what is objectively the best font?
i vote for segoe UI light, minimalist, non bloated, looks nice.
what is objectively the best font?
i vote for segoe UI light, minimalist, non bloated, looks nice.
Other urls found in this thread:
Google might be a botnet but you can't deny their Noto font family is god tier
I personally use Hack for monospace font, can't decide on a sans serif font
I prefer fun fonts that aren't taking themselves too seriously. For interface I use Montserrat, Fira Sans or Overpass and as a monospaced font I use Fira Mono, Overpass Mono or Fantasque Sans Mono.
San Fran
Everything else looks absolutely hideous without fixes.
You might like the programming font "Operator"
It looks good if you're going to present code as in a presentation but I wouldn't find it that easy to read whenever actually programming stuff.
way too thick, try something cleaner
I love it. I'm not going to pay for a font though. Fira Code will do for now.
t. low test beta
I have garbage eye sight, thinner fonts are hard for me gg
i agree
now i love those fonts more, shit genetics filter.
get glasses, nigger.
PT Serif
I'm between Roboto and Helvetica
>Helvetica the clone in 2017
pls no
For printing I really love the URW Gothic L (sans-serif), the URW Palladio L (serif) and the Source Sans Pro (monospace).
Fo display, I prefer the DejaVu Sans (sans-serif, also replaces serif fonts in my fontconfig) and the Inconsolata (monospace).
Tewi 8pt
>that J
God, why
That's not Arial
comic sans is more serious than arial 2bh
But I only use the bold face of URW Gothic L and only for headings and emphasized words.
Helvetica's G is shit tho
ibm vga
Comic Sans
Monotype Corsiva
Adobe Garamond Pro
Amazon Ember
Deja Vu Sans Mono
Mona and
I find it easy to read, all characters are completely distinct. The font has the best curly braces.
Iosevka or Menlo
Look at the lower case a. Is that what you're used to? At least the g is readable.
Try a font like Avant Garde. It gets both right and is much more readable.
Deja Vu
it looks nice so far
Alte Schwabacher
Just make a crappy clone of it
>old Roboto
fucking retard
that just makes it hard to read stuff, unless you're opening a midevil british inn I dont see why you'd ever use that
u guys autistic?
the answer is GNU Unifont
For me, it's the McCourier
Literally nothing compares.
Dont bother comparing.
Inb4 poor people saying they can't afford it yet they buy 59 big Macs every month.
Ubuntu and Oxygen are my preferred in pretty much everything.
Menlo, looks clean and soft
Do people unironically like this?
>buying fonts
This is like paying for porn
Just took a random image from google. By the way, you look a very smart and erudite man by the way you talk.
Comic sans
Why no futura??
I use Arial unironically.
I like other fonts, and they are probably better for most people, but Arial is the most readable for me.
>discriminating against someone over something they can't control
>not being able to read calligraphy
you're right, I've never seen anything that ugly
Times New Roman
I'm a fan of Audimat Mono.
Blinded me
Poor. People.
Courier master race.
Objectively though?
Computer Modern without question.
I like Lucidia Console and Deja vu Sans mono.
I also prefer arial over helvetica for some reason.
I mostly hate the ubuntu family of fonts, what a piece of shit.
>paying for fonts
Unless it's for a project, business or something similar, I don't see the point.
try out some of the fonts listed here:
Personally, I like Terminus and Proggy (clean, w/ slashed zero & bold punctuation) for programming.
Crystal, M+ 1m, and Latin modern mono fonts (serif) are good for general browsing. The latter is designed by Donald Knuth, which is pretty cool.
>objectively the best font
No such thing. It's like asking what is objectively the most beautiful woman. There are at least a few every year and the top 10 keeps changing. But some stand the test of time better than others.
So Futura is a classic font you can never go wrong with. Same for some versions of Helvetica Neue.
But I think Montserrat and Crimson text are some of the best looking this year.
Nice suggestion, thanks.
nothing bests Segoe UI Semibold.
>He didn't make his own font
Fonts are addicting.
what are they addicting to?
>"non bloated"
You are a fucking moron and you don't know what bloat means.
I vote Helvetica.
There has never been and likely never will be a typeface more aesthetic and comfy than Helvetica.
Fun fact: You're thinking of the typeface. The font is how the typeface is executed; italic, bold, both or neither.
arial is literally the walmart version of helvetica
I think Fira Sans is a pretty good one.
Monsterrat has always had a nice feel. I hate how fonts are getting narrower
You can't make Helvetica look bad. It can't be done.
What's a good font for novel reading?
Comic sans
best font for coding, anyone?
>not a single mention of Verdana
undertale reference?
I never owned any Apple device, but I do like their fonts.
Fixedsys and TI-84
If you don't use a monospace font you're a sub 200 IQ ape.