Nobody talks about it? Really?

Nobody talks about it? Really?

Yet another reason to NOT buy android devices. Fucking fragmented android is a cancer of smartphones, and yet another jewish trick to force you into buying new phones in order to fix software issues.
>inb4 just get pajeet(TM) custom ROM
no thanks.
My next phone will be either Nokia 1100 or windows mobile phone (the one with x86>arm translation layer)

Other urls found in this thread:

>being too brainlet to compile your own rom

>using bluetooth
what is this, 2005?

>disable bluetooth


Not OP, but how much of a bitch is it to compile a ROM for a device which has the source available for(eg. Sony, LG Devices)?

good times




are jewish apparatuses

useless to the white man

>knows what the solution is
>dismisses it because "pajeet"
how much is applel paying you to post this, Prakesh?

>having no smartphone
>using bluez on a bistro that can into bluetooth and got the security update before the reveal
>connect it to bluetooth speaker for bedroom
>speaker/remote control/headset get recognized and work instantly
>pic related

If Pajeet can do it, why can't a Sup Forumsent do it?

Has Sup Forums become THIS retarded?

>having BT enabled
A thread literally died for your shitpost.

It's pretty convenient for remote controls, small file transfers, networks, serial connections, etc.

Then how am I supposed to use bluetooth headphones if I disable the fucking bluetooth?
>disable bluetooth because google niggers

It affects pretty much all major OSes, dumbass. Microsoft, Google, Apple, Linux. Doesn't matter.

pajeet ROMs are botnet, and you know it.

This is why I mentioned android fragmentation and the fact that 60% of smartphones will be unpatched, because Sony, LG, samshit and other nigger niggers don't support old devices.
And my Sony Z1C for example is not supported by sony since 2014.

Onus is on you to prove that. Shouldn't be hard considering Lineage is entirely open source.

Lack of support of Android devices is nothing new. Stop treating it like it is.

Where did I say it's something you, you google nigger?
I said it's yet another reason to not buy android subdevices.

I really don't care

>Small file trransfers

Just use floppy nigga

> using bluetooth, ever
Bluetooth has always been an insecure pile of crap.

Because Indians are literally 10x smarter than the fat shits on Sup Forums
>Reminder that London is already conquered

>Google nigger.
How does it feel to be so wrong? What I'm saying is that lack of updates has been a problem for a LONG, LONG time. The fact that you think it matters any more now than it did a year ago is retarded.

I've never used blueshit.

Except iOS is only vulnerable for versions of 9 and below. These are EOL products and make

and yet all the celebrity nudes were hacked from their Apple iCloud

Check fucking mate faggot


No celebrity is using android

All that post reminded me of is how vapid Jennifer Lawrence is. Much too busy taking pictures of her butthole to indulge in instagram.

That's his point you fucking knuckledragger.

>"nobody talks about it"
>3 posts the day it came out
every time

I'm curious how can this be effective if bluetooth visibility times out?

Most who have bluetooth only have their phones bluetooth visible for like 30 seconds while they connect to devices for the 1st time.

Still I'm glad I didn't get an iPhone. This kind of problem won't be completely patched for years (see fappening).

From what I've read, the BT doesn't need to be visible, just on.

That doesn't make any sense. You can't connect to a unpaired device if it's not visible.

>Armis Labs said unlike regular cyber-attacks, a BlueBorne attack can target any vulnerable device that has bluetooth.

>It gets into devices from phones to printers, computers and smart TVs by exploiting a weakness in the bluetooth software.

>According to Armis Labs, any attack that exploits the vulnerability — of which none is currently known — could spread over the air.

>"You could be simply walking down the street [and] you walk past someone who is vulnerable and suddenly they are infected," Mr Miller said.

>He said as people pass each other by, the virus passes undetected over bluetooth and without permission.

>"As that keeps going on more and more people would become infected without even knowing it," Mr Miller said.

