
Why's displayport such absolute dogshit?
It acts like the monitor has been unplugged after it's turned off, and throws an autistic shitfit after it's turned on, swapping the primary display to my second monitor, and half of the time fails to get any signal after the monitor has been powered off overnight, forcing me to keep pulling the cable out and back in until it finally works.

Who thought any of this was a good idea?

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Displayport is superior to HDMI in every conceivable way. If you're having problems, I have a personal belief you must be genuinely retarded and cannot into cables right. Stop buying chinese shit.

DisplayPort is the best standard by far, both technically and practically. It just werks for me.

Degenerates & Thieves.

Saves The White Race.

It's the cable that came with my ViewSonic XG2401. I assume they didn't just send me some unsuitable turd.

I've never ever had problems like this with HDMI, and I see a lot of people complaining about this issue, so it can't be only my end.

works on my machine

haven't seen this in years
ty user

>buy overpriced dp cable from reputable manufacturer
>whoops sorry pin 21 is connect and your gpu is fried :^)


>upgrade GPU
>1 HDMI port and 4 DisplayPorts
>Monitors only support HDMI, DVI, and VGA
>Forced to use DP to HDMI active adapter for second monitor
>Windows freaks out when monitors sleep, moving my windows and taskbar around
>There are hundreds of pages spanning years of people complaining on Microsoft's tech forums
>Old GPU with DVI worked fine
Speak of the devil.

Yup, read about that 21 pin. Got a unbranded crap one that didn't do shit..

Brands that werk:

monitor manufacturers always give you chink shit that doesn't work unfortunately

my 144hz monitor came with a DP cable that didn't support 144hz

In my Dell P2414H I don't turn it off, I switch to a disconnected input and the monitor goes into stand-by mode without cutting signal from the PC.

DisplayPort cables with pin 20 connected will damage your GPU and possibly your monitor as well.


> Get new GPU
> Only has DVI and DP
> Happily use DP because small cables that can be flat and have amazing cable management
> Display go to sleep, computer acts as if displays have been phyiscally removed
> Display gets turned off, computer acts as if displays have been physically removed
> Desktop order gets fucked
> Window order gets fucked
> Taskbar thumbnails gets fucked
> Google for days to find a solution, find stupid shit about how to put tape on one of the microscopic pins
> Find shit about how turning off some setting helps, but it doesn't
> Find tons of posts and threads about people discussing this but no solution
> Give up and go with fat as fuck DVI cable instead

Fuck DP in the ass. I never had this problem on neither DVI nor HDMI...

>He plugs in cables without checking what they are.

Also this issue was corrected about 2 years ago by most cheapskate manufacturers.

Mine just cycles through the options until it finds an input that is connected, so that trick doesn't seem to work.

>buy dvi cable
>it just werks

>by dp cable
>have to get out your multimeter to check whether it's going to fry your gpu
maybe they should have made the ones that needed an extra pin for a power a different shape or something.

I'm using DP for like 3-4 years now (using an old hd5850) and I didn't had any problems with it (u2311), but ye the problem was real.

... the fuck is "it"? Your shitty OS that can't handle display detection?

Sounds like an AMD issue.

why the fuck is a display port breakout cable/board not a thing? the only solution is a fucking chink shit "hub" that costs as much as a monitor.

dp supports 3 monitors.. why the fuck cant I just get something to let me plug this shit in without having to have $700 monitors just to fucking daisy chain them.
If I wanted to spend tons of money on stupid shit i would have just got something that made me pay for hdmi licensing.

I tried a MST hub once
it would only work for 6/7 monitors, I could never get the hub to go beyond 2 outputs even though I was going to 1600x1200 displays

how to check if the pin20 is connected?

From what I can see, it happens on a range of operating systems and cards.

Sounds like a bad cable user

Works on my machineā„¢

I've got three 2560x1440 panels that take DVI only, most GPUs only have one DVI port so I get to use two dp>dual link adaptors.

Got a couple of other machines that use dp with their monitors and they work fine too, I dunno m80 it might be your cable, might be user error.

Whats a good DP cable brand then?

Sounds like a bad monitor or cable. I use DP all the time for my laptop and desktop, works flawlessly for me.

