What do you guys think about the Brave Browser? Think it'll succeed?
What do you guys think about the Brave Browser? Think it'll succeed?
It has no "killer features" and it's ad model requires everyone to switching to brave in the first place
I like it.
updates aren't focusing on what really matters
making the desktop version actually usable and not a complete waste of time with zero open extension support and an endless list of bugs
its based off of chromium
why bother anymore
Everytime I've installed it on my phone it have always asked for access to my email.
It freezes all the time on Linux. But if it was stable I'd use it akone because it isn't chrome based.
Any shit Chromium based is just a travestied chrome
>chromium based
shit, didn't know
chromium is the best browser in existence right now it's time you legacy tards realize this
>herpaderpa i love supporting retarded slow engines because fug goodle :DDD
name 1 (one) chromium based browser that actually makes it faster in their fork
protip: you can't
Are you brain dead user? I'm not saying "hurr durr, don't use chrome" I'm saying using a chromium based browser is the same shit as chrome
privacy > customizability >>>> speed
chromium-based browsers are all shit because they get this exactly backwards
Are you? Sure, there are chromium based browsers that are literally just deeper chrome skins. But browsers like Brave offer a pretty great alternative without sacrificing the brilliant foundation.
It also beats Chrome in speed tests which is pretty hysterical.
So what was that about chromium? :) Oh right, keep running your ignorant mouth as usual.
It has over 10k users that downloaded them though. You earn money through using this browser. Don't you guys think this makes it unique?
performance > memory usage >>>>> plugins > customizability > privacy
t. Brave employee
>builds a profile on you
>uses ABP instead of uBO
Useless placebo garbage
>based on chromium
They basically false advertised it to make people think they're fighting for internet freedom, when they only fight against ads and don't give a fuck about tracking and protecting the end user.
They made the browser out of hate of Mozilla too, so they're doomed from start like DreamWorks. If you want what you think brave offers stick to Firefox.
It only beats chrome on mobile, and that's without considering that it uses a much, much less efficient adblocker. That will make a difference to the end user since uBlock Origin blocks 10x more shit and still performs much better. Might as well use a system wide adblock and a proper browser with addon support.
great browser. saved me 2 mins of my time so far.
Plus I feel good knowing (((((google)))) is not watching me.
>uses a chromium-based browser
>thinks google isn't watching him
>Brave and their ad partners are watching him
>at least it isn't Google xD
literal botnet which nourishes the advertisement platform
I want it to succeed, but it won't.
t. Jewgle
>m-m-muh electron browser
Just stop.
>against a chromium browser
Just kys retard
They have selected advertisers which sign on to use the platform to have access to the private API and they make 5% off the top.
>user... you're using Brave as your default browser, right? Surely you can appreciate the effort I put into safeguarding your privacy?
>Blocks all other advert networks apart from it's own advert network
yes yes goyim, keep on using Braveā¢
so it will block "passthepopcorn" and other trackers that violate my privacy?