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post yfw affirmitive action strikes again
>he thinks corporate officers do anything but push paper
I bet you think CEOs literally "run their business" like the middle manager at whatever fast food place you work at too.
but she's white you dumb nigger
You realise that there is no educational requirements for the position, right? 15% of billionaires don't even have a college degree, which is a requirement for most workdrones under them.
Chief security officer. Not executive officer... Nigger can you even read?
Corporate officers are appointed. They are managers, not programmers or laborers. Plenty of male managers in tech don't have any training in programming or technology.
>Be her
>get in charge of leading very sensible data of millions of Americans
>being a Musician
put your pants on Americans before gets late
this is just the start
>be American
>get your identity stolen
can't make this shit up
>Corporation cheaps out on hiring programmers to apply patch
>Sup Forums blames women instead of the company
It's a similar job with even less responsibility. It's all about pushing papers, holding a presentation or meeting here and there (rarely prepared by the person) and delegating.
>muh Sup Forums
as if a masters degree in music composition from a state university wasn't kind of a big deal, just because its unrelated to the field.
a masters degree in anything is impressive
Nice one.
thanks im going to get a masters degree on taking a shit, next stop is working at the NASA
You studied a lot of shit that doesn't have to do with anything you support..
They are paper pushers, but their decisions do have an impact on the company
Business over music majors any day user
>t. liberal arts major
Got me a masters in women's studies and nobody will give me a job as a patriarchy investigator. What am I doing wrong?
Good now go back there.
oh yeah i remember that disagreeing makes me Sup Forums suddenly
bait harder faggot
Equifax is such a good company why the did women and SJWs have to ruin it?
>Business over music majors any day user
With your extremely limited understanding of ... running a business maybe. No degree or engineering is so prevalent for the very top because it says something about the competence of the person. Every idiot can get a business degree with minimal effort, it's just as worthless for top positions as is music or fucking gender studies.
at least she can compose a requiem for her company now
she will be leading the funeral orchestra
That's a fugly one there in that pic. And just think, she either slept her way to the top or used the AA victimhood scam. Dunno why the hell ANYONE would even considering hiring women in the area of security when they don't even "secure" their stinking pussies. On the other hand, back in my wild days, I've out dirt-biked 3 female cops/commies but got a ticket by the male cop/commie, so there's that..
you do know that people can switch careers right? that they can learn on the job and can take a completely different path from what they graduated in?
>and you can't get a computer job with your cs degree
Ah good ol non arguments to the death
What matters most is getting through HR. If you press HR are social, a network, some outside projects(portfolio) your degree as long as you have one doesn't matter
her instrument was the dick
In this case it's an obvious fuckup. But generally experience in the field is more valuable than any degree. If you're good enough, you'll get the job (assuming you can get an interview and there isn't a legal requirement for a degree)
What would her salary be?
Higher than $150k?
How the fuck is this technology related?
Where's the fucking mods?
probably closer to $500k, equifax is a large company and that's a C position
Security in this instance refers mainly to securing data, which is computer technology.
Probably over $200k if I had to guess.
and there's your answer
I'd think 300k range plus a lot of stock.(and that stock adds a LOT of value....at least it did)
I'm fairly low on the totem pole in my company and I make $140k plus bonus
It's just a woman's profile, retard. Open your eyes.
She's not a CEO.
She's a CSO.
It is her job to make sure these fuckups don't happen.
>Chief Security Officer at [Company that recently got hacked]
haha, yeah, nothing to do with technology, move along here
So wait...all of the high profile security breaches we have heard about over the past 5 years happened because the CSO was a woman with a BS (bullshit) degree?
I don't think anyone is pointing to the fact that she's a woman, merely that she has no technical education.
Although a study of CSOs of companies that have experienced breaches would be interesting.
Realistically no. But the fact that she has no actual background in technology means that the person in charge of preventing said breeches arguably had no actual knowledge of what do to in order to stop vulnerabilities from occurring.
For instance: why the fuck were they not using 3rd party penetration testing firms?
Yeah. This is a reasonable response.
nice, I give this shitpost 5 out of 5 shitpost points
Good job HR! Any degree means your qualified.
>For instance: why the fuck were they not using 3rd party penetration testing firms?
Because big companies that aren't technically oriented often balk at spending money to safeguard systems beyond what is absolutely necessary. It's what happens when you see security as an expense instead of an investment.
>mfw all the "muh degree" fags ITT
Damn I always forget that Sup Forums is mostly highschoolers and virginal CS majors who haven't ever participated in the private sector.
you're allowed to coast without a relevant degree until your website gets caught with a username/password of admin/admin, at which point people get to rightfully question what the fuck you are doing
>Be Equifax
>Fuck over consumers
>Charge consumers money if they want to protect themselves from the fuckup
Come on man.
Degree isn't a must have. However, it is if you want to immigrate.
We may never (((know)))
So this means I still have hope in the IT industry with an unrelated degree.
We may never (((know)))
Do you have 2X chromosomes or extra melanin?
It was her responsibility to keep this kind of thing from happening. A team of programmers wouldn't cost as much as the $70 billion lawsuit they've got on their hands
Buying fender shoes so she can lead the company more efficiently.
