You aren't still using java, are you?

you aren't still using java, are you?

Other urls found in this thread: company:apple

Yes, because no one in the real world uses your meme language.

Was this picture made before Java 8 or something?

Another dynamically typed piece of shit?


>type inference is dynamic typing
kys brainlet

dafuq does "kys" even mean?


It is dynamic typing because all the types are inferred and is not explicit in the code. I've programmed in Scala before and while it promotes several good practices which I still carry with me to this day, I'll have to side with Java because it's still very prevalent.

That's not what dynamic typing means.

this is either extremely clever bait or you're an autistic retard, and I don't normally come across such clever bait....

doubt it
>09/15/2017 @ 10:59am (UTC)
op is just a faggot whomstdve knows nothing what hes talking about

That java code won't even compile

Kiss your sister

C# replaced Java years ago.

Fuck off, microshill

List products = -> o.products).collect(toList());


This. Dumb pajeets

Nothing wrong with Java. People are just shit at using it somehow. Not my problem, fuck off.

Java has a mature ecosystem, and is pretty easy to learn and debug. It's great for large projects written from the top down.

My preferred JVM language is Clojure, but Java does have its place. I'm grateful to the Java guys just for creating the wonderful piece of tech that is the JVM.

Btw Clojure >> Scala in everything but market share.

What the fuck does "mature ecosystem" mean, why do I keep hearing Java fags say this, guaruntee they just use JUnit, and the new streams library and act like that's fucking novel

I wish java has something like node's npm
>inb4 gradle or maven
Global dependencies a a shit

you dont have to use libs because the lang has all the things already.
js is dynamic because the js compiler does not enforce types at compile time. spread the word

>What the fuck does "mature ecosystem" mean
it means there's a huge number of proven, widely used tools and libraries that have been around since a long time. all of that implies high number of features, low amount of bugs, stable but lively development pace, good documentation and high amount of learning resources

When you search Java Company it also appears Javascript companies, so that proofs nothing

Java has issues, but Scala is a mess. Real world Scala code is way more spaghetti-like and unreadable.
I'm not a fan of Java, but dismissing it because it takes a few more lines to write a trivial program is ridiculous. In the real world, Java ends up taking about the same lines of code as most languages.

You boys got it right. Scala is a true pajeet language.

but that's false. why would you lie?


Clojure actually aims to be something DIFFERENT from Java while still maintaining compatibility with the JVM (you can't go wrong with a Lisp).

Scala has this not-so-implicit superiority complex towards Java, and Java alone, but ultimately fails to be a valid alternative: for every thing it does better than Java, it does two things worse.

Someone make "the virgin Java code monkey" vs "the chad Scala engineer" company:apple
here. find one offer that mentions javascript and doesn't metion java
btw. there's now 466 apple offers for java, while at the time of making that screenshot there were only 383
so much for the "java is dying" meme

yeah. I used Scala for a while. Kotlin is a much better general Java replacement. Scala has its uses but it's definitely not a drop-in "better Java". but then we need to understand that both Kotlin and Java 8 weren't around when Scala first started gaining traction

>He fell for the Scala meme
I don't even

It'd be more realistic if the virgin were a c++ monkey. And it'd be the absolute truth if the virgin were a fortran programmer. HTML would definitely be the chad language.

You mean the virgin Scala script kiddie and the Chad Java developer.

learn to use google, kys = kill yourself.

I am, and if you have education and not self-taught brick, then you know that there are different tools for different job. Right? Every programmer should know atleast Java/C#, Python, C/C++ and some declarative logic language, you dont have to master them like a guru. More the merrier, since every language has its pros and cons. Now choose your poison.

>The Virginscript
>The C++d

Every meme developer in the country either uses Java or Javascript fir the bulk of the work. You realize, your 'fast and sleek' language is one of thousands which are unused and unsupported by the world, right ?
Best thing is, none of these will ever compare to C++ in either utility, speed or readability.
So piss off.

Wait java is still relevant. Why would anyone want that slow, gibberish, unsecure piece of shit?

Why not just ?
Talk about disabled coding (java)

List products = orders.flatMap(o -> o.products).toList();