The iPad Pro is three times as powerful as Samsung’s best tablet, 50% more powerful than the surface pro 4...

The iPad Pro is three times as powerful as Samsung’s best tablet, 50% more powerful than the surface pro 4, and 50% more powerful than most modern laptops.

How can windows/android compete?

Face it, you’d get an iPad Pro if you could afford it

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do you shill for free?

Let’s compare some multi core numbers:

Dell XPS: 5025
Lenovo Thinkpad X1: 6012
Surface pro 4: 6304
Retina MacBook Pro 13: 6596

Samsung galaxy tab (latest): 3877

iPad Pro: 9223

WOW. Sound great, I want to buy, just one last question , does it have sd card slot?

Very nice, I want to buy. Since it's pro, can I login as root into this powerful unix system and install ssh server or something?

But then when the same benchmarks are applied to their phones and they come out weak as fuck, suddenly "you just don't need that much power"

>How can windows/android compete?
By having a far better interface.

>just one last question, aren't the grapes sour?

I just spent 30 minutes trying to add some PDFs to my iPad Pro. Apple website says I should email it and open it up. Is there a less inane way to add 100+ PDFs to an iPad Pro?

Who cares about good hardware if you can only use it with cucked software from appstore.

Too bad you can't use that power to do anything because it runs a fischer price OS and stops you from downloading any software that would actually make good use of that power.
The cloud™ is also an option.

Like a nigger, it runs fast but doesn't really work.

What can you do with all that powah?

>tfw on iPad Pro 10.5

iPad with OLED panel when?

Can't wait to see how salty Android users will be when the A11 chip will decimate anything Qualcomm for the next 2-3 years.

Geekbench is a totally bullshit benchmark

an ARM CPU doing better than i7 and i5 x86 cpus.
Yeah no bullshit.

what benefit is all of that power? what do you people do on tablets that's worth it? all I do is read books. do they have full video editing software on these things? does it post to instagram 10% faster? i just don't know who the target demographic is for these things
if I'm going to bother hooking up a keyboard why wouldn't I just buy a proper laptop with better software support?

Yes OP, the iPad Pro is the patrician choice :)

All that power and a piss yellow screen

Such a waste

Gaymen laptops with a11 when?

>non apple users before Apple started focusing on raw CPU performance
>lmao newest iPhone btfo in this benchmark

>non apple users now
>lol these benchmarks are bs and don't matter

The piss filter can be turned off, its that true tone display that changes its color depending on where you are, pretty nifty and its pretty good but it can be turned off.

>that changes its color depending on where you
So this picture was taken while on a toilet?

Top kek m8, good one.

I'm calling bullshit.
Looks exactly like yellow glow from the glue on the iphones.


Can I program and compile on it? Also, does it respect my freedoms? Oh, it doesn't? It's a tivo-ized locked-down POS? No thanks… As a software developer and someone who works on computers for a living, this device is unusable. I don't play phone games all day like a nu-male babby.

Its useless it you can't get any real work done on it.

>being relevant

>iSomething is more powerful than anything
>source: my ass

>do you shill for free?

>Face it, you’d get an iPad Pro if you could afford it

I can easily afford it. But I spend my money on things that make sense. The iPad pro has crossed over into hybrid territory but without correctly executing on a hybrid concept like MS did with the Surface Book.

Poor execution seems to be the meta with Apple these days. See last tuesday with the iTurdX Emoji Machine.

> he hasn't heard of cloud storage

lol, my two year old tablet hybrid is almost twice as powerful as mactoddlers state of the art "computer"

Leave them be. Back at university we had to use some reference materials in PDF and while my 130$ chink shit from ali did well my friend's ipad struggled so much it was pointless to even use it. Some time passed, he switched to ipad3 only to confirm it's still struggles hard. I bet he uses iShit even now. They never learn.

All android tablets are shit ever since the shield stopped getting new releases. The market isn't demanding a more powerful tablet though.
The surface and other similar devices on the other hand have the functionality of a full computer (so long as you don't get the meme-shit non-full versions). There's not really a point in having an ipad out benchmark a surface when it can't actually do anything other than write a shopping list or take photos at a ceremony see pic related. Maybe it's good at running games no one plays. At the end of
the day a surface can be used in an office environment. Hell, it can run CSGO with a mouse and keyboard if you're into that too.
Also, that surface benchmark is cherry picked. It's certainly not the i7 variant.

Use documents 6 app with a USB adapter.

too bad all that power is wasted on a useless gadget