>A team of programmers wouldn't cost as much
She could just ask some encryptards here and there to make the leak utterly useless.
Affirmative action is mostly about forcing women into positions that men are suitable for
I can see them holding a meeting (all males) where someone said "We should put a woman in an alibi position here" and someone else said "Okay what's a position she can't hurt our company?" and being all business people they picked IT security
Potentially she was a relative of someone important at equifax. If you want just a girl anyone would hire at least a fuckable one.
More like nepotism
Hot chicks don't need affirmative action. Just like feminism, it's made by and for ugly women.
you forgot the reaction pic user
She's not and never was directly responsible for their backend or security policy. CEOs are often glorified accountants. This is 100% on the board for picking a horrible executive team, specifically whoever was overseeing the engineering
Can confirm, safety officer where I work has only 4 fingers between 2 hands and refuses to tell anyone why
I want all of this plox...
reaction image not porn
> job is to hire security,and make sure security bills and isurance is paid.
I have the worst luck too, I registered for equifax to check my credit probably a week before they announced they were hacked. Should probably demand a refund.
I couldn't find a job in my field either. So now I'm CEO of my own company, in a different field. Clients never ask me for my degree.
Also to take responsibility and due diligence on hiring.
couldn't a bunch of 13 year old boys who have to update their OS to play Overwatch just as easily have applied a few pre-made downloadable security patches?
did she learn anything on the job in this case?
>mfw it's real
Are you faggots new to the workplace? People on top don't need technical skills, they delegate that to the codemonkeys because they're too busy managing stuff.
susan mauldin, btw
Prat: When hiring, do you look for data scientists, or do you look for security experts? Can you help us understand the new breed of security?
Susan: “We do look for data scientists because the analytics are so important. We need them for finding those anomalies and understanding their importance in the enterprise. But, in general, we’re looking for good analysts, whether it’s a data scientist, security analyst, network analyst, IT analyst, or even someone with an auditing degree is capable of doing this kind of work. Security can be learned.”
isn't it the job of the CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER to notice the need of hiring competent programmers to tackle security issues?
Competent people need to know how to do their job.
If it was a guy with no education in the same position, the same jokes apply.
Prat: Any other parting thoughts in terms of your message to fellow CISOs or big data practitioners out there?
Susan: I think that big data in the cloud is not something to be feared. It is a new horizon. For companies with cultural aversions to that, I think it is up to their security team to make that difference. To help enable the business so that they have the assurances that they need to do business in the cloud, in a secure manner. I think security has a very prominent role to play in that.
So you actually believe Eon Musk knows how to build a car himself? LMAO
Prat: The agility that the cloud can bring to an enterprise has sparked many conversations recently—but there's also been a big scare regarding security and compliance. How do you view the cloud and security as a CISO—are they at odds with each other or do they help each other?
Susan: “I think five years ago I would have answered you by saying that as a security professional, I would be adamantly against using the cloud. But today, I would say that the cloud is definitely the way of the future.
We used to say there was a tsunami coming and it was the cloud, but now we say that wave is here and it's cresting and we really have to figure out how to use cloud in a secure manner.
Cloud is definitely a business enabler and we can't have a security team that stands in the way of that, we need to find a way to enable our business to use the cloud services.”
> we can't have a security team that stands in the way
strategic error
Not him and I doubt he knows how to build his own cars. But building a basic car isn't exactly hard.
Making a simple combustion engine that moves wheels is fairly simple.
>BS physics
>BS economics
I'd say he has a clue as to what is needed to run a company that builds cars.
>fairly simple
have you ever observed someone with no mechanical capability attempt to operate a socket wrench?
what is simple to you because you are mechanically inclined is like calculus to the person who cannot grasp subpartitioning
he also attended an ivy league school in hard sciences, not some shit school like UGA for arts
is right. C level management aren't about actually doing the task, but ensuring that the task is done competently and all the corporate responsibilities related to it are in order.
It's about "the buck stops here".
You don't necessarily have to be trained in the domain to be effective at that, but it sure as shit helps.
I once worked for a CTO who couldn't program for shit, hunt and pecked at the keyboard, barely knew what a linux was, etc. Not technically proficient, but instead came from a project management background. He knew how to get people to get shit done, and he knew how to ream people if they didn't perform up to the standard required of us.
Musk doesn't have to tighten bolts, he has to set the framework and to do so he needs to understand the whole concept of car building from a technical and economic perspective.
likewise, a chief security officer has to understand the concept of data security and what framework is needed to ensure data security. he doesn't have to code an encryption algorithm, but he has to understand the concept of encryption as a prerequisite for data security.
Like the majority of jobs going, she probably got there through family connections.
this is great, but if he has a tactical awareness of everything down to the elemental parts, then he is better able to make judgments about shit that can and can't work regardless of advisors
>likewise, a chief security officer
who didn't comprehend fully the risk and the vulnerability because no nights were spent trying to hack into a system for the lulz
you know you don't have to circle shit when it's the only text in the image
Autists can't into subtlety