Why is this piece of shit shilled at every college?
Why is this piece of shit shilled at every college?
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not shilled at my college at all. East coast tech school btw
>Piece of shit
>Shilled at every college
Wrong on two levels. It is not shilled at every college and it is quite good.
My school is Java or Python at the lower levels, and usually student's choice or C++ in more specialized courses.
>It is not shilled at every college and it is quite good.
Microsoft, they make deals
Literally nothing wrong with C#
This, most colleges are Microshaft partnered and get free office/windows licenses in exchange for creating code monkeys.
jeez user how many college you are in
Are schools not starting with C and Cpp anymore? Thank Jesus.
How exactly is it a "piece of shit"? What's a good language to you?
> Poo in the loo god
You're thinking of Java, user.
C# is like Java but without all the poo, both code wise and people wise.
It's not mentioned at all at my university. Java isn't even used in any classes aside from Object-Oriented Design.
You are confusing C# with Java
Nah C# is good, and I think it's pretty helpful for learning OOP too.
Something that wont have microjew's dick up my asshole
>C# is like Java but without all the poo, both code wise and people wise.
Replace pooniggers with taconiggers and you get C#
>Rebranded piece of shit
> taconiggers
Sounds like a Burger Kingdom only issue to me. The Poo Plague on the other hand is a global issue.
>The Poo Plague on the other hand is a global issue.
Just let them keep poking at the chinks until they get nuked.
You're thinking of Java
>piece of shit
No. I'll admit teaching .NET framework is intentionally locking a developer in a ecosystem, but now that .NET Core is a thing and Microsoft has been actively developing to make C# a cross-platform language C# has become a very easy and nice to use crossplatform language. As someone who has written a lot of enterprise Java code, I can say that C# is by far a better language than Java and accomplishes things that Java developers wish they could accomplish.
If you want a comfy language with a lot of support/libraries that just works C# is a good start.
It's only shilled by wanabe gaymer kids.
Is that the Ghost of Marvel? Is he getting strapped for the MvC Infinite midnight launch?
Like that other user said, C# is not tied to MS exclusively anymore.
wtf is going on here.
i must gave missed it
also east coast tech school, we only do C# when game dev majors use Unity.
Have you ever tried to make a C# Gui in Something other than windows?
Have you tried making a GUI in Java?
Have you tried making one in C/C++ outside of Windows?
GUI making outside of Windows is a nightmare period. Java just manages to take it a step further and make GUI making on any OS a PTSD-inducing experience.
Chris G wins Marvel at Evo. Some random ghetto ass nigga hops on stage, it's a big ass stadium stage, and shakes Chris' hand. But turns out he wasn't there to congratulate him (illegally), he didn't let go of Chris' hand and turns out he was actually challenging him to a money match. No one knew who the hell he was or what was going on, until security dragged him out.
Full story from Chris G's POV:
I do wish that there's a cross platform for C# but right now the focus is on web and mobile apps. I did hear that Xamarin is branching out and will eventually run on Windows via WPF. Who knows what will happen in the future.
GUIs are stupid anyways. Just make it a web app and use a javascript and html.
C# gets you jobs. They're not good jobs, but they are plentiful.
This. Also javafags can learn C# practically overnight so there really isn't much competition.
*cross platform GUI.
> web app
I would like to say this is an absolute cancer idea but... given the current modern society where everyone has a browser in their pocket, and where Javascript is advanced enough to write a fucking bitcoin miner in, that might actually work better than trying to write a GUI application for every imaginable OS.
Except every college I've seen which teaches C# also teaches C++ and something else like Python, and C++/C# are given equal weight depending on the language strength. Java colleges will similarly teach a few languages, but tend to focus way more on Java, forcing it where it doesn't belong and even going into frameworks and shit like struts.
The best colleges mainly use C and python to teach the fundamentals of CS, then go into "and now here's how you actually get work done" with C# or Java. At that point the student isn't going to get railroaded onto either one, because they'll have a real base of knowledge to use as a bridge to any language.
Nothing is stopping you from using qt or any other gui framework.
