>joined the computer club
Joined the computer club
>anime picture
Who is this qt
>joined the autism brigade
>joined the owo club
>joined the linux users group
>programming club and anime club have 80% overlap in membership
>meetings are held back to back in the same room
>it's 99% discussion of the correct pair of programmer socks
>programming club and sci-fi club generally had the same members
>programming club members graduated and tbe sci-fu/anime club gets taken over by tumblrina landwhales
anime website
also anime posters >>>>>>>>>>>>>rancid shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>frog posters
>thread full of attention starved feminine bi "girls"
Yagami Koi from New Game!
Take your erp bullshit to
>join game dev club
>zero game dev
>100% MTG
fuck that noise I'm out
>computer game club gets hijacked by anime club after anime club dissolves from not having a faculty sponsor
>go to a 50th-rate uni
>surprised when you find 50th-rate students
don't forget phone posters.
>tfw cant replay with a snarky pic and sage in the same post
>Starting an anime reaction thread, shitposting 101.
Anime website you baka
>Don't reply
tried acm, but didn't like it. never went back
People like you are fucking awful. You little anime faggots get the shit beat out of you on a daily basis.
>tfw you think computer club is going to be full of qt boys dressed as anime girls in striped socks but find out you're the only one
>t. mactoddler
pls be in london
>Joined the 80's club
this girl, a cunt.
Both her and Momo are insufferable. Every scene with one or both of them in it is torture.
I also like to go to subway only to complain about how sandwhiches are shit
Go to hell.
you sound like luis roseman
>visit uni helpdesk
>entire wall is plastered with meme postcards
True story.
Why do people - who good with computers - like anime?
That group is also into collecting dragon dildos. Literal autism.
> good with computers
Because computers are more predictable than people.
> anime
Fills the void due to the lack of interaction with people.
>TFW using my fursona as my picture in the computer club #slack
At least is not a husky.
Unless that is not your fursona, and your fursona is actually a husky looking thing.
who is this "annie may" and why is she mentioned so often on this website?
>"s-stop posting anime on my super serious site for computers!1!!"
who you talkin' shit to white boi?
chill satan
at least you have clubs, there's nothing where I am
> joined anime club
> have to hear people talking about vidya, computer, and robotics clubs
life is pain
>Computer Science club dissolved a few years ago
>Technology club only has 3 other programmers
I guess I'll program a robot.
Are clubs even a thing in the US? I thought this was some anime shit...
Is her show good?
yes but s2 looks like a total shitshow
Why then? So I should only watch the first season?
College clubs in the US pretty much work exactly the way they do in animu
Nobody stays afterschool.
There's no clubs with only 5 members where you do nothing all day and end up having supernatural slice of life adventures with.
Every club over 10 people becomes extremely clique-ish, where the president and cabinet members are all close friends and they're the only real club members.
i hate the new characters they introduced, see for yourself if you like it
>Nobody stays afterschool.
well fuck it's just like here
do you like moe and yuribait? that's the show for you
I just jump over those kinds of bait
>high school
>join robotics club
>go to first meeting
>everyone there is either a """team leader""" or a retard sperg who knows nothing but Python and can barely lift a skrewdriver
fuck I hate nerds
>join CS lab
>full of pajeets and chinks
>smells constantly like BO and kimchi
>now whenever I code, it has classically conditioned me to think I smell vinegar
Worst part of it were the "girl koders" who had the attitude of "I'm not like other girls" as they are getting pajeet and autistDave to write their code for them in exchange for blowjobs. Those sloots are probably working for Google now, blowing other guys and staying at T3-level.
god i wish somebody at my university would blow me to write shitty code
i like how this show has to resort to fapbait in every scene because it's so dull and boring and doesn't stand on it's own merits
well that's the average moeshow for you
That's like 50% of anime
no, most shows aren't this slow or boring
i've never watched anime at 3x speed before i picked up new game
>ets hijacked by anime club after anime club dissolves from not having a faculty sponsor
Where u at?
well I was referring to the fanservice but this 2nd season in particular actually was saved with the introduction of these new characters. I dropped it at first but after a month they introduced them and I picked it up again
>Where u at?
Reading a book in the club room of the abandoned Literary Club.
My university's pool is reserved by the kayaking club most of the time
You're so cute, Yagami-san... Wanna go to the cafeteria? I'll pay you a coffee.
go fetch her a frappuchino, you wuss
So desperate
is season 2 good? watched new game! during twitch anime marathon and enjoyed it
I really hope you don't mention that on Sup Forums, I had a hard time talking about maidragon that same week because everyone accused me of being some filthy tertiary who just watched the twitch marathon.
It was the same turbosperg derailing all my threads with "ironic weeb" ms paint pics.
Please stay out of Sup Forums.
>starting the computer club
In highschool the programming teacher had me and 3 other kids talk to school board members my junior year.
It was pretty good because it was only me and my friends, until senior year when a bunch of jocks joined for some reason and had no idea what they were doing.
How many levels of neurotic post-meta autism do you have to be on to actually believe this shit?
I love those.
>tfw computer club at my university is full of retarded algorithm monkeys who don't even know what vim or emacs are
why are people so stupid, Sup Forums ?
I saw a ThinkPad at my university once...
>twitch anime marathon
Me too, my professor has one.
Oh man, this one describes me pretty accurately, anime-only people are fucking shitters and it is funny spoiling stuff for them.
>tfw we actually went to the district to switch everyone to Xubuntu
I did once, I really wanted it to be using gnu/Linux. I swear if it did I now would have one friend but it was a stupid windows user
I feel your pain
>sing up for computer engineering
>out of the 300 people there are 2 using linux (Ubuntu )
>none knows what vim or emacs is
>they say the black screen to refer to the CLI
>teacher wants everyone to use visual bloated studio
>no one knows the diference between compiled and interpreted
>mfw this is computer engineering