If we are living in a computer simulation how could we crash it?
If we are living in a computer simulation how could we crash it?
with no survivors
Worldwide Communism
Ideally you'd wanna raise the voltage to fry the system assuming it has a load limit. So I would hazard a guess and say if everyone on earth was fucking at the same time it'd be a lot to processq
Source? This is kawaii as fuck.
>black holes are buffer overflows
If we did, we wouldn't know it. The sysadmins would restore from backup and adjust some settings to prevent the crash again.
Probably by making the host machine run out of memory. If we make the assumption that they have some sort of memory compression technique enabled, then everyone doing the same thing at the same time probably won't work. I suppose having everyone in the world do several random things at once and keep lots of things in their head it might work.
You know the deal
>anime is a glitch in the program
How can we organise something to test this?
anime website
>Dividing by Zero
>Mass extinctions
All parches
>making a computer that has been made to run the universe crash by doing random things at such small scale
Maybe the system crashes a lot. Maybe we need to sleep because otherwise we run out of allocated resources (assuming a process per person).
"Pokemon Go to the polls"
If such a stupid game was enough to make people go outside surely we can make people do something complicated for hours in exchange of in-game points
"we" probably can't. Any simulation that's so complex that we can't definitively state with empirical proof that it is such, is probably going to be able to handle a few humans doing something they think is clever.
pacman -Syu
if you enable dev-repos maybe
Install Gentoo
Observe everything. Unobserved things are not rendered, this causes some quarks in the physics engine. Clearly this was done to save computational resources. If we observe everything then everything will need to be rendered.
But honestly it probably wont crash, it will probably just slow down the simulation and this slowdown will only be observable from an external reference frame.
But it could be the case that the simulation was given x units of compute time, by crashing the system we will end the simulation early (by our time reference) and cause the end of the universe.
I predict that there are many such simulations carried out with slightly different parameters. The agents running the simulations are probably searching for conditions that spontaneously generate life. But they are probably looking for life a hell of a lot more interesting than us. And they may not even consider us as alive or our impact on the universe is so marginal that they completely overlook our entire existence. We need to blow up some planets or something big like that so they will see that we existed in the first place.
>implying you and I are even real.
Remember everything from today.
How many gaps in your memory are there?
You can account for maybe an hour at best.
Where were you user? stored in memory waiting to be used again. most of your life was spent having been culled and put into storage.
You make a video game that mimics the pretext of the simulation. Then the simulation will become reality.
If the computer simulation is already seamlessly running at least the solar system to the distance Voyager 2 is from the Sun then I don't think anything we could do would crash it.
I can write down my entire day including most of my thoughts and preserve the short term memory for 2 days. Try to sit down in front of a notebook and start writing your day in chronological order. Memories will start popping up in your mind if you follow the chain of events.
Back 200 years ago people would memorize entire books word perfect. Now I cant even remember my own phone number.
Quit hogging all my memory resources you fagot.
Dear user,
I have always been intrigued by this image but I feel butterflies in my stomach when I see it. I mean I know the liberation of finally getting to die but I can't help bit feel a sense of impending doom at the same time.
You see it's not like I don't want to kill myself but something inside me holds me back. Like a chain on a ravaging pitbull. I internally scream and beg for final release but bound I still am.
It only gets worse when I approach the void. A few months ago as I was crying myself to sleep like most weekends I took hold of a bottle full of sleeping pills and as I did my best to muffle my crying so that my neighbors wouldn't wake up I opened it and poured a dozen in my hand. I couldn't help but feel a rush of fear that made me drop them and suddenly stopped crying. I now just felt an overwhelming about of fear as I hid under my covers.
You see I'm a coward, plain and simple. I just don't want to be locked up like a fucking dog anymore. So I ask you, what do I have to do. What are the steps that I must walk through so I can finally be free. I'm trembling as I type this but I know what I want, I've always known. I feel haunted.
You're earthenly bretherin, manly mann
The universe is a computer. The issue is that you anons cant differentiate between what we see as a computer (Von Neumann arch) and what a computer is by definition.
God is thermodynamics. It doesn't feel, it both is and reacts to natural forces. Entropy is the goal that the universal comouter is working towards without sentience.
8ch /suicide/
I know but I wanted to hear it from you. You want people like us to take heed when you post that image but I'm afraid. I'm afraid user, I'm willing to let go but I'm so very afraid. It
Tati Tari
Save up your allowance, go to a gun store, buy a 12 gauge shotgun and some buckshot, then go home load it and point it at your head. Keeping your finger on the trigger eventually you will sob hard enough to pull the trigger
This is also an option if you want to be disabled for life
Solve the Riemann hypothesis
We have become quite efficient
>this anons observation haki is off the fugging chart
God fucking damnit, I wanna go home. I just wanna go home...
