Daily reminder, if you don't know and use Forth you're a brainlet.

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Im getting depressive again with all this shitposting and 0 actual content.
Thid board has a feature made specially for it and no one uses it because none of you can program, not even in tetrix, most post are politically motivated and responses to and low bait, the only ones that post creative content are the screentech threads, they actually take the time to make a fucking screenshot of their own terminal instead of downloading images from google, frog posters are cancer to, none of them takes the time to draw their own pepe and most pepes are unrecoverable, you can even count their pixels i tried to safe so many pepes but its impossible, they are eternally lost in the spacepixel paradigm.
The big appending on this board was a fucking Apple convention, its fucking depresive that most users only post that trash without even disscusing the fact that those emojjis dont have a fucking frog!!! How can this site miss somthing that obvius NO ONE NOTICED!!!
everyone focused on the white male raitio and bulshit like that but the most iconic meme this site offers and repost thousand times a day... nope no one noticed. So i arrived the conclusion that this place is run by google, the only reason it exist is to fill those damit captchas, its so fucking obvius, you may ask me why not legacy captcha and i will respond you with a fuck off nigger i run what i want on my computer okay, if i like my desktop riced up with lolis tis my matter not yours you nupol+ idiot. I like my thick i3 gaps very VERY thinkLike big butts and I can not lie YouOther brothers can't deny That When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist And A round thing in your face You Get sprung Wanna Pull up tough Cuz ou notice that butt was stuffed Deep In the jeans she's wearing I'm Hooked and I can't stop staring Oh Baby, I wanna get with ya And Take your picture My Homeboys tried to warn me But That butt you got Make Me so horney Ooh Rump, of smooth

iditos cat read nor writte without gramma errors

what is even tetrix?

forth isn't perfect.
the syntax itself, however, is literally god's gift to humanity.


>tfw two stupid too understand CREATE DOES>

create does> haunts me. I wish I could learn it and be an awesome forth programmer.

Install gentoo.

>using gentoo
>just use forth as kernel
>use forth as os
>use forth as shell

>made a forth OS
>mfw I never implemented create does>
I dont know if am a brainlet or something inbetween.

it's a shit language. writing forth code it tolerable, but trying to figure out someone else's undocumented code is the stuff of nightmares

don't trust anyone, not even yourself.

I'm the best fucken programming on Earth.
Forth is trash.

>thse fags cant even meta-imply
Are you even trying?

cattle impasse

Forth is a superior programming language I feel sorry for brainlets who can't understand it

You are not your operating system. You are not your kernel. You are not your hardware. You are the all pushing all popping stack of the comp. And you are bit rotting one cell at a time.


I'm a brainlet
I'm going to follow easy forth.
Will I ever make it?
I CA not program. ...

is there a version of forth that can run bare metal on x86?


ans forth can do this

scheme > forth

On a side note, I've been dreaming of making an OS that runs scheme in the kernel and I think it would be handy to bootstrap with forth

A good language to teach programming

Forth is a language that teaches you how a computer works under the hood

reminder that terry davis likes forth

u wot proof it

Forth is a serious language

No one aint got no shit on forth

Daily reminder, if you know and use Forth you're expired.

what is forth?


The same could be said of Lisp, but anons suck that language's dick all day.