Trying for 3 days already to make a w7 usb bootable, from a Unix system

>trying for 3 days already to make a w7 usb bootable, from a Unix system

why is this piece of shit so hard?In WIndows, you do 3 clicks on Rufus and its done

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lmao what a brainlet. How did you learn about Linux with that IQ level of yours?

except I have tried everything.
When I try the first 3 pages of google, and none works, then we have to admit that yes, indeed, Linux DOES have a problem.And then they wonder why their userbase is so small.

Blame microsoft, they don't want you back anymore hahaha

>Live CD creator isn't compatible with Linux

dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sda bs=1M

When I was interested in linux I used a virtualbox to familiarize myself with it before I commited to ever installing it on anything.

>Linux DOES have a problem
>I have a problem

You have to be pretending to be retarded, nobody can be so dumb they can't figure out how to use dd

already did.I have literally tried everything.

I'm on linux for almost 3 years.

making the usb bootable is now the least of my problems.The junk linux sometimes does not even read the usb, and to install anything I need to first install 10 different libs, each having other 10 different dependencies.

if you cant do it for whatever reason, do it in virtualbox. how dumb are you?

just boot up a windows VM and create the bootable USB

okay then
brb restarting PC because linux does not want to read the usb now

it's rather unlikely that it doesnt read the usb. it's probably not just auto mounting.

can you post your lsblk and lsusb output here?

Theres a reason Linux isn't a mainstream OS. Its because its got problems. One of which is if you have any problem, you're on your own.

Linux problems are usually severe and catastrophic. Meanwhile Windows problem are driver issues or software issues. That can easily be downloaded.

I agree

linux usb tools are utter shit

windows -> rufus -> done

linux -> doesn't work -> doesn't work -> doesn't work -> fuck it back to windows

and like always happens whenever you point out a flaw with linux you get a lot of retards going, "NO IT ISN'T REAL IT ONLY HAPPENED IN YOUR IMAGINATION LINUX IS PERFECT"

it depends on the implementation.
Installing and using a Raspberry Pi is easy as shit because the OS only expects its intended hardware, there are countless beginner guides and you can copy+paste to do everything you'd ever need,

Meanwhile installing Debian on my old Thinkpad I had many issues during installation, and it only worked by retrying several times (doing it the same way I might add)

>linux users have to use windows on vbox to do anything

the state of linux in 2017

funny - it's just easier if you are a brainlet and can't even follow steps of dozens of guides online.

Your lack of technical skills is distrubing...

What about installing windows in virtual machine to create bootable windows usb? If you are that lame.

>have to use a VM for professional programs
>have to use a VM with passthrough for games
>have to use a VM to create a mountable USB
What do linux users actually do in their linux distro? Rice their desktop and post on Sup Forums?

The correct way to do it in linux was posted. If it's not working for you it's because you're doing something wrong. Since we can't diagnose your mental problems we can only suggest you use something you're more familiar with.

Just dumbfucks

>What about installing windows in virtual machine to create bootable windows usb? If you are that lame.

Is this how you did it?

Windows images are really fucked, just copying the iso bytes to media doesnt work, you gotta format it to ntfs and then copy all files


the degree of butthurt of linux users ITT is hilarious

Then make it bootable (flags?) if I remember correctly. But OP is just a troll, considering they didn't even say what they tried.

OP I don't get it, are you trying to install Windows 7 through a USB flash drive/hard drive or run it directly from it? The latter is hard as fuck to do but I heard it is possible.

Try this. About as normie tier as you can get

its already mounted, like I mount your mom every night
shut the fuck up with your mambo jambo, you fedora wearing, cheetos stained neckbeard

so if its mounted then its obviously detected - why are you lying, brainlet? :^)

if dd isn't working, it's you getting the command wrong, nothing else

make sure your of is correct and you're not writing to a partition like a retard

dont play smart with me, cunt

just formated it as ntfs, added boot flag,wrote w7 mbr on it, then copied all the files.

still "please insert proper boot device" when I try to boot from it

$ pacaur -S woeusb-git
# woeusb --device win7_amd64.iso /dev/sdX
w-woah.. so hard

just use woeusb you dumb retarded subhuman pile of shit - did you even google for a second?

I can't install woeusb, it asks for 10 dependencis, and each of them has anther 10 dependencies.Installed one dependency and it did not even recognise it.

works Windows and everything else.


>he doesn't know how to use dd

>Unix system
This isn't a problem on MacOS senpai. Just use boot camp to make your installation media.

>just install windows to create a windows usb, it just werks!


What? From within MacOS you can create Windows USB installers using the boot camp utility.

>he does not read the thread

i didnt know that - thanks!

>i'll call him brainlet because he can't figure out how to make a bootable usb from an brainlet made OS

>OS made by incompetent autists that can't even create a bootable USB without hours upon hours of google searching
Made by brainlets indeed!

>He manually manages dependencies

>3 years trying to make a bootable Windows USB

Thank you. I feel better about myself now.

