
In 5 seconds they'll be in your room.
how fucked are you?
how do you protect your computer?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't have any illegal content on my computer, nor have I participated in any illegal computer activity that would warrant a forced entry from the police so they probably have the wrong address.

I dont like CP

Man that sheriff guy looks fucking shredded. Bet that battery RAM weighs like 100KG.

I don't live in Canada where loli is considered pizza so perfectly fine.

pic related is probably him under that uniform

Have you pirated if so then you have you have done way more then you could possibly imagine

I really only torrent Linux distros, other legal software and legal media.

Even then, wouldn't that usually give you a notice from your ISP instead of a full-on police raid?

I don't understand why people do this to themselves. All the long term problems from steroids and chronic dehydration

Well, considering i'm armed to the teeth, they'd better be more concerned about their own safety. Since I have nothing illegal nor have i ever done anything illegal, I will be forced to stand my ground from any and all unlawful entries, no matter the creed of the intruder

better check that address twice mafia jackboot coproach pieces of shit

i have totally 35 gb of data. If you don't count music it is only 10gb.

Police don't raid people in 'murica for downloading torrents (unless you're torrenting CP or something)

They would find 350 megabytes of furry m/m and a music collection filled with meme music. So, I'm not fucked.

1.5gb here m80

Meme music?

Do they really bust in without even checking what's behind the door?
There could be a crackhead with a gun waiting to shoot the moron with the ram.

turn computer off, the disk is already encrypted :^)

>turn computer off
as if you'd have enough time to do that. kek. they'd catch you with your pants down with a shocked look on your face.

OP clearly says we have 5 seconds. My power switch isn't behind 7 proxies.

I would let them look, unlocking anything they asked for. They could clone drives there and then if they wanted to. I work from home so I would basically be trying to avoid them seizing any equipment, which would severely fuck me over.

In the end I might get a telling off for my pirated movies and be left puzzled as to who called them in and what they were expecting to find.

they seize everything with storage.

They're from your company's competitor. They take everything. You also get fired for having nonexistent backup plan.

While they're at it they can upgrade the RAM and fix the clicking sound the HDD makes every now and then. It's getting annoying.

Wank faster, OP.

>they grab your RAM and put it on ice
what do?

good luck explaining that after they bust your door down, kill your dog and put you in cuffs

>Allahu Ackbar

As the napalm hellfire consumes me, my computer, and everything in a 750m radius.

My google chrome history is worse than anything I can have stored on my PC.

However unless looking at 2d underaged becomes retroactivly illegal I would be pretty much fine. They might turn my torrent data over to the various copyright holders, but I would simply declare bankrupcy and lose all of my 0 assets + some of my student loans.

>In 5 seconds they'll be in your room.
My dragon dildos are hanging from the ceiling already.
>how fucked are you?
A better question is how fucked are the police.
>how do you protect your computer?
I think at that point, my computer is the least of the police and my own concerns. At that moment, when they spring into my room. They shall be faced by me, a 315lb. Arch user, rubbing olive oil onto my rolls. Belching "It's Gnu plus Linux, Mr. lawman." It doesn't matter to me if the sight kills them as if I were Medusa. I'd rather they lived, so I could know for once - I changed someone.

>still uses evil google's shit
how fucking retarded are you? do you still take the short bus to school?

I am kinda past the point of saving.

Google already has enough info on me. Even If I changed everything now I couldnt remove my data from their servers.

Eventually they will have the tech to actually go through all my archival data. Then the thought police will come for me.

Its easier for me to just go deeper into googles world at this point and enjoy the functionality while hoping for the best.

it's never too late to stop smoking/drinking/abusing drugs/using google.
just stop. erase everything and move on.

All theyre gonna get is a lot of furry porn.

I fap faster if I only got 5 seconds

What's wrong with using Google? They have a lot of amazing free services.

thye're not free. you pay for them with your privacy.

Free as in free beer.
Not free as in freedom.

I dont, The most they'll find is a pirated copy of fate in an unactivated windows VM.

They're better off checking what I do at work. I make 50c under the minimum for salaried employees.

Flip off and on the powerswitch.

My computer is setup to automatically boot into memtest unless I specify otherwise, so that any encryption keys they were hoping to get by putting my ram on ice is gone by the time they realize what's going on.

And once they try booting the hard drive they will find that it's encrypted.

If they demand me to unlock it I will claim the sudden invasion triggered a PTSD episode, and that the shock have made me forgotten the password. Then I will sue them for unlawful entry, causing PTSD distress and anything else I can think of. Meanwhile they don't have fuckall evidence because encrypted HD that I cannot decrypt because I don't remember it (a lie that will be truth after a few days of not putting in my very long and complicated password).

If they ask why I encrypt my shit I will tell them some bullshit about how if I don't the "shadow man that sometimes walks around in my house while I sleep" will ruin my perfectly organized spreadsheets of what insects I find in my backyard every day.

2 grams thermate in each ssd and a big red button on the front of the case. I no longer have that rig but that was legitimately my biggest fear from 2012-15. I got rid of everything once I went I went legit.

>presses the "panic key" on his modified netbooting tails install
>tells netboot server to erase the bootsector on his encrypted drive, then reboots the tails running laptop
>it boots into an innocent Windows 7 install
>this process takes 1.5 seconds


>My computer is setup to automatically boot into memtest unless I specify otherwise, so that any encryption keys they were hoping to get by putting my ram on ice is gone by the time they realize what's going on.

Hot damn that's the best idea I've heard in a long long time!
The hell did you come up with that one?

u clearly watched that defcon vid about this, even you know that doesnt work well or at all generally.