It pissess me off to no fucking end that i have to load my wincuck partition in order todevelop this faggot shit.
>Hurr durr use a vm
Poorfag so my RAM gets shoahd with VM
Java is more portable and if you wanted something better you'd just use c++ instead of being Microsofts bitch
>mfw college forces a course on it
>no chance to change language because proffesor is too much of a dumbfuck to go around without daddy's microsoft cummies
It's not shilled at college, it's strangely shilled by NEETs.
Because c# users are retarded that's why they choose it over c++ because they can't memory manage
Waste of time as changes in vs2017 broke my workflow and code. I will never touch this garbage anymore. Also their syntax sugar looks dumb as fuck.
on my college teaches a shitty language called java. lucky one
Guys I am serious don't fuck it with, I've learned C++ in the last few months and I'll continue to learn but I want a solid second language to know alongside it.
C# or Java?
Double for Java ok I'm convinced.
Do you think it will stay sustainable at least 5 years from now? Like people will write projects from 0 in java because I'd like to be part of such a thing.
Been there, done that. C# is just as portable as java now between mono and .Net Core, and C++ is an absolute nightmare when it comes to IDEs, Debugging and Libraries.
> Waste of time as changes in vs2017 broke my workflow
Huh, so autism really does speak.
[Citation Needed]
not an argument.
Neither is "lol mono is bad" memes. If you gonna talk shit, back it up with facts. Otherwise you're just going to look like a child. No one is going to spend time proving you wrong, when you cannot even be bothered to prove yourself right in the first place.
Who learns this crap at college? Java's the same thing except way, way simpler. Java makes a much better teaching language.
What do you want instead, Swift?
If the guy had any class he would have played the nobody.
Maybe not for money, but for honor.
Money, Microsoft supports colleges' labs and does free courses with its engineers in exchange for teaching students its ecosystem
All college courses should be a mix of Python and Assembly, nothing else.
>code wise
kind of agree
>people wise
> All college courses should be a mix of Python and Assembly, nothing else.
Assembly I could agree with, but Python? No thank you.
>central european uni
>intro to programming classes teach C
>OOP class has Java
>C# only as an elective, optional course
Feels good to have Unix school in my school :)
>d Microsoft has been actively developing to make C# a cross-platform languag
embrace, extend, extinguish
no wonder central europe is the new tech hotbed
C# is FOSS
>C++ is turning (slooowly) into a managed language, but is keeping the bad naming convention.
>Java will forever have bad language design and THE SHITTIEST GUI libraries ever and is failling to catch up with C#/.NET features (it is c++ without pointers)
>.NET is turning (slowly) into native and will continue having THE BEST naming convention ever.
A good lookin' fast running program:
>Uses C#/.NET for fast development/GUI design.
>Uses C++ for processing
>Hooks them up using pipes/shared memory/PInvoke
If you are using JNI, consider kill yourself.
...If you want to be a wageslave at some insurance company for the rest of your life.
>C#/.NET for fast development
That's what python is for. I would rather FFI to D/C++ interchangeably than touch microshit stain ever again
Anyone know why there are so many Collections?
>>C++ is turning (slooowly) into a managed language
RAII is managed, it's not a new thing.
Rust is completely managed, but too bad it's rather hard to use
Oh, so you meant something completely different to every other usage of the term "managed language".
JAVA's and MYSQL are the shittiest things you will ever have to deal with in CS
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
public class DBDemo
// The JDBC Connector Class.
private static final String dbClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
// Connection string. emotherearth is the database the program
// is connecting to. You can include user and password after this
// by adding (say) ?user=paulr&password=paulr. Not recommended!
private static final String CONNECTION =
public static void main(String[] args) throws
// Class.forName(xxx) loads the jdbc classes and
// creates a drivermanager class factory
// Properties for user and password. Here the user and password are both 'paulr'
Properties p = new Properties();
// Now try to connect
Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(CONNECTION,p);
System.out.println("It works !");
Tbh, my company just replaced an embedded training app with a web app. The client is shitting kittens he's so happy. Side by side. The web app loads in a third the time that it takes the desktop application to load on a workstation. They also enjoy he distributed nature so that if they have a network issue in corporate, the entire company isn't crippled because no one can talk to the main database.