>without hours upon hours of google searching
literally 1-2minutes. you are just dumb :^)

dd if=Windows.iso of=/dev/usb

What's hard about it?

>too dumb to read the thread

Alright, faggot, tell me what happens when you try to dd.

That doesn't work. You'll need to format the zip disquette as FAT32 (UEFI) or NTFS (BIOS), then write the bootsector using ms-sys, then manually copy over all the files from the .iso.

> pacaur -S winusb
> winusb windows.iso /dev/ssd

Very hard indeed user

Works fine with my Windows 7 iso.

see Im downloading other w7 iso

> clicks
Absolutely wintarded.
Whadaboud dd? You can dd iso to a flash drive.

Shit distro

> One of which is if you have any problem, you're on your own.
Guess what, same applies to Windows. MS won't provide you any support even for a server copy unless you pay them for a support. What's the difference then? You're on your own anyway.

I don't know about you but Microsoft calls me on a weekly basis to check up on my system's performance and safety. For some reason all their callcenter workers are Indians though.

OK so I tried other .iso and its still the same fucking problem

I have followed this guide en detail

I don't need to
I've done with dd several times
You need to stop being retarded

Make a VM and redownload the iso within it, then install virtual box usb control and do it from there


>For some reason all their callcenter workers are Indians though.
It's funny because this is the same whether you're being scammed or not.

I've done it too with dd a few times

Your problem not mine
Try again

then why reply to this thread, you imbecile?

I'm not OP
Why would I ever be an imbecile

>format pendrive to NTFS
>write to boot sector
>copy iso contents to pendrive
Is this all that's needed? Does this work?

Found your problem. I dd'd distros to all kinds of media and they all worked out of the box on any PC.

Meanwhile when I tried to move a Windows 7 drive to another PC that didn't work and I had to reinstall it.
Really tells you something about """portability""" of Windows.
Oh and BTW:
>doesn't even work on Kaby Lake or Ryzen processors


While I would love to call him a retard, he is right. Writing a Win7 bootable USB stick is a real bitch on Linux, Rufus is the only tool that consistently works for it but that's Win only.

If on ubuntu just open drive manager and select the drive, format to required type, press recovery image and select iso

Ubuntu>>other linux

It does, just uninstall a update package lol

mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sdX
dd if=windows.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1M

Now check in your bios that you actually have BIOS or UEFI. You might need to switch to a different USB port or enable Legacy mode depending on a lot of things out of your control.

Btw, UEFI is only bootable from FAT.

I'm making mbr with msdos and fat32 atm
Ill try uefi with fat32 after,

Who could have guessed GNU/Linux would have trouble supporting proprietary software? Clearly this is Linux's fault

Hey OP stop being a bitch and just burn a disc.
Or you could spin up a temporary VM running win7 and use rufus from there.
Or you could just use win7 from the VM and not bother with win7 baremetal.

Try winusb from wine, on their website is explained why windows usb are a fuckery.

Use Etcher if you're too dumb to use dd.

etcher does not support windows
I have used dd

Use WoeUSB

I built it without a problem on Solus. The GUI is borked though, don't bother with that.

I hope you're using the up to date version that has uefi and gpt patches if you're booting on a modern system. I hope the setup system and target systems both have the same AHCI settings. If you're trying to boot on an older system I hope your setup machine matches the target machine and you use the NT installer.

Easier to just use a newer version for custom images or the Windows to go tool.

Or just fucking use some POSIX system and be done with it.

Doesn't that only create bootable installers, not bootable installs?

back to /r/technology you stupid fucking normalfaggot

if you are this retarded create a windows vm wth your iso, install the microsoft thingy to create bootable windows installers, and use that.

Linux sucks. The only decent linux distro is Android.

Just install a VM to install windows 7 to install rufus to install a bootable USB of windows 7 OP

Format to ntfs, extract iso to ntfs filesystem, install grub to usb stick, go to command line in grub,
insmod ntfs
ntldr (hdX, X)/bootmgr


fucking retard
you make 1 partition usb drive
set it as bootable
copy content of w7 iso to usb
download ms-sys
compile it
write good version of ms bootloader to your pendrive and works.
I've done it few times.

Yes. A more detailed "walkthrough":
1. repartition the drive, one large partition, type 07 - NTFS. format it was NTFS, set it to active
2. copy everything from the iso to it. It will take a while. umount when you are done.
3. use ms-sys to write NTFS win7 compatible boot sector to the partition then using another command to the mbr
ms-sys --ntfs /dev/sdb1
ms-sys --mbr7 /dev/sdb

assuming your flash drive is sdb
4. sync just to be sure, drive should be bootable by now. Works with Vista and above.

Oh and set the boot flag in gparted while you format it.

>>linux users have to use windows on vbox to do anything

It's you not "linux users"


user, it's not that hard you just have to do
sudo dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sda


this will get it set right up for you OP it will even find the windows iso for you

Or if you want Windows 10
sudo dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/*


whats funny about helping out OP?