Good thing i have all my illegal files in the cloud
I just logout lmao

Clever! Do you use GRUB?
give more tips senpai

for hard drives it is terrible. Ssd's on the other hand are much more sensitive. Also
I have gone to defcon every year since 2009.
When Roberts got got I damn near shit myself, luckily though I never made any major fuckups. I am still surprised I never got caught.

Press power strip switch with foot

sure you go.
Eitherway you obviously never did that and were just making that up as you had the idea from the defcon talk.

my nigga

4tb or so of pirated games, music and movies so not really fucked bu financially

>how do you protect your computer?

Me too but those who tread end up dead. No step on snek.

you know people have had that idea before it was proliferated by the defcon talk, right?

I know you think everyone on Sup Forums is mentally retarded but there are a few people who actually know what the fuck they're doing. you'd know this had you been here longer than a year.

>no mention of usbkill anywhere
nu-Sup Forums, everybody.

Have fun with your suicide by cop

# shutdown -h now
Comply with orders.

Filthy frank/pink guy, early vaporwave, maybe frankjavcee, etc.

>tfw no Ryzen Pro with transparent memory encryption
If they freeze my ram I'll probably just grab for his gun and get myself executed.

Open the side door of my PC case and run my hand through all the components.

Grab nugget, work bolt, point at door. They get a chest full of 7.62x54r and bayoneted balls unless they have a warrant.

t. based Sup Forums user

It's a vicious cycle. You do some steroids to get ripped for pussy or whatever. The testosterone makes you a bunch more competitive and you just have to win that bodybuilding contest. To do that you take more steroids...

You people are morons. The cops aren't retarded. If they catch you burning your hard drives with thermite etc, they are going to slap you hard with obstruction of justice charges. It also confirms every suspicion they have about you, in their minds, even if you actually are innocent. And no jury will buy that. If you don't give up your encryption keys, you will be found in contempt of court.

Lol at the badasses in here who think they are gonna get in a shootout with the police, let alone survive it.

The point of destroying evidence is that getting caught with it is worst than obstruction, contempt, etc... We're talking real trouble. Like next season of Game of Thrones trouble.z

>tap NFC chip to laptop
>C4 inside laptop blows it to pieces

>plug in my LAN killer
>Ethernet port directly linked to the 6 pounds of C4 in my case
>we all go out in a blaze of glory

More like
>tap NFC chip to laptop
>SSD melts and memtest runs off a liveUSB

i don't have anything to hide but i would remove my external drive with my backups and hide it somewhere and rm -rf / just to be sure


>run my hand through all the components.
>nothing happens

>In 5 seconds they'll be in your room.
they've already done everything they'll have needed to since my computer is in the hall, away from all the interface devices

This is the cringiest thread I have read in all long year.
>why do you have a plan for the police
>why would the police come for you
>thinking you're so important that your hd's get you in trouble
>thinking you're so important that your torrents call the cops on you
>thinking you could survive or even put up a firefight with law enforcement
Literally all the ppl ITT would just shit their pants and the only ones in trouble are sick fucks who download cheese pizza
Who do you think you are?

anyone here gotten swatted? what was it like?

>no fun and pretend-play allowed
fuck off back to one of the gaymer or chinkphone threads, fag.

Dude half of these people are serious


>he doesn't have a hdd killer magnet ready at all times

i guess if i really cared about my privacy i would write my own obfuscation program. I think if you get creative enough it wouldn't be worth anyone's trouble to develop the tech to solve it.


i have my homebrew killswitch on every hard drives that takes less than 3sec to wipe all data clean and destroy the hard drives, so i'm not worry

Have you never seen the loli by state info graphic? Lots of the U.S. is worse than Canada in that area.

he's right though

how does it work?


What is this? The fucking wild west?

>Fat police officers

Doesn't America have physical fitness requirements for their police?
In my country any fatties get weeded out in the entrance exam for the police school.

As far as I know there's no training process at all

You dont pay for beer with data user

Not in my country.

Sup Forums is kott territory, faggot

I'm sure they're terrified of your katana, m'sir *tips*

Only they will be fucked when I sue them for breaking my stuff and for false accusations.

>americans actually think like this
Savages, truly.

>grabbing the ram from my shitty laptop you need 2 people to hold open to get at components in the 5 seconds they have before the ram loses everything
sure thing buddy

>If they demand me to unlock it I will claim the sudden invasion triggered a PTSD episode, and that the shock have made me forgotten the password
You can be indefinitely detained for refusing to decrypt your hard drives.

>Windows 7
>one password protected admin account
>all files encrypted so they can't be copied/used outside of my account
>Light for posting on Sup Forums
>tor browser
>no illegal content, because I don't download anything

Americans poo faster than loo when shit hits the ground

This guy slaps your gfs ass infront of you at the pub. What do?

Tell him to slap mine, as well.

>windows 7

Stopped reading.
>FBI plugs in USB stick.
>FBI logs in your account using one of a million security bugs
>FBI installs every spyware under the sun and sends all passwords, screenshots, programs and websites to their own servers.
>You're fucked.

>one of a million security bugs
[citation needed]
Even if your claim is correct, if a closed-source OS has around a million securiy bug, how many security bugs do you think an open-source OS has?
Also, you should have continued reading.

Let's see
>don't do illegal shit
>only shitpost on the net
>no interesting data on my devices unless they want a decent music collection

I'd be more pissed they are taking away my device than worried.

>When even adware offers to hack your windows installation you know something is wrong.

>Bugs in open source OS
Exept that secure login and hard drive encryption is one of the most well understood open source software you could have in the entire computer industry. The entire problem has been reduced to having a good RNG, excluding easy decrypt hashes and keys to prevent library attacks.