Are there any better (gaming) headsets around 200 bucks then the astro A40 TR+mixamp. was looking at the g933 but dont really care about wireless.
Are there any better (gaming) headsets around 200 bucks then the astro A40 TR+mixamp...
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>buying gaming products
Buy a headset and a mirophone separately you fucking cuck
show me a better (virtual) surround headset+mic combo which is cheaper then 200 bucks please.
>(virtual) surround headset
why don't you ask Sup Forums instead? seems more like your kind of board
why do you have to be a dick about it? just answer my question please.
> you dont belong here.
Can you be more neckbeard then that?
Surround headset is a shitty meme. For 200$ you can buy BM-800 + phantom power + actually good headphones.
Some Audio Technicas and a desktop mic
all gaming headsets are shit. "surround" is a bullshit meme.
just buy some good headphones and a mic.
Just get good headphones with a mic.
Gaming headsets have worse audio quality and bullshit software simulated surround sound.
if you like software based surround sound audio you can do that with ANY headphones, there is no need to buy headphones specifically for the software package, that's retarded. Buy headphones for the quality of the fucking headphones.
are there any alternatives to this?
looks like the mic is sold out
This works pretty well
There is always the Modmic. Purpose built for that.
Cost is more though.
Never tried the astros but the hyper X cloud 2 (I think that's what their called) are amazing
I was looking for something just as dirt cheap. The only mics i can find online are the ones attached to earbuds.
nice file name
hyperx cloud, the first version
good build quality
good sound
good accessories
having only 1 cable for both mic and headphones is super comfy, I'd never go back to headphones + mic combo for gaming
$55 on newegg
alright so get this
or a modmic or something like that (or a snowball ice - what I have, is gr8, though a bm800 is also pretty comfy in terms of price).
oh and if you really want virtual sorround? Use the razer software. It's free ware, asside from some features like using it with macros.
or this headset
highly rated for gaming, though, personally, I don't like it.
I have a 598
would not recommend
Don't get open back. There's too much ambient noise unless you live in a concrete bunker.
Sound quality is indistinguishable from the $50 headphones I had before, too.
You don't. Or you are deaf as fuck.
598 are reddit tier shitphones, but that doesn't change much.
You're getting assblasted like I just insulted your girl or something
And yet you still agree with me that the 598's aren't good.
/hpg/ is literally just a marketing thread full of advertisers and audiophiles who don't care about spending $500 on headphones. Stop paying any attention to them.
I live in a noisy house with flatmates, I've genuinely had issues hearing people shouting me from in the kitchen or about a package with my 558s, and a flatmates 598s that I've "borrowed".
I, personally, can tell there's a large difference in sound, but the 558s which are essentially the same as the 598s bar a piece of foam being present in the housing.
Then again, I got my 558s for £60 on amazon so.
A better pair of earphones would be dt990, imho, for gaming, but the issue with the dt990 on is that they're about $180, and are the 320 ohm version, meaning you would have to amp up, which would put it at ~$220 for a good amp, leaving -$20 for a mic.
Then again, this is all peoples opinions, who gives a shit.
Open back are better for gaming IMHO because wider sound stage (in general), and the 558s are the most generic universally memed recommendation, with the 598s being in OP's budget so why not.
You could pick theese up, but assdrop.
Or get 3 of these.