
Any recommendations for a browser that isn't a botnet? Not interested in Tor or discussing Tor so please leave that for a different thread.

Palemoon. It's FOSS and has tons of extension support. also it's purdy /oldschoolcomfy/ imo.

>inb4 what about muh smartphone app
>he uses a joogle fagdroid/ Ifuck, counterintuitively small, celluar modem tablet
>he doesnt exclusively use a pre-paid burner flip phone
>he doesnt have a purpose built GPS
>he doesnt just keep all the "smart" applications and activities reserved to his Linux laptop connected with a 4G Dongle
>he doesnt use a shitty

is ungoogled chromium safe

BRAVE is /biz/ certified.

He said a browser that isn't a botnet and you just recommended a Chromium reskin.

Icecat, it is an unPOZZED browser based upon FF. Get it, configure it, share it.

Just use safari, you DO run mac os, don't you?

yes people suggested browsers, now what the fuck are you going to do faggot?

What about comodo ice dragon? I tried it and it's pretty fast, I'm worried it might be botnet tho, Firefox runs like shit and palemoon is always unreliable.

waterfox, cyberfox,Icecat

>you DO
>don't you?
Кaкoй жe yбoгий язык, Гocпoди, блядь...


Firefox focus

vivaldi is good now..

vivaldi was never good now

vivaldi seems bloated to me
i'm trying out qupzilla but they have this problem with ctrl+tab when the tab is in focus and i'm a noob

Tor Browser

It knows.

>Pale Moon
eff pee bee pee

>vivaldi seems bloated to me
because it has so many features? It's faster and uses less RAM than chrome or firefox even if it has so many features and is super customizable. It's the best functioning browser available despite all the features. You don't need to use all the features, the features are not in the way at all. Smaller resource footprint alone should be enough because chrome and firefox slows down computers with all that RAM it hogs.

Pale Moon

You're right. I'm running it right now. Qupzilla had me at 25%, and Vivaldi is at 20%.

No thanks. The dev is an autist and there's no way in hell they're keeping up with Firefox security-wise.

Never understood the browser meme.
I just hide the taskbar and fullscreen firefox all the time.

>Disabled all forms of autotyping, password managing, session or history storing settings.

Never been better.

Still not a botnet. It's the best browser for privacy this side of Tor.

>no way in hell they're keeping up with Firefox security-wise.
Why's that? As far as I know, they're getting all the security updates Firefox is.

Because they're on a very old fork and all the security fixes will have to be backported. Chances this are happening at the same rate as the mainline browser are nil.


>not using IE

I remember reading they're "collaborating" with FF to get the security stuff in time, isn't that a possibility?

I started using it and for some reason I can't edit userscripts. Maybe the version of Greasemonkey isn't compatible but nothing else would even install

this, IE6 is old enough that its' botnet is inert and noone is trying to exploit IE6 anymore, not to mention it doesn't support HTML5 botnet

literally the safest browsing experience

Iridium is open source

>comodo anything
Are you sure you're qualified to operate a computer?


>thin Auschwitz legs

The list never said that it wasn't. Also, open-sores != free software


Vivaldi is proprietary freeware

You're assuming that the only criteria by which a person chooses their browser is by its chrome.

I like how browser discussion on this board has literally devolved into simply "[browser I'm using]".

opera is pretty good
i'm pretty sure it has a built in vpn on private window



Brave is the closest to Sup Forums's ideal browser if not for the fact that IT'S NOT FUCKING WORKING AND IT'S UNFINISHED AS FUCK

>Vivaldi is proprietary freeware
Yes, but it functions much better than other proprietary freeware like Chrome, Safari or Edge. And functions better, faster and with less resources than any Chromium or firefox flavour.

Firstly, not true. And secondly, that's irrelevant because, again, it's proprietary. Also, Chromium downloads proprietary blobs.

literally all browsers are botnet, and if not, you will eventually open a website with unstoppable trackers on it so why bother

just pick your poison bro