The state windows 7 in 2017
>browsing the interwebz as usual
>everything is a-ok
>browser suddenly crashes
>background processes start shutting down
>keep pressing ctrl+shift+esc to open task manager
>nothing happens
>desktop disappears
>at this point I could do nothing except wave my cursor around
>logging off
>realize windows is shutting down
>installing updates
And the question arises, why SHOULDN'T I use linux??
The state windows 7 in 2017
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If you're a big enough idiot for this to happen to you. Then you're never going go figure out linux.
Linux has nonproprietary filesystems so data recovery and filesystem repair is easier.
f2fs is fast as fuck as a root directory.
Systemd boot allows you to boot to login from cold in under 6 seconds.
I have no more reasons to use it.
maybe you clicked the calendar button by mistake?
loonix is a garbage os written by idiots
Mint is easier than anything else out there
good god, you fucking people are still using windows 7?
is windows such a dumpster fire that you guys can't even upgrade after two major updates?
nah, I'm on Vista SP2 lol
I run Linux, MacOS, and Windows since I have to for work.
Overall I prefer Linux but I find I spend less time troubleshooting in Windows. I find fewer things work in MacOS, and it takes longer to troubleshoot.
Realistically the worst part about macOS is just that everything requires money. I can find a million free little tools for linux and windows but it seems on the mac side everyone has their own parallax website with a giant buy now button for $4.99.
I also use linux now
Even torvalds himself is an idiot. He literally thinks there are no circumstances where the kernel should panic.
"I should have reacted to the damn added BUG_ON() lines. I suspect I will have to finally just remove the idiotic BUG_ON() concept once and for all, because there is NO F*CKING EXCUSE to knowingly kill the kernel."
You must be retarded. My windows install behaves exactly how it should.
Windows is also a garbage OS. Microsoft tried to enslave humanity but failed. UNIX won, NT is relegated to legacy corporate IT uses.
>Bad driver crashes entire NT kernel
I'll take the alternative.
There are VERY select instances where a panic is preferable to degraded function.
shitty bait lol
If you are stupid enough to still use an 8 year relic of an OS then yeah, just move to Linux instead.
Linux is quite good nowadays. Switch if you want. For a home system the only hangup is MUH GAEMS, but modern vidya is mostly garbage and the old stuff works in WINE.
So what are the circumstances for when the kernel should panic?
Why? Linux these days are way easier to use than Windows is.
Install Mint
Let me guess...You're using a spinning hard drive with windows 7. Try an ssd. Much better. Try linux too.
Any old fool can use Linux. If you want to teach someone old how to use computers then Linux is ideal. They can't mess up much, any "you have won, click here" clicking won't lead to viruses and so on and so forth. It's also much more intuitive.
For example on windows normies might call up technical support because their desktop disapears and they are in that idiotic view with all those squares. Or they are trying to find the Internet settings and can't figure out which of the 13 different settings is the one they want. Usage is much easier and more intuitive in linux. Stupid tech support questions drop from dozens per month to maybe one or two per year if at all. Anyone who have experienced teaching computers to old people know that they learn linux much faster and Linux do not get in their way like Windows does with all sorts of popups and forced restarts and that sort of thing.
Linux also makes people more impervious to scams and that sort of thing in addition to being easier to use.
if all you do is browse the web, then there is no reason to not
I'm a relatively experienced computer user and even I fucking hate using Linux at work.
You don't sound experienced at all. Linux is easier to use and you have much more control with it than windows is capable of. These two things are important.
Just jump to Linux, use Ubuntu. Is easy and makes your life easier.
>Leaving automatic updates enabled
>On Windows 7
Me too.
Stay there pajeet no one cares about your abysmal OS.
>install something
>anti-malware service executable 100% CPU usage
>using winblows 7
>so shit it crashes
>wonder why
Just dual boot if you have to suck microcock
The state of Windows 10 in 2017
>every keypress sent to Microsoft for analysis and sale to data brokers
>every time you open a program the data is saved and sent to Microsoft later so they know exactly how many times you've jacked it to that anime sex simulator
>all of your photos and images are periodically scanned by Microsoft to ensure there is no "offensive content" (now it's just CP but you'll be throw in jail soon for possessing Pepes)
>all internet history permanently saved by Microsoft (doesn't matter what browser you use)
>all email and social media data permanently saved by Microsoft
>there is zero way to opt out of any of this
Nah I think I'm good with Windows 7. Enjoy prison. It's going to be 5 years mandatory minimum for each Pepe in your possession.
>It's going to be 5 years mandatory minimum for each Pepe in your possession.
wtf i love windows 10 now
i miss when pepe was just feelsgoodman and later on sadfrog
pajeets use windows (everyone who shill windows here are from india), you quoted people who use linux.
>installing updates