I work with molecular simulations.
We could detect that we're in a simulation by finding some kind of strange geometry to our universe. As an example, some simulations put particles on the surface of a sphere.
We could detect some kind of strange physics inconsistencies due to optimizations. Energy appearing or disappearing, reuse of patterns, detecting discretization error.
Most simulations crash because a particle went out of bounds of the system, was duplicated when moving between slices handled by different cores, or caused some kind of numerical error (divide by small numbers, bad algorithm leads to massive roundoff error, subtracting numbers of vastly different sizes).
More practically, though, just take two or three tabs of acid and you'll break out of the Matrix in no time at all.
I find this interesting. Might be studying MolPhys for Masters prgram. Please continue
Whenever a forest fire happens, that's just the user adjusting the graphics settings.
I'm 2/3rds to a retard, do you mind giving me a rubdown of what you just said? I had trouble understanding it...
If you're interested in learning more, I'd recommend Understanding Molecular Simulation by Smit and Frenkel, and Computer Simulations of Liquids by Allen and Tildesley. You can find pdfs for both pretty easily, and it would give you a good idea of what to expect.
I'm at the pretty much same position as you. You see, when I was at the verge of suicide, at a cliff, watching the waves crash violently and making a calming noise, I was so calm and happy. I never felt so comfortable, so distant against my worries, my problems and my insecurities, I wanted to end my life at that time to preserve my mental state as it was, I didn't want to go back.
You know that cliche in most movies where the protagonist's entire life goes in front of his eyes right? I didn't know it could be real, but it was. The environment was like it was taken by a slow motion camera. I could see the birds chirping their wings, the waves crashing at the cliff, the leaves flying through in front of my eyes, in slow motion. I remembered a distant memory, a memory where I was trying to save someone who was about to kill himself. I don't really remember his face or where we were. The only thing I recall is that I was screaming at him to stop being a coward and fight back for once.
The adrenaline started rushing through my entire body and I couldn't help but start crying. It was almost like I was talking to myself in that memory. I was right, why wasn't he stop being a coward and fight back for once? Why was he ending his life on such pathetic excuses when he could go out with a bang?
As I was asking these questions to myself, rushing back to my car to calm myself down and stop shaking, I concluded that I could give myself another chance, a chance to go out with a bang.
I sat down and made a list of things that drove me to the edge of suicide and how could I overcome them. I gave myself two years. If I failed even after that, then I could be sure that I am a pathetic human being undeserving of living. If I redeemed myself, I could go on with my life and be happy for once.
Only a month passed since I was there. I am planning on visiting that place two years later, to conclude whether if I am going to finally let go or watch the scenery and go back.
stick a fork into every socket you can find
Will investigate further. Thank you.
If the devil was real you would be him. What's the catch?
Going out with a bang entails going for a high score.
i want to see the rest of this porn
Yes, I am trying my best to go for the highest score. I am going to decide if that is enough to forgive myself. Time will show, maybe I'll die at a traffic accident while I am going there.
>God fucking damnit, I wanna go home. I just wanna go home...
You are useless
I know, it's like I'm a broken light switch. Maybe I'm already in hell. Maybe we all are.
Don't use guns. Try to diy some chemistry or something for the high score attempt.
>sets unrealistic goals
>with drastic consequences should.they not be met
then you wont even kill yourself and youll have totally wasted 2 years
You're only saying this because you don't want more ammo for the gun control agenda. Suicidal and mass-murdering maniacs don't care about that.
I once had a therapist that told me that the reason he's convinced that we're not living in a computer simulation is because of "fingernails". I asked him what he meant by that and he said there's no reason for something so redundant and small like fingernail growth and variance to exist if we were in a computer simulation.
To this day I have no fucking clue what to make of that logic.
they protect your fingertips, imagine only having soft nubs with no fingernails
I think the point he was trying to make was that fingernails could just exist by themselves in a simulation and that because of that there's no reason to program them to "grow" because it's such a small detail no one would notice normally.
If we're living on a computer simulation, you don't even know how the real reality is or works.
Sleeping is bitcoin mining for our overlords. We don't really need sleep; we just accept 8 hours of downtime every day without questioning.
No; biological, chemical and explosives are simply superior methods for achieving a lasting high score (in that order). Unless your going to use something like an array of cnc turret mounted guns just don't go with guns.