Java is such a fucking cancer that it takes ten pajeets to accomplish when one competent dev can do anywhere else.
That's not true at all. I'm a NEET.
>Have you tried making a GUI in Java?
Yes, and it just werks.
>Have you tried making one in C/C++ outside of Windows?
Yes, and it just werks.
>GUI making outside of Windows is a nightmare period.
t. brainlet
t. nidemare gobbles
What did you mean by this? There are arrays, lists, dictionaries, queues, etc., just like in any other language.
This isn't the 90's.
>using python
pic related
>mfw using a language that breaks on bad indenting for development
Go away, script kiddie. I am talking about development not jokes.
>python is for fast development
The only thing I'd use python for is scraping.
Also, your toy is about 50x times slower than C# which is about 2~10 times slower than Java (useless c++) which is 3 times slower than c++.
That means your toy is about 120~300 times slower than c++.
RAII is good, but C++ devs are going so far it is turning to cancer.
Maybe I want to shoot myself in the foot, so fucking what? Why is everyone so fucking triggered when someone uses plain arrays/raw pointers/new keyword when they are needed/don't pose a problem.
I've read that C++ community is thinking about implementing reflection.
If things go bad and everyone forgets what C++ is for, I am making a new language with C#'s syntax that is interpreted to plain C and compiled by the latest GCC.
I might call it C+=4 or CX. Suggestions are welcome.
>Suggestions are welcome.
Just use Dlang with betterC switch.
At my school they taught us OOP in Swift.
>mfw using a language that breaks on bad indenting for development
Which is why I use C++ exclusively. Furthermore I'm not a stupid Java/Rebranded Java brainlet so lack of GC doesn't affect me at all.
Isn't it ironic that a C# toddler boasting about speed? How long does your VM takes to load again? .5s? LOL
>This isn't the 90's.
>imblying they became better
>reddit spacing
Go back.
>If things go bad and everyone forgets what C++ is for,
Either or stick to an old C++ standard. Or hope for JAI to exist.
Muh Jihad
it's Netscape all over again
Dlang is shit. Compared to other languages, it is feature-less. It has the bad C syntax with an extra feature which is being slower than C++. It has no future.
>Isn't it ironic that a C# toddler boasting about speed? How long does your VM takes to load again? .5s? LOL
What a retarded faggot. Let me refresh your memory. You said that one should use python for fast `Development` instead of C#/.NET which is about 50 times faster than your toy
Tell me how to start with c#
Why do you faggots argue about languages all day long.
I bet less than 20% of you have ever even done real programming work or made anything worthwhile.
On the main stage? Get the fuck out.
>Install Visual Studio
>Select New WPF application
That's not a helpful answer at all, why not give him some real advice?
My hello kitty fansite is worthwhile to me faggot!
>Tell me how to start with c#
Depends on what you're trying to do,
a simple exe / dll, web, or something else
that's as much as they teach you in college. real advice: start with a project, let me think, build a video player.
>game dev majors
I stay as far away from those dumbasses as possible so maybe I just never noticed
Somewhere southeast, the same happens, too ;^)
The only difference, with my country's deteriorating economy we only have a "game development" class offered by some guy on his master, or something, and I would guess he uses C++, but I'm not sure about that.
And OOP class has only basic C++ (no stls) and even more basic Java
Same here. I'm so sick of Java I'm starting to shit on streets
put linq, wpf and C# together and you have a really good combination for deploy something fast.
I'm working for programming industrial PLCs and i have made some pretty cool apps to automate my work. Nothing overly complicated but i can now sometimes generate my code in 2 days...which used to take some 2 weeks.
Last time i was on site with one guy having his scripts in python, having roughly the same ideas that i was doing in C# - it was just painful to watch how he was struggling with UI
>touch microshit stain ever again
Like it or not a lot of businessend stuff still runs in microsoft apps
good luck automating anything in excel using anything else other than C#