Help me Sup Forumsents

Help me Sup Forumsents
I had to re install Windows 7 and my graphics drivers are causing pic related.
I had this same issue when I first built the damn thing maybe 6 years ago but I've forgotten how I fixed it.
Any help would be appreciated.
Asus Z87m plus mobo
Evga nvidia gtx780
Windows 7 64bit
Intel core i7
Samsung 250gb ssd
Some memory

Have downloaded the latest drivers?

Install Gentoo. That will fix it.

Install Windows Vista, it's very good OS.

Yes, I also used display driver uninstall each time, and I've tried a bunch of older drivers just in case.

>Current state of windows

go for linuuuxx

The gpu might be toast, has it been running Hot? Is it under warranty? Would you be comfortable taking it apart to clean it maybe?

No its about 0 degrees ambient temps here and I don't overlook.
Fans are working.
It was fine before avg corrupted my windows and it works fine on windows vga drivers, it's only when I install nvidia ones that it goes to shit. Windows gives it a code 43 error which means nothing.

This has only been an issue since Windows re install which is why I think it is driver related.

have you got another pc to test the gpu in? if its the same story with another pc then the gpu is just fucked. what you can do is take it apart and clean it and reapply thermal paste and theres a small chance that will fix it, if it doesn't you can try reflowing the gpu if you're desperate to fix it. That can be done professionally with a heat gun or with an oven if you're poor.

Are you autistic? Why would you let that trash touch your Windows install.
Avira or Bitdefender is the way to go if you lack common sense and an Adblocker.

It really does look like your graphics card is dying, though. Might be time for a minor upgrade.

Ah, yes. Because everybody enjoys the fuck out of fiddling hours on end trying to get a single thing to work on any linux distro.
And forget gaming or using any meaningful application. Who needs those, right? Let's just use some half working open source alternatives. That'll do the trick.
Suppose I'll have to explain to my boss that >muh leenoox is the reason why that super important document isn't readable because LibreOffice fucked the formatting.

Only desktop shit any linux distro is stable for is web browsing.

>Because everybody enjoys the fuck out of fiddling hours on end trying to get a single thing to work on any linux distro.
Aren't you doing the same with wankblows, OP

your vga is fucked
buy a new one

Nah dude. Everything on Windows just werks.

>plug in device
>oh fuck, looks like I need to manually install drivers for this device to work.
>only available driver for your distro is an old outdated open source one.
>sudo apt install obscure-outdated-driver
>fuck. apt didn't install all the dependencies like it was supposed to.
>documentation for drivers is damn near nothing. doesn't mention what the fuck all the dependencies even are.
>go on wild goose chase on millions of forum threads to find dependencies.
>finally manage to get all dependencies installed after 6 hours of searching.
>find out the whole thing was a waste of time because the driver is so old, it doesn't even support half the features you need from your device.
>begrudgingly use device with difficulty.

>plug in device
>Windows Update automatically installs correct drivers in seconds
>enjoy using device

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

True story.

Great meme, kek'd
Wankblows Spying Edition:
>plug in device
>it doesnt work
>it desperately searches drivers from wankblows poodate
>doesnt find them
>have to google it
>have to go through shitty websites to finally find the exe
>maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, specifially if the device is older one there isnt even fucking drivers available
>start considering suicide

Ganoo Loonix
>plug in device
>it just works™
>enjoy life


>plug in device
>Windows update attempts to find the driver, installs an outdated incompatible driver and requires a reboot
>oh fuck, looks like I need to manually install drivers for this device to work
>go on a wild goose chase on millions of Microsoft pajeet support threads and pajeet YouTube howtos
>find out the device is actually unsupported by the manufacturer because the driver is closed source and updating it wouldn't benefit the manufacturer
>all documentation that exists is from mailing lists where Linux hackers reverse engineered the drivers to port them to Linux
>finally figure out a way to install the ancient drivers using a compatibility layer
>need to patch existing drivers with a dodgy third party patcher, at least that's open source even if it comes with a warning saying that permanent system damage is likely
>need to boot the system in a barely documented test mode to pass driver verification
>finally get the driver installed
>it installs a datamining botnet and adware
>a DNS server gets DDoS'd in North America so the driver stops working
>windows updates
>dysfunctional driver is reinstalled, boot settings gone, modified drivers gone, need to repeat literally everything but also your Wi-Fi card's driver broke
>the settings you set last time have moved around
>sometimes when starting the system the correct drivers load, sometimes the broken drivers load, sometimes no drivers load
>none of them work consistently or for any longer than 40 minutes
>the manufacturer removes links to the drivers a week after and pretends the device never existed

>everything works out of the box
If not,
>read wiki page and paste some commands to terminal
If not,
>git clone sudo make install

that does look like a hardware error
try the card in a different PC
try to reflow if it's fucked and want to save it

Case 1:
>Install Windows 7
>Installation takes 30-45 minutes
>Reboot several times
>Gets desktop ready for first use
>Takes 10 more minutes
>Realize WiFI doesn't work
>Decide to download the wifi driver with my Linux machine
>Realize windows doesn't even have drivers for ext4 or anything but FAT or NTFS

Case 2:
>Decide to install windows 10
>Installation takes more than one whole hour this time
>Boot into windows 10
>Realize two finger scroll is not working
>Realize the touchpad stopped working
>Realize the start menu and search in the bottom panel does not work
>Thanks to touch screen laptop, I manage to install drivers for touchpad
>Driver installation leads me to reboot
>"Getting windows ready"
>30 minutes in
>"Getting windows ready"
>"Don't turn off your computer"
I decided to trash wincrap. It's a FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT and it doesn't belong outside VM

>Laptop has no OS
>Decide to install my favourite comfy OS
>It's Xubuntu LTS 16.04
>It has a LIVE environment so I can check if my hardware is compatible ootb
>Just works
>Touch screen just works and so does touchpad and wifi
>Browse Sup Forums during install
>Install takes 10 minutes
>A fully customizable, fast, responsive OS ready for me THAT JUST WORKS

I'm sorry windows is bullcrap. It doesn't have Live ISO, can NOT rank update mirrors, update takes 4-5 hours, upgrade breaks and it doesn't work, even though people pay for it.

My perception of windows is that it is still alive in desktops because of
1. computer illiterate people that does not know any other OS than windows and any other browsers than Internet Explorer
2. Availability of pirated paid software.

Android will kill windows anyways because it's easier to use. Microsoft is trying hard with the surfacebook pros but honestly it doesn't compete with tablets.

For gaming I'll lay down a hard to accept fact:
People that lost virginity use PS4 and move on with their life.

Time for the oven fix, OP

your GPU is dying, toss it in the oven or get a new one