I've been running DP for over 3 years and i have no clue what you're on about

i don't think your cable is the issue

>It acts like the monitor has been unplugged after it's turned off
It doesn't
> throws an autistic shitfit after it's turned on
No it don't
>half of the time fails to get any signal after the monitor has been powered off overnight, forcing me to keep pulling the cable out and back in until it finally works
It's probably what is saying, stop buying dog shit cables. You get what you pay for.
Can confirm, just werks.
+100 on all views expressed.

>It acts like the monitor has been unplugged after it's turned off, and throws an autistic shitfit after it's turned on, swapping the primary display to my second monitor
sounds like an operating system issue
when a plug 'n play device is unplugged, there shouldn't be erratic behavior


go back to Sup Forums nazi shit

same ive gone back to dvi + hdmi

Pretty much VESA, Microsoft, Nvidia, and AMD have all been bitched out for this "feature" that is "by design" yet none of them are willing to take the blame and actually fix it.


go back to /leftypol/ antifa shit

I actually had the exact same problem. I had to disable display port deep sleep in my monitors settings that fixed it

Its your gpu
I had the same exact issue with my r9 270 x
When I upgraded to a 1080, it went away. Its just because old shit wasnt ready for it. Especially since I was using windows 10. I was daisy chaining them in windows 7 and it was fine.
Tldr, dp sucks sometimes

Just werks.

Cheap cables wiggle out and have to be reseated every day.
Expensive cables wiggle out and have to be reseated every other day.
Considered WAD by video card and monitor manufacturers who suggest glueing the cables.
Enjoy muh 16-235 gimped output.


Werked for me at work and play

This. Tech illiterates (OP) go away.

>not disabling monitor sleep

Do you have single monitor? If yes, then fuck off, it's about multiple displays setups.

USB-C has everything that DisplayPort has plus power and data and it's reversible.
But it's taking forever for manufactures to put it in motherboard and monitors so it can finally replace DisplayPort.

I have this problem on r9 390 and Windows 10, so that could be it then.

yeah my 390x did this as well drove me nuts

USB-C will be one to two gens old current Display port gen.

this so much, I stil have no solution for this crap

That's literally DisplayPort over USB. That's not "replacing" DP, but is just another connector, and probably another bit of USB protocol overhead getting it set up.

DP-connected monitors being checked out when you turn them off is a well known problem for people with actual jobs who try to remote into a multi-screen setup.

DP is horseshit for clueless gamer children living with their parents.

So it's shit for both wagecucks and NEETs?

Turn off autoscan, friend.

I have the same problem for 3 years now.

I just have it DP and HDMI now. Not like i need 2 DP one monitor only does 1080p60 while the 21:9 is connected via DP.

I have no idea why it does this.

Can all the HDMI shills leave this thread?

Can the monitors I connected with your failure interface NOT leave my monitor listing when I turn them off?

So if it's the same thing but with improvements why is it taking so long to be implemented everywhere?
It was released in 2014 but mostly only on laptops, i find it strange when i see monitors and motherboards being released in 2017 without it.

Irrelevant improvements.

You can configure it, usually in your monitors settings.

I personally keep it on, as it's easy to switch between my TV and my main setup monitors, I turn on my main DP monitor, it goes over to a profile where my TV is the only monitor and also turns off the other 2 side monitors, also automatically turns audio from the speakers connected to my computer over to the TV. It's great so gaymes don't need to be configured for multi monitor setups and just have the one screen. If I turn the main monitor back on, it reverts back, closing the TV and turning the desktop over to the other 3 monitors and sound back to the computer's speakers.

It's a feature imo, that you can change to your needs.

>I turn on my main DP monitor,
turn OFF*


Because it doesn't add any value on desktops.

Haven't got anything like that in my monitor settings.

They could at least start putting in in monitors because a lot of people connect their laptop to them.

It _literary_ IS DisplayPort.


There is no incentive to.
Everyone just expects you to buy an adapter of some sort.

It's perfect for laptops, a USB-C laptop can output video to the monitor and receive power from it, all you need is two cables one to power the monitor and one for video.
This way you can avoid using more cables, you don't need an extra cable to power the laptop or a USB downstream cable to use the monitors built-in USB ports if it has any.


