/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

nosy niggas OUT edition

Previously >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/hrXxMHs9 (embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)(embed)
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

>blissful doesn't respond.


Has AB hit the user cap?

Not even close

>tfw waiting 1 month for an invite from Naoko

me too... Could get invite but want /pure

Where did you apply? Naoko responded quite quickly for me

Based Naoko keeps pajeets out.

hasnt logged in for a month now, so its pointless

you nigger

>tfw we have a few hours of bliss before the complex anime nutter wakes up and starts spamming his daily attention-seeking drivel

>mfw there are enough anime faggots to keep spamming bullshit even when the insane faggot is asleep

Honestly wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be fucking puff

....you might be on to something htere, user.

Now that I've posted it I'm too paranoid to see if he has an account on KG

funny, that same thing crossed my mind. I could check his red posts for mention of kg, but it would probably take 6 months to go through all that spam.


Can someone please make a fucking updated infographic with more relevant trackers instead of shitposting on IRC.

Anime website, pajeet.


Blue board :^)

What is it missing?

That's sfw, if you can't stand some anime boobs and ass, feel free to go back to r/piracy ;)

What if I don't like Anime and don't like Reddit?

Tumblr then

[O] Blutopia 2x

Don't like that either...
I'm sorry I don't conveniently fit into your nice, neat view of the world, user.

Anime Website.

stop avatarfagging

Anime website.


GGn is down again

>anons mom is down again

did gazellegames.net dead? I haven't been on for a while and apparently it is currently down.

perhaps I should have just read the thread.

You could always just check trackerstatus.info

That's a pretty cool site, thanks.

>Apply to BIB through RED 2 months ago
>not Auckland
>still no invite

auckland was a multi-layered meme
Ian just straight up stopped inviting users

The circle of life.

insane kg spammer hasn't shown up yet but you have
really make me think huh

Can someone please check if "The Big Book of Hell" by Matt Groening is on BIB or MAM? I don't want to join any more trackers I won't be using

Bibliotik: The Road To Hell, and some Simpsons shit.

Those are all different sluts.
Montoya or are you the retard who thinks that all anime pics are posted by one guy?

Complex anime spammer here. I'm always here you know. Just because I am too busy to watch complex anime instead of posting doesn't mean I'm spamming anything. If you mean the ironic weeb fag and not me. Then I can understand your predicament. Stay uneducated though

Any decent pyramids out today, lads? There's a new Chelsea Wolfe album out on the next Friday. It probably won't be a massive pyramid but should be worth a token.


What: page not found

How do we make AHD great again?

Time to be brutally honest. AHD as a site has seen a slowdown in the past year. To reverse this, we would like to to throw it out to you, the users, for feedback. What do you feel the issues are? What we can do to get you back and using the site again? We want to hear your input in order to help make us the destination to come to for your HD viewing. Let us know your feelings about anything: from recruitment to bonus points, from internals to glorp eating your hamster. We, as staff, lovingly run this place for the users. It may not always seem that way, but without users, we wouldn't be here doing this.


Could you please explain what you meant by your previous post? It's not very clear

is it a 1992 .cbr file?

Dion is awal, recruitment was off for months, not anything new in the horizon anytime recently. Makes sense actually

How to get easy buffer on Bib?

Upload large retail ebooks or audiobooks. For ebooks it hardly matters what you upload, as long as it's retail and not .pdf it's going to get snatched at least a couple of times. Cookbooks/arts/crafts etc. are popular, though new books might be hard to find because everybody knows that.
For audiobooks look what people snatch and upload similar books. People say that nobody snatches them but that's bullshit. Just don't upload those run of the mill novels from unknown authors, nobody downloads those. Not everything gets snatched instantly or at all, but it doesn't really matter. It's still worth it unless you can easily find +80mb retail epubs.

No. a 1992 honda .cbr bike

>JPS started counting seed time from scratch after moving torrents to a new client
Fuck I really really hope AB won't do the same or it'll nuke my yen/day.

stop stroking their hoarding ego and make BP easier

BP are too hard to earn. Set the rate to something similar to PTP and I'd use it all the time.

Upload audiobooks. Lots of them. You won't get snatches right away, but over the last months I've gotten snatches on MOST of my audiobooks at least once. Just takes time.

Where do these strange memes keep coming from. I desire more.

No, it's a CBR MP3

Well perhaps you can kys


APL and MAM down.

What does /ptg/ think about GGn?

it really does. there's only 3-4 active internal encoders at a time
a bit more remuxers but some don't do new releases
also almost all currently active encoders upload everything to ptp and hdb (except most lottery releases) so there's not much really exclusive other than remuxes but those are done by every other site

i'm not sure how theyre going to pull this off desu :O(

i agree with this

How do you feel about trackers slowly dying?

mam has been down every fucking day for the past 3 weeks

I don't care

i dont care that you don't care, cunt

AHD is some elitist crap, with now and then good encodes, but mostly good for recruitment to btn and potentially hdbits too. Nothing more nothing less. For you people interested, start by trying getting hdbits instead and keep it as backup

>just start with hdbits bro

AHD isn't trying to be elitist, there's just a small number of users
>implying hdb is the only good source of encodes
wew user, enjoy your VietHD and IDE shit :O)

Strange...I never had Kyle down as a wine drinker.

bib route

the pool of good encodes is dropping exponentially. Dion is awal. Hdmaniacd and hidt too. Only encoders from hdbits and some from ahd still remain. Maybe uhdbits too, but more or less the same as hdbits. So yeah
i feel bad

>mam still unstable
How fucking long does it take to set up a single DP server?

>bib route
not him, but i can confirm the bib route is open. mm is back.


doesn't mam have a bunch of women as staff? that probably explains it

it does, but not among the sysops/devs

it's like they never grew out of their chuuni phase

i see

thanks senpai

at least it accepts the reality

asexuality isn't real though

>banned from ab
>z-lined immediately when connecting to irc
send help

Only got about 140GB of buffer out of 600 torrents that I'm seeding with my seedbox. Any good tricks to get more buffer quickly?

Explain the auckland trick pls

Depends on site, but hard to beat autosnatching FL.

How did you get banned?

Could have been a lot of things desu I don't want to give more info publicly as that would draw attention.

just got on AB. can anyone recommend me some complex anime like DBZ?

remove yur1

/marked/ bitch

imouto umaru

Dragon Ball GT


What the fuck APOLLO faked the stats look at the enabled user count holy shit why is it allowed