You can always buy AMD.
Their open source drivers are great for Tonga and onwards.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why should Nvidia make drivers for an OS used by permavirgins who live in their parent's basement and don't buy new hardware? Oh, I'm sorry Nvidia isn't spending money so you can play Doom II on some video card your mom got you in 1999.
Like I'm actually in awe at that webm. Can you people please click it?
>Yfw that fucking window resizing lag
>why should glorified software development company make good software
Well I dunno.
>tfw Intel graphis on Wayland
feels comfy.
at least you got yours to work
i've been trying to get the proprietary nvidia drivers to work for months and it's completely impossible apparently
i think i've come across 4 completely different unrelated problems so far
>pay $500 for a graphics card
>install it in linux
Linux is a mental illness. 100%.
>why should bathe and and stop masterbating to animated children?
Well I dunno, but your parents would be happier.
>cheap taiwanese trapboy is damage controlling for his leather jacketed master
Whoa there.
just use proprietary drivers for it you idiot.
that is propritary. Nouveau actually works, but I get no proper 3d acceleration in programs. What now idiot?
Nice fucking useless OS you got there.
nvidia+linux is the mental illness
>complete loser devolves to even more outlandish attacks after attempted straw man argument falls flat on face.
Wew lad
t. jacketman
Nvidia uses proprietary drivers on Windows as well. If you don't want to use proprietary drivers don't buy Nvidia?
Well it's arch so OF COURSE it does not function correctly. You likely installed it wrong, arch is well known for having all sorts of weird errors.
are you literally retarded
the discussion is how poorly they work, not some philosophical freetard shit you complete fucking idiot
t. pozzed fuccboi
Michael Larabtard from Phagronix suggests novidia blob...
He made an intern he had last year to buy novidia.
Don't fall for larabtard's memes.
>Why do people use this fucking heap of shit? Is this what we can really expect in 2017?
I don't know why anyone would use Linux in 2017
t. porkshoulders man
user, I feel sorry for you
never had that problem and i've been using linux with nvidia since redhat 9 + ti4200
really? you can't think of one reason? have you used a microwave recently?
Maymays don't change the fact that loonix is objectively the worst desktop OS.
>linux is only a desktop
>I have no reason to use certain tools and am too stupid to understand why anyone would therefore linux is shit
because none of maaah edgy gaymez runs here xddd amirite
Neckbeards on full damage control. You boys are so easily triggered, ;^)
hahaha xd "i was pretending to be retarded"
>have you used a microwave recently?
Yes, it's so comfy.
Can't even drag a window or playback a video in Nouveau without lagging or stuttering.
uhh check OP i guarentee his is worse than yours
same shit happens on my amd card
But their proprietary are even worse and opengl performance on both is abysmal compared to nvidia
Only exists for backwards compatability.
Nouveau drivers are still worse.
>buying hardware you know is going to have issues on linux
Serves you right.
>tfw T410 with nvidia
Actually bought this with the intention of using Linux. What a big mistake.
>Is this what we can really expect in 2017?
From open source, yes
What is your question?
I've had worst experience with the open source drivers than the Nvidia drivers. My gnome lags on nouveau. Running a 1070
why should nvidia waste work hours for shit that doesn't matter? use your gpu to something useful instead of trying to enable useless shit like transarency. ricing is literally the last thing people should waste their electricity.
What am I allegedly looking at that makes no sense to me except that you're trying to use linux
Oh, is the the new Microsoft facts thread? cool, nice EFFECTIVE EVANGELISM.