Can you imagine the ass-pain if you spliced in antibiotic resistance and immunocontraceptive genes into a virulent e. coli? And then spread that across Africa and the middle east. You could get a score in the hundreds of millions.
You probably would need something like a zero ningen plan.
I don't think you realize how dangerous this man is. He still hasn't told us what the catch is to his plan when it succeeds.
The therapist is right, it's the little things that make all of this as "real" as possible. We could have all been born without nails and just have had rougher scalier skin or something. The fact that all humans have nails and they grow at different rates means a simulation isn't possible especially when we can all consciously conclude and accept the existence of our fingernails.
We can become aware of the small things in life, we are aware.
We've already done that, it's called AIDS.
Well apple is worth more than Microsoft, so I would assume the OS does not use logic in any way.
Nah. They just set the iq of normies at sub 100. That explains that one.
What about white kids wanting to be black now?
thats beautiful. do it faggot. make your life better. dont kill yourself.
I would assume the simulation machine has enough resources to render every possible form and product of the universe it's simulating. Unless you find a way to actually add things and break conservation laws I don't see a crash from that.
>Probably by making the host machine run out of memory.
So a quantum computer.... The thing we are on the verge of actually building.
What? No, that doesn't even make sense. How would running a simulated quantum computer... what?
:(){ :|:& };:
We already have quantum computers.
Go hang yourself, pedo
we are not
then why do we get tired when we dont sleep?
to make sure we fall asleep eventually so the CPU time allocated to you gets freed to mine etherum
pedo imageboard etc etc
so its basically the windows update meme?
>Memories will start popping up in your mind
almost as if they are generated.
The fact that irrational numbers exist is clear proof that we are NOT in a simulation. Regardless of how advanced you get you can't have unlimited memory therefore you can't have numbers that never end.
Prove me wrong. Pro tip : you can't.
1/3 isnt irrational in base 1/3
What about π in base e?
>yfw this whole universe is a simulation to demonstrate how communism is superior
>the simulation is still running because it has never been real communism
I used to be a commie sympathizer until my cousin told me something that completely changed my outlook.
"Everyone's a communist until they become rich."
Throw a bunch of black holes and magnetars together until the laws of physics break.
The universe is a dark matter simulation. Sentinent life is a bug. We'll be wiped out instantly if we ever interfere.
> it will probably just slow down the simulation and this slowdown will only be observable from an external reference frame.
This is the real "fuck" moment of the post.
We'd never be able to detect immense slowdown since we ARE the slowdown.
We only detect slowdown in games and programs because we are using them.
The programs themselves, without a proper ticker (any decent developer), have no clue about time beyond what the OS provides them every time-slice.
Any other process stealing priority from them is given it blindly. They can do nothing to disagree or care.
Of course, as above, this is without proper time management in the program.
A person simulating a universe would never want such a feature either, because then it would be trivial to figure out the universe is fake simply by everyone concentrating on random things around the whole planet.
Of course, there is another issue. The planet isn't the simulation, the UNIVERSE in entirety is the simulation.
We'll need to smash a few billion galaxies together in hopes of making some dent. If not more.
But irrational numbers do not exist in nature. Not even blackholes, that is improper physics.
They are concepts that have never been calculated to use every quanta of information in the universe to represent them.
If they were, nobody would be around to give a single shit.
Are you implying the universe is not continuous?
If it was crashable then the whole place would have turned into black matter
Quantum computers require a hell of a lot of memory to simulate and if quantum physics is just a quirk of our simulation and doesn't exist in the host universe then trying to run a large scale quantum algorithm may cause the system to run out of memory and crash.
We don't know for sure.
We'll not know for a very long time, if ever.
It might seem infinite, we might give up right before we could reach a potential "edge".
It might wrap around like the surface of a balloon, merely stretching apart. (the most accepted theory)
It might be a hologram.
But what we definitely do know for now is everything follows some sort of logic, even the quantum world.
Infinities and their general families don't exist in nature outside of improper science and data.
There is a reason Relativity fails hard at high units of [insert any fundamental property].
install gentoo
Creampie the nearest virgin.
Well, even if everything in the universe is "pixelated", there is a infinitesimal mathemathical dense reality that particles are following in order to move.
What if dividing by zero is possible but cannot be done because we are living is a simulation
> get out of simulation
> tries to divide by zero
> calculator is from previous simulation
> everything is in base 0
> calculator gets cancer
> i stop existing
> calculator knows
> calculator does
> calculator is crackulator
> i come back to existence
> calculator greets me
> i forget how to remember
> calculator runs out of ram
> we have sex
> our children have division by 0 syndrome
> i kms