group of online friends attending i61
that pic is in an airbnb in the UK
my favorite is the ubuntu 8 wallpaper

ordered this on ebay
>Lenovo ThinkPad t420 i5 2x2.50ghz 4gb 128gb SSD HD 1366x768 BT Windows 7 Pro
>180€ (165 if you dont count shipping from Germany)
how did i do? i really like how it looks, and i already loved the T61 my mamma had so i think im gonna love this
i5 is supposedly i5-2520M

nice job

should i be using lenovo power manager?

that's what I did when I was still using windows.
It's not that bad, its not really good.

>Bought a t440p from ebay, i5 4300m with 8gb ram
>Wait 3 weeks
>Open it up
>Fire her up
>Open task manager
>See 8 threads
>check specs
>i7 4700MQ, 8GB 1600MHz ram

What are the odds they mislisted it or sent the wrong one?

Use Lenovo Settings if you want to set battery threshold limits.

No fucking way, top kek.

I bought the P51 with the quadro 1200 how'd I do

I am getting one from Craigslist for $120

Hopefully the same happens to me

Has anyone had any issues with pairing the MX Master mouse with an X220?

My MX will pair with every other laptop and android device I own. My X220 will pair with every other bluetooth device I own, but my X220 will not discover the MX in any OS I run.

why the fuck am i only getting 2 hours of battery life from my chinkpad

redo drivers?

If I have an E440, which I am aware is not a real thinkpad, is it possible to replace the awful touchpad with something that doesn't completely suck?

It boggles the mind how they could have shipped something so terrible.

My T420 came with Computrace activated but I was able to disable it and there's no Computrace processes in my drive or task manager. How do I make sure it's not active?

dying battery? Chip isn't working? Idk man you need to give us a little more information

Is it okay to list as Used on ebay if only the disc drive doesn't work?

Yeah, it should be fine, but make sure you state so in the description for the item.

If it was enabled but not activated then it was probably toggled on in the BIOS but the previous owner didn't pay for the actual service so you're fine most likely.

>6cell battery
>i5 2520m
>1366x768 default panel

also, is not fully charging/discharging you battery a meme or is it actually good for it?

How much TDP should i set as maximum when running on battery for an extra bit of battery life without giving up too much performance? 15W?

My very first thinkpad just arrived, is it normal for the lid to shimmer? I though the lid was supposed to be a matte grayish black.

show us a pci

It's good for it but to an extent, you don't need to worry about it so much.
Yeah you just have an old battery. According to lenovo's website your full charge should be at around 60 watt hours. You're at half that, which explains why you have half the normal battery life.
I think there are ways to replace the cells if you're into that sort of thing but just buy a new one if you don't know how to solder



for how much?


Is this any good? I just want to draw shit. I hear it has pen support.

for that price, just get a decent X230T

Sounds like a good idea, I guess but all the ones on ebay have descriptions like "huge crack on upper corner" and shit

How long did it take for you to get used to the switched placement of Fn and Ctrl on ThinkPads?

nice B

What's wrong with it, that's how the chiclet keys have always been. And we've had chiclet on thinkpads for almost 6 years now.

>Be macfag for the past 10 or so years
>Find a fully specced, mint condition T440s for super cheap on Swiss ebay
>Ships with standard lenovo bloatware, install vanilla Windows 10
>Laptop is nice
>Decide to give Linux another try
>Remember that eye cancer inducing screen tearing
>Remember that cancerous X11
>Read about fedora and wayland
>Ah well, let's give it a try. Might as well get memed again.

I have to admin that it's actually pretty fucking nice. Aside from the usual initial hassles with linux on a laptop/desktop (repositories becuase of MUH FREEDURMS, touchpad set up, NO.FUCKING.MS.OFFICE) it's actually pretty fucking nice. I'm making this my main machine now.

T-thanks Sup Forums

Its literally just a shitpad with the good keyboard

All they had to do to make this a win was take a T420, put a new processor in it, then trim the bezel and shove a 16:10 screen in there

Here's a pic of the shimmer on my X230s lid. Is this normal?

Here's a pic of the underside where the shimmer effect seems more pronounced.

Looks pretty normal to me

Here's mine


Why would you start with a T420 and hack it instead of just using the T410 which was already the right size?