*single handedly destroys apple*

*single handedly destroys apple*

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What is NVMe storage?

I don't know.


Hate on ios all you want, but once you really get into it and compare it side by side to android there is simply no comparison. I'd rather have an old iphone than use a new android os

I wasn't op you dumbass retard.


> By its design, NVM Express allows host hardware and software to fully exploit the levels of parallelism possible in modern SSDs. As a result, NVM Express reduces I/O overhead and brings various performance improvements in comparison to previous logical-device interfaces, including multiple, long command queues, and reduced latency.

Congratulations user, you just described why NVMe makes iPhones the fastest phones period.

lol okay


and yet they copied all feature, looks and even got the screen from Samsung LMAO

Shhhh! You'll make them cry!

A meme.

>paying Apple money for something without the nameplate, operating system and even more spyware
who does this ever

Yeah but it they made it better. It just werks

That wrap around display is gimmicky as fuck. Does it have any function?

Hell yeah they copied and they made it better too. I don't give a shit who copies who I'm going to buy the better product/experience. The entire fucking tech industry relies on copying and advancing technology.

>t. assblasted iToddler

I have an s8, I disabled all the edge features because i don't really use them but it is actually really nice. Oddly enough it also makes the phone suuper comfortable to hold, I don't know why.

It looks gorgeous, even apple loved it

They claim it's so you can check for messages and such while it's in your purse.
I never use a purse so I wouldn't know though.

Maybe also stops people from using those butt ugly cases.

Does S8 use nvme memory?

the curved edge is the stupidest most useless feature and its extremely annoying when scrolling or trying to copy text or move icons.

>Maybe also stops people from using those butt ugly cases.
Meanwhile, the official case Samsung sells for the S8 looks like this.

I can't honestly say I've seen an uglier official case since the 5C case.

lol looks like a toddlers toy.

U! G! L! Y!

*inadvertent side screen touches ruin user experience*



As great as this phone is when it comes to hardware, samsung's software just makes me want to die. They lay on their bloat apps on top of google's perfectly fine stock ones and somehow figure out a way of making everything laggy as fuck. Its a shame really.

Unless editing several layers of video in the phone NVMe is a meme, you don't need more than about 600mbs.

Ufs 2.0 or 2.1...

Best thing I ever did was buy a 27" Retina iMac and a 6th Gen 128gB iPod, both refurbed for a total of under $2000. Now I have the best computer and best handheld in the history of computing, soon to have the best OS in history. You sliding niggas can just step off while I am making Hollywood quality films.

That's exactly how I feel day #2 of using my note.

This phone feels really like an iPhone with how locked down it is. The bootloader will never be unlockable and rooting causes battery to be capped at 80%. This is ridiculous.

What is UFS?

How's all that extra internal storage you had to pay for instead of using a cheap microsd card?
I'm so jealous that you get emojis while android users get widgets.

You couldn't be anymore wrong, copying text on s8 is probably the best I've ever seen on a phone, its super fast and smart, copying text on iPhone is a PAIN, that's actually my biggest gripe with iPhone, that text copying slider refuses to move at times and when it does it's all over the place, probably the most frustrating thing in iPhone.

This isn't even the S9 which is supposed to be the iPhone 8 competitor.

the black is okay.. the rest, just no.

People that know me know that I am "Captain America", the guy who promotes and supports "America first" and all things made in America. Apple is the one exception I make. I try very hard to find something of value in Apple products but there is no way to justify their enormous costs nor is there a way to deny that their products are inferior. Samsung is a far superior company and their phones are far superior to iPhones. There is no way to convince yourself otherwise. I truly wish I could. I pains me deeply to know that a South Korean company is superior to an American company but such is the reality. And the superiority exists on several levels, not least of which is the measure of respect the companies have for our individual right to privacy and our right to sovereign ownership of the device we pay for. Apple continues to believe that they own your iPhone and a merely allowing you certain but not exclusive usage of the capabilities of that device. Samsung, on the other hand, sells you the phone fully open to you to do with as you please.

Also, I've owned the iPhone 6. I currently own the Samsung Note 8. There is no comparison, not in the phones themselves nor in the overall experience. There is no need to install the nightmarish and invasive bloated and clunky software called iTunes with the Note 8. Apple has a long, long way to go to catch up to Samsung and I believe they will never, ever do so.

hopefully native OS Level skinning becomes a thing with android 8.1 (it is already, google just needs to flick the switch). maybe that'll convince people like samsung to use that implementation for their skinning needs instead of lagfest touchwiz creates.

the bloat + duplicate apps tho, they'll never let go off.

But they're both equally shit.

>competing with something thats already below your technological level

imagine being a green bubble nigger

Sorry I don't want to put a bomb in my pocket.

no, don't make me

These fucking jews, I swear..


Hardly. But those 650,000 pre-orders over five days is a pretty healthy comeback and the note 7 disaster.

It's a Samsung device. By default it's garbage.
I don't recommend the iPhone but holy FUCK don't go Samsung

Of all the Android devices Sup Forums decided to meme, why the Samsung one?


>my phone is 3 milliseconds faster than yours.

just reads like autistic screeching

>"2.5 HDD
its only a spicy meme if you dont stick VRM sinks on them

Sold my iphone 6s and bought my s8 for 600 euro retail 3 weeks ago. Was abit nervous about the new iphone announcement, but man i grinned hard after the reveal. Basically the Iphone X is a year late feature phone with double the price of a s8. Best buy ever.

it just makes things on the screen look really nice and natural. you have to use it in person to really appreciate it.

>damage control
>damage control everywhere

Have you even seen the basic specs?
The X shits all over your piece of garbage s8 get BTFO
There's absolutely nothing at all in which the s8 is better, except sd-card and headphone jack, if that's important to you.
>600 yuros
Lol should've waited another few months then it'll be like half that

stock android sucks, you fags need to get over it, I'd rather have a phone that can do everything I want out of the box than have to download some sketchy pajeet app everytime I want to do something.

grace ux is pretty sweet so far on my note 8

because all the other ones fucking blow. Samsung is the only decent android manufacturer

Oh no, I can't expand my 64GB with painfully slow storage. please, the only phones that actually need an SD card are those android phones that come with 1GB free.

>n-nice one user

Another failure from Samsung

>Samsung is the only decent android manufacturer
Do you have Down's Syndrome?
There's OnePlus, there's LG, there's even Google itself with HTC as an ODM.

What the fuck are you smoking?

bootloop shit
shitty build quality
inferior to samsung

See you just proved his point by listing a bunch of trash

All of those make shit-tier hardware and are ugly as shit.