In rural Canada some places only have one option for an internet service and this is it. 100 fucking dollars for 50gb per month, shit speeds and absolutely impossible for online gaming. What a scam.
>no guns
>no internet
>jailed for misgendering your prime minist-xer
>indian gang violence in the west
>black gang violence in the east
>nothing but drunk oil workers in the middle
>smaller airforce than Texas
>smaller navy than the US Coast Guard
>less AA weapons than the Kurdish Army
>12% sales tax
>50% income tax
>all to finance 3 month waits for hip surgery
did I miss anything?
>50% income tax
but take it to pol
nope that's pretty accurate.
>t. bcfag
I live on the fucking Island, why do you think it's so accurate? I'm getting educated so I can get a visa to jump south.
fuck off we're full
is it really like this?
I am going to Vancouver next week. Are there any Mexicans in Vancouver?
that is great news.
Get cucked
we manage with a lot less in india
>in india
you must write shit code
>mfw I live in Ecuador and my internet is way better than this and costs about $5 Canadian dollars a month.
> rural canada
This is sat internet right? Pretty standard for places without broadband connections.
So how are you going to provide yourself internet in a cost effective manner - better than what these bozos are providing you? Or are you just pointlessly bitching and wasting both yours and everyone else on this board's time?
Here in the UK, rural internet is finally getting some attention. I've been on ~4Mbit for years, but 76/200/300Mbit options will be available to be in a month or so. Feels good, but it need to be standard. We need to tear down the copper bit-by-bit until we have a full-fibre network.
I like to hope that enough bitching will cause the word to get out and have this company shut down
reported for underage
is this an attempt to piss me off?
Neat, how much does it cost?
more than you can afford, pal
I thought so.
which is an absolute disgrace for a small ass country like the UK
>what is purchasing power parity
>what is population density
How far are you from a town?
Can you run a fiber cable along the road to your property?
>implying $150 isn't worth it for the weather channel alone
Weather Channel is top comfy