Been a NEET for five years, what are some 80k+ tech jobs with no programming and webdev involvement? I'm looking at CCNA and other Cisco certificates but it seems to be a waste of time now that everyone relies on the cloud and everything is automating.
Been a NEET for five years, what are some 80k+ tech jobs with no programming and webdev involvement...
street walker in nyc. you'll need very high profile clients, but i doubt you are pretty enough.
RHCE seems to be a good cert to get.
>NEET for five years
Is it impossible if you enter a particular field and get experience as a NEET?
>You have two options
>You can hire this certified professional which has a pretty good resume on multiple companies
>Or you can pick this retarded brainlet which is a drain on society for 5 years
Tough call
If I made a six figure job offer would you take it
The job is to be my personal maid and the only requirement is being cute
its hard to get a job at McDonalds for minimum wage as a NEET
especially a NEET for 5 years
Can someone answer this? I'm looking at getting the CCNA but may switch to AWS if cloud is gonna push out some of those jobs.
They have a new logo fagtron
You need a degree or 2, good GPA, experience and multiple certs to even hope for a job in network engineering. The fuck even made you think a SINGLE certification can help you get a job? Are you a child?
They've regressed. I fucking hate this minimalist bullshit. Apple was a mistake.
its incredibly unlikely you will get any job
not just in the tech sector but anywhere
fucking hell man, like I said even McDonalds and shit tier retail stores will see your "qualifications" and just skip you over
I'm assuming you're an adult too, even worse to have 5 years of literally nothing and no qualifications, no one will give you slack like they would with a young kid.
This. OP would have much better luck if he had a few years experience at a place like McDonalds. Nobody wants to hire someone with no fucking job experience.
not true btw
no degree, 1 year exp and CCNP and I have a 6 figure job as a network engineer.
location and personality account for more than you think
how do you think data gets to the cloud?
how do you think data moves around in the cloud?
it's still all networking.
it won't go away, the employers will change and the methods will.
networkers need to code now, the workload isn't feasible otherwise. preferably python, the old guys still use perl.
in smaller companies networkers are usually dabbling in project management and wrangling the customer because the network is where all parts of the project come together.
you also need to be a extremely careful and reliable person, one wrong command can take everything down and kill your company. do you think someone will hire a neet without experience to do this?
IT and related fields is flooded with unexperienced retards hoping to make quick money in america. you're competing with millions. there's no room for five years neeting in your resume.
t. carrier network engineer
This applies to AWS too. don't go into IT at all.
Bullfuckingshit. I'm going to need any kind of proof that you can provide. Also, where do you live?
then where is the scope for self improvement?
the working world isn't very forgiving, and frank;y these companies don't give a shit about your self improvement
you will never ever ever get anything close to 80k as you are now, you'll be lucky if you get above minimum wage somewhere.
and if you can't code that's even worse.
do you have any degrees or diplomas at all?
t. college student with an actual job here
What exactly were your qualifications when you got your job? I'm a CIS student, and I plan to start out getting a few CompTIA certs before getting Cisco certs, aside from my degree.
Nope, in fact 3 of the 4 network engineers I work with including the architect level guy and the team lead do not have degrees. It's pretty common around here. Most companies just want competent engineers,not people with a bunch of papers saying they are competent engineers.
I feel bad for all the kids getting tricked into thinking they have to spend 4 years and hundreds of thousands to get a job in IT.
I live in Ashburn, VA. Datacenter captial of the world.
I don't know how to prove it so here's a picture of this thread and a couple paystubs on ADP.
three years IT apprenticeship (eurofag) at said carrier with two days of school a week
Time to move to Virginia I guess.
as if you can transgress against the working world