That still doesn't say whether bluetooth needs to be visible or not.

So is there an update for windows that I can download for this? I sure as hell am not turning on windows update for it.

You can if an exploit allows it.

>he use bluetooh headphones
you deserve it faggot

kill yourself you shitposting retard
You can't even make a valid point.

this exploit was already patched in iOS 10

uh you've got bigger things to worry about if you aren't updating windows, 99% of windows updates are security patches dumbass

We should just fucking outlaw C at this point.

>outlaw C
>outlaw a language

this is bait

Will the linux kernel have a patch for this or will I have to wait for bluetooth software to update?

>download 100+ gb of random bloated bullshit

Good consumer.

Anyway, it was posted before and yeah, it's really bad. Unless you can patch it, it's best to disable Bluetooth in public.

I was in an argument with a retard about what android offered to the linux.
his first and loudest argument was tye bluetooth stack.
Jokes on him.

>trusting Microshaft to patch security vulnerabilities


>using any smartphone
no thanks. I'd rather not have a """smart""" device tracking my every move and activity. But you're right though, Google can go fuck themselves.

Any cellphone tracks your every move.

Which is why I have a dumb phone with the battery out. Only pop the battery in for emergency calls. What's wrong NSA cucks, can't find me :^)

not knowning that google provides critical updates regardless of the OS version

tries to shill so hard

>not knowning that google provides critical updates regardless of the OS version
bullshit, my Xperia hasn't received an updated in a year

>All iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices with iOS 9.3.5 and lower, and AppleTV devices with version 7.2.2 and lower are affected by the remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2017-14315). This vulnerability was already mitigated by Apple in iOS 10, so no new patch is needed to mitigate it. We recommend you upgrade to the latest iOS or tvOS available.

Just another iSheep defending his fruity toy

>implying anyone cares about what anime shows you watch
Fuck off retard.

>continuity features with my imac
>including wireless hotspot, airdrop & handoff
>seamless data communication/synchronization with my apple watch

maybe if android device eco system wasn't trash you might find some uses for it

> Armis researchers uncovered eight Bluetooth-related vulnerabilities in Android, Linux, Windows, and iOS.
> and iOS.

Apple's iOS prior to version 10 was also vulnerable.

>mfw bluetooth is literally like a natural virus

Use wired headphones, cheaper, sound better and more secure.

so if we were aliens, tentacle jeff goldblum could upload viruses to destroy our instagram app? but how will i connect with illicit local weed dealers?

>If Pajeet can do it, why can't a Sup Forumsent do it?

Because the average Sup Forums users complains about indians cuz' memes but is too illiterate to do anything more complicated than a hello world.

Isn't BlueBorne a bug on all OS' that support bluetooth and have the hardware?

I only enable Bluetooth when I need to use it, which is once every never.

>Bluetooth headphones
There is no reason to use Bluetooth headphones instead of wired headphones.

His point is that Bluetooth headphones are shit, and if they're your only reason for using Bluetooth then you should stop using them and it posthaste
How are you this much of a brainlet?

>tfw can't into android because proprietary drivers
I wanna learn, but I don't really know what I need. Plus, I don't want to download jewgle's entire fucking development suite just to compile for my phone.

i like my bluetooth earbuds.
the one and only downside is having to charge headphones. so stupid.
you can leave your phone on your desk and not worry about a cable between you and your phone.
hell, you can get up and walk 30ft and still not worry about anything.
magnetic earbuds.
automatic play/pause when joining or un-joining the earbuds

Probably all got viruses from that new Python bullshit, so their computers are down.

>In all, Armis researchers uncovered eight Bluetooth-related vulnerabilities in Android, Linux, Windows, and iOS

You're a dumbass. The bug affected all devices, not just Android.

Yes, but other devices will get patched, whereas most Android devices won't.

other than significantly improved comfort, you're right

t. typing on a keyboard is his daily workout

Anything I would wanna transfer files to or control are connected to wifi.