>wasting electricity

They already do. Just buy a monitor with USB-C instead of some bottom of the barrel 50 dollar chink shit trash bin monitor.

Through your monitor's OSD menu, how the fuck else ?
>the literal actual absolute state of Sup Forums

>It's a feature
Literally appletard logic

>assuming that all monitors have it
The fucking state of Sup Forums indeed.

>he cant solve his problem using decent software then preceeds to act like a monkey.

>using decent software
Like what?

Then use I2C

You really know that your standard is shit when you even need to think of fiddling with things like that.

Most of them don't.

Of course, it's only Apple Macbooks that are equipped with this technology.

fucking this

as a quad monitor guy myself, every time i launch a game in exclusive fullscreen (need it keep the monitor's refresh rate at 144Hz), all my DisplayPort monitors throw an autistic shit fit and starts flashing/rebooting for atleast 10 seconds and my system becomes laggy and any sound that i have playing stutters.

DisplayPort might be open source, but it's shit compared to the proprietary HDMI

What OS are you using?

Windows 10.

>This way you can avoid using more cables, you don't need an extra cable to power the laptop
I have a hard time believing that you can provide any meaningful amount of power to a laptop through 5v usb.

I could be wrong, but that doesn't add up.

Well gee, then why don't you *not* buy most monitors if you want USB-C ?

Well there is your problem

>It acts like the monitor has been unplugged after it's turned off, and throws an autistic shitfit after it's turned on, swapping the primary display to my second monitor
Holy shit this

>USB 3.1 (sometimes refereed to as USB 3.1 Gen 2.): Released on July 26, 2013, USB 3.1 doubles the speed of USB 3.0 to 10Gbps (now called SuperSpeed+ or SuperSpeed USB 10 Gbps), making it as fast as the original Thunderbolt standard. USB 3.1 is backward-compatible with USB 3.0 and USB 2.0. USB 3.1 has three power profiles (according to USB Power Delivery Specification), and allows larger devices to draw power from a host: up to 2A at 5V (for a power consumption of up to 10W), and optionally up to 5A at either 12V (60W) or 20V (100W). The first USB 3.1 products are expected to be available in late 2016, and will mostly use USB Type-C design.
You're wrong.

That's actually pretty cool, thanks for the info

>It acts like the monitor has been unplugged after it's turned off
That's a feature

I feel your pain, OP. It's the same everywhere at my workplace. Monitors lose signal randomly, switching on automatically again, which shifts around the screen placement. None of this happened in the HDMI days.

DisplayPort sounds great on paper, but in reality it's horrible.


>maybe they should have made the ones that needed an extra pin for a power a different shape or something.
eSATAp actually does that, well the 5v and 12v rails are on two side pins that arnt connected if you use a non-eSATAp cable, its a nice interface.

The damn thing frying the other devices is really the problem of manufacturers.
>pin 20 is designated for an unknown voltage that we dont use, what do we do with it boss?
>just dump it al into the 3v rail and hope for the best HUURRRRRR
If you dont use the unknown power boost pin then leave the pin unused, like wtf?

and dont blame monitors like "how can the gpu know they dindu nuffin", its called over voltage protection and it should be on all of the stuff incase a cable gets cut and the power cable touches literally anything else.

Feature, my ass.

Tech is supposed to get better, not worse. DP really is a disgrace.

>DP to HDMI active adapter
Surely your graphics card was new enough that you simply needed a passive adapter, not active. I feel like this is where your troubles would have come from.

>my 144hz monitor came with a DP cable that didn't support 144hz
Lmao I wish you were trolling but I've seen some shit.

>Upgraded to 3 25" screens using display port
>plug them all in through MST, only two working
>oh, only two screens max when the resolution is 2560x1440, no worries graphics card has 3 display ports i'll just switch one screen to a free port, leaving the other two in MST
>it works perfectly, zero issues
>stumble upon this thread

did you just completely disregarded the thing he said about Chinese shit

I looked thru its manual and there is a way to put it in power saving mode, this will turn of the screen but hopefully not fuck with windows screen resulotion and keep the settings

Best port